Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 0.18.0 - 2008-08-22


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-2585 Automatic namespace recovery from the secondary image. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-2703 New files under lease (before close) still shows up as MISSING files/blocks in fsck Minor . Koji Noguchi Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-2865 FsShell.ls() should print file attributes first then the path name. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Edward J. Yoon
HADOOP-3283 Need a mechanism for data nodes to update generation stamps. Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-2797 Withdraw CRC upgrade from HDFS Critical . Robert Chansler Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-544 Replace the job, tip and task ids with objects. Major . Owen O’Malley Enis Soztutar
HADOOP-2188 RPC should send a ping rather than use client timeouts Major ipc Owen O’Malley Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-2181 Input Split details for maps should be logged Minor . Lohit Vijayarenu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3317 add default port for hdfs namenode Minor . Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-3226 Run combiner when merging spills from map output Major . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3329 DatanodeDescriptor objects stored in FSImage may be out dated. Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-2065 Replication policy for corrupted block Major . Koji Noguchi Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-1702 Reduce buffer copies when data is written to DFS Major . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-2656 Support for upgrading existing cluster to facilitate appends to HDFS files Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3390 Remove deprecated ClientProtocol.abandonFileInProgress() Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3405 Make mapred internal classes package-local Major . Enis Soztutar Enis Soztutar
HADOOP-3035 Data nodes should inform the name-node about block crc errors. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3265 Remove deprecated API getFileCacheHints Major fs Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3310 Lease recovery for append Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3417 JobClient should not have a static configuration for cli parsing Major . Owen O’Malley Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-2909 Improve IPC idle connection management Major ipc Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3486 Change default for initial block report to 0 sec and document it in hadoop-defaults.xml Major . Sanjay Radia Sanjay Radia
HADOOP-3459 Change dfs -ls listing to closely match format on Linux Major . Mukund Madhugiri Mukund Madhugiri
HADOOP-3113 DFSOututStream.flush() should flush data to real block file on DataNode. Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3452 fsck exit code would be better if non-zero when FS corrupt Minor . Pete Wyckoff Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3095 Validating input paths and creating splits is slow on S3 Major fs, fs/s3 Tom White Tom White
HADOOP-3483 [HOD] Improvements with cluster directory handling Major contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Hemanth Yamijala
HADOOP-3184 HOD gracefully exclude “bad” nodes during ring formation Major contrib/hod Marco Nicosia Hemanth Yamijala
HADOOP-3193 Discovery of corrupt block reported in name node log Minor . Robert Chansler Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3512 Split map/reduce tools into separate jars Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3379 Document the “stream.non.zero.exit.status.is.failure” knob for streaming Blocker documentation Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3569 KFS input stream read() returns 4 bytes instead of 1 Minor . Sriram Rao Sriram Rao
HADOOP-3598 Map-Reduce framework needlessly creates temporary _${taskid} directories for Maps Blocker . Arun C Murthy Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3610 [HOD] HOD does not automatically create a cluster directory for the script option Blocker contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3665 WritableComparator newKey() fails for NullWritable Minor io Lukas Vlcek Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3683 Hadoop dfs metric FilesListed shows number of files listed instead of operations Major metrics Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3703 [HOD] logcondense needs to use the new pattern of output in hadoop dfs -lsr Blocker contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3808 [HOD] Include job tracker RPC in notes attribute after job submission Blocker contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Hemanth Yamijala
HADOOP-3837 hadop streaming does not use progress reporting to detect hung tasks Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-3074 URLStreamHandler for the DFS Major util Christophe Taton Christophe Taton
HADOOP-3061 Writable for single byte and double Major io Andrzej Bialecki Andrzej Bialecki
HADOOP-3221 Need a “LineBasedTextInputFormat” Major . Milind Bhandarkar Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3336 Direct a subset of namenode RPC events for audit logging Major . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-1915 adding counters methods using String (as opposed to Enum) Minor . Alejandro Abdelnur Tom White
HADOOP-3246 FTP client over HDFS Major util Ankur Ankur
HADOOP-3250 Extend FileSystem API to allow appending to files Major fs dhruba borthakur Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-1328 Hadoop Streaming needs to provide a way for the stream plugin to update global counters Major . Runping Qi Tom White
HADOOP-3187 Quotas for name space management Major . Robert Chansler Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3307 Archives in Hadoop. Major fs Mahadev konar Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3460 SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat Minor . Koji Noguchi Koji Noguchi
HADOOP-3230 Add command line access to named counters Major scripts Tom White Tom White
HADOOP-930 Add support for reading regular (non-block-based) files from S3 in S3FileSystem Major fs Tom White Tom White
HADOOP-3022 Fast Cluster Restart Major . Robert Chansler Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3502 Quota API needs documentation in Forrest Major . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3188 compaction utility for directories Major . Robert Chansler Robert Chansler


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-3254 FSNamesystem.gotHeartbeat(…, Object[] xferResults, Object[] deleteList) should not use Object[] as pass-by-reference parameters Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3274 The default constructor of BytesWritable should not create a 100-byte array. Minor io Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-2910 Throttle IPC Client/Server during bursts of requests or server slowdown Major ipc Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3270 Constant DatanodeCommand should be stored in static fianl immutable variables. Minor . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3164 Use FileChannel.transferTo() when data is read from DataNode. Major . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3295 Allow TextOutputFormat to use configurable separators Minor io Zheng Shao Zheng Shao
HADOOP-3308 Improve QuickSort by excluding values eq the pivot from the partition Major . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-2857 libhdfs: no way to set JVM args other than classpath Minor . Craig Macdonald Craig Macdonald
HADOOP-2461 Configuration should trim property names and accept decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers Minor conf Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-2799 Replace org.apache.hadoop.io.Closeable with java.io.Closeable Minor io Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3345 Enhance the hudson-test-patch target Minor build Nigel Daley Nigel Daley
HADOOP-3144 better fault tolerance for corrupted text files Major . Joydeep Sen Sarma Zheng Shao
HADOOP-3334 Move lease handling codes out from FSNamesystem Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-2019 DistributedFileCache should support .tgz files in addition to jars and zip files Major . Owen O’Malley Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3058 Hadoop DFS to report more replication metrics Minor metrics Marco Nicosia Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3297 The way in which ReduceTask/TaskTracker gets completion events during shuffle can be improved Major . Devaraj Das Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3364 Faster image and log edits loading. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3369 Fast block processing during name-node startup. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-2154 Non-interleaved checksums would optimize block transfers. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3332 improving the logging during shuffling Blocker . Runping Qi Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3355 Configuration should accept decimal and hexadecimal values Major conf Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3350 distcp should permit users to limit the number of maps Major . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3013 fsck to show (checksum) corrupted files Major . Koji Noguchi Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3377 Use StringUtils#replaceAll instead of Trivial . Brice Arnould Brice Arnould
HADOOP-2661 Replicator log should include block id Minor . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3398 ReduceTask::closestPowerOf2 is inefficient Trivial . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-2867 Add a task’s cwd to it’s LD_LIBRARY_PATH Major . Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3400 Facilitate creation of temporary files in HDFS Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-4 tool to mount dfs on linux Major . John Xing Pete Wyckoff
HADOOP-3434 Retain cause of bind failure in Server.bind Major . Steve Loughran Steve Loughran
HADOOP-3429 Increase the buffersize for the streaming parent java process’s streams Major . Devaraj Das Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3448 Add some more hints of the problem when datanode and namenode don’t match Minor . Steve Loughran Steve Loughran
HADOOP-3177 Expose DFSOutputStream.fsync API though the FileSystem interface Major . dhruba borthakur Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3464 [HOD] HOD can improve error messages by reporting failures on compute nodes back to hod client Major contrib/hod Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3455 IPC.Client synchronisation looks weak Major ipc Steve Loughran Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3501 deprecate InMemoryFileSystem Major fs Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-3366 Shuffle/Merge improvements Major . Arun C Murthy Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3492 add forrest documentation for user archives Blocker . Mahadev konar Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3467 The javadoc for FileSystem.deleteOnExit should have more description Blocker documentation Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3096 Improve documentation about the Task Execution Environment in the Map-Reduce tutorial Blocker documentation Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3406 Document controls for profiling maps & reduces Blocker documentation Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3277 hod should better errors message when deallocate is fired on non allocated directory. Minor contrib/hod Karam Singh
HADOOP-2762 Better documentation of controls for memory limits on hadoop daemons and Map-Reduce tasks Blocker documentation, scripts Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3535 IOUtils.close needs better documentation Blocker io Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3599 The new setCombineOnceOnly shouldn’t take a JobConf, since it is a method on JobConf Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3547 Improve documentation about distributing native libraries via DistributedCache Blocker documentation Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3532 Create build targets to create api change reports using jdiff Major build Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3572 setQuotas usage interface has some minor bugs. Minor . Mahadev konar Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-2987 Keep two generations of fsimage Major . Robert Chansler Konstantin Shvachko


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-2905 fsck -move triggers NPE in namenode Major . Michael Bieniosek Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-2928 Remove deprecated methods getContentLength() in ClientProtocol, NameNode, FileSystem, DistributedFileSystem and DFSClient Blocker . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3176 Change lease record when a open-for-write-file gets renamed Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3130 Shuffling takes too long to get the last map output. Major . Runping Qi Amar Kamat
HADOOP-3160 remove exists() from ClientProtocol and NameNode Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3269 NameNode doesn’t startup when restarted after running an MR job Blocker . Devaraj Das Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3282 TestCheckpoint occasionally fails because of the port issues. Major test Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3272 Reduce redundant copy of Block object in BlocksMap.map hash map Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3268 TestUrlStreamHandler.testFileUrls fails on Windows Major test Nigel Daley Christophe Taton
HADOOP-3127 rm /user/<username>/.Trash/____ only moves it back to .Trash Minor fs Koji Noguchi Brice Arnould
HADOOP-3300 FindBugs warnings in NetworkTopology Major . Tom White Tom White
HADOOP-2793 Links for worst performing shuffle tasks are broken in Analyze Job. Minor . Amar Kamat Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3313 RPC::Invoker makes unnecessary calls to System.currentTimeMillis Minor . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3318 Hadoop streaming doesn’t recognize “Darwin” as an OS but Soylatte (OpenJDK port to Mac) reports that rather than “Mac OS X” Major . Sam Pullara Sam Pullara
HADOOP-3301 Misleading error message when S3 URI contains hostname containing an underscore Major fs/s3 Tom White Tom White
HADOOP-3109 RPC should accepted connections even when rpc queue is full (ie undo part of HADOOP-2910) Blocker . Sanjay Radia Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3338 trunk doesn’t compile after HADOOP-544 was committed Blocker . Nigel Daley Christophe Taton
HADOOP-3337 Name-node fails to start because DatanodeInfo format changed. Blocker . Konstantin Shvachko Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3101 ‘bin/hadoop job’ should display the help and silently exit Minor . Amar Kamat Edward J. Yoon
HADOOP-3119 Text.getBytes() Trivial . Andrew Gudkov Tim Nelson
HADOOP-2294 In hdfs.h , the comment says you release the result of a hdfsListDirectory with a freehdfsFileInfo, but should say hdfsFreeFileInfo Trivial . Dick King Craig Macdonald
HADOOP-3335 ‘make clean’ in src/c++/libhdfs does ‘rm -rf /*’ Critical build Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-2930 make {start,stop}-balancer.sh work even if hadoop-daemon.sh isn’t in the PATH Trivial scripts Spiros Papadimitriou Spiros Papadimitriou
HADOOP-3085 pushMetric() method of various metric util classes should catch exceptions Major metrics Runping Qi Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3248 Improve Namenode startup performance Major . girish vaitheeswaran dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3299 org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join.CompositeInputFormat does not initialize TextInput format files with the configuration resulting in an NullPointerException Major io Jason Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3309 Unit test fails on Windows: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestMiniMRDFSSort.unknown Major . Mukund Madhugiri Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3348 TestUrlStreamHandler hangs on LINUX Major fs Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3371 MBeanUtil dumps stacktrace from registerMBean Minor metrics Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3349 FSNamesystem.changeLease(src, dst) incorrectly updates the paths inside a lease Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3365 SequenceFile.Sorter.MergeQueue.next does an unnecessary copy of the key Major io Arun C Murthy Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3203 TaskTracker::localizeJob doesn’t provide the correct size to LocalDirAllocator Major . Chris Douglas Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3388 TestDatanodeBlockScanner failed while trying to corrupt replicas Major test dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3393 TestHDFSServerPorts fails on LINUX (NFS mounted directory) and on WINDOWS Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3391 HADOOP-3248 introduced a findbugs warning. Minor . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3399 Debug log not removed in ipc client Trivial ipc Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3339 DFS Write pipeline does not detect defective datanode correctly if it times out. Major . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3396 Unit test TestDatanodeBlockScanner fails on Windows Critical . Mukund Madhugiri Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3409 NameNode should save the root inode into fsimage Major . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3296 Some levels are skipped while creating the task cache in JobInProgress Major . Amar Kamat Amar Kamat
HADOOP-3375 Lease paths are sometimes not removed from LeaseManager.sortedLeasesByPath Blocker . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3424 the value returned from getPartition should be checked to make sure it is in the range 0..#reduces-1 Major . Owen O’Malley Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3408 Change FSNamesytem status metrics to IntValue Major metrics Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3381 INode interlinks can multiply effect of memory leaks Major . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3403 Job tracker’s ExpireTackers thread gets NullPointerException if a tasktracker is lost. Blocker . Amareshwari Sriramadasu Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-1318 Do not fail completed maps on lost tasktrackers if ‘-reducer NONE’ is specified Minor . Arun C Murthy Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3351 Fix history viewer Major . Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3419 TestFsck fails once in a while on WINDOWS/LINUX Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3259 Configuration.substituteVars() needs to handle security exceptions Trivial conf Steve Loughran Edward J. Yoon
HADOOP-3232 Datanodes time out Critical . Johan Oskarsson Johan Oskarsson
HADOOP-3451 test-libhdfs fails on Linux Blocker test Mukund Madhugiri Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3401 Update FileBench to use the “work” directory for SequenceFileOutputFormat Major test Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3468 Compile error: FTPFileSystem.java:26: cannot access org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP Blocker fs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Ankur
HADOOP-2669 DFS client lost lease during writing into DFS files Major . Runping Qi dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3410 KFS implementation needs to return file modification time Minor . Sriram Rao Sriram Rao
HADOOP-3340 hadoop dfs metrics shows 0 Major metrics Eric Yang Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3435 test-patch fail if sh != bash Major . Brice Arnould Brice Arnould
HADOOP-3471 TestIndexedSort sometimes fails Major test Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3443 map outputs should not be renamed between partitions Critical . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3454 Text.find incorrectly searches beyond the end of the buffer Major . Chad Whipkey Chad Whipkey
HADOOP-3376 [HOD] HOD should have a way to detect and deal with clusters that violate/exceed resource manager limits Major contrib/hod Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-2132 Killing successfully completed jobs moves them to failed Critical . Srikanth Kakani Jothi Padmanabhan
HADOOP-2961 [HOD] Hod expects port info though external host is not mentioned. Minor contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3151 Hod should have better error messages. Major contrib/hod Arkady Borkovsky Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3476 Code cleanup needed in fuse-dfs Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Pete Wyckoff
HADOOP-2095 Reducer failed due to Out ofMemory Major . Runping Qi Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-2427 Cleanup of mapred.local.dir after maptask is complete Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-2565 DFSPath cache of FileStatus can become stale Major . Doug Cutting Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3326 ReduceTask should not sleep for 200 ms while waiting for merge to finish Major . Owen O’Malley Sharad Agarwal
HADOOP-3493 TestStreamingFailure fails. Major . Amareshwari Sriramadasu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-236 job tracker should refuse connection from a task tracker with a different version number Major . Hairong Kuang Sharad Agarwal
HADOOP-3453 ipc.Client.close() throws NullPointerException Major ipc Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3427 In ReduceTask::fetchOutputs, wait for result can be improved slightly Major . Devaraj Das Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3240 TestJobShell should not create files in the current directory Blocker test Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3496 TestHarFileSystem.testArchives fails Blocker fs Amareshwari Sriramadasu Tom White
HADOOP-2393 TaskTracker locks up removing job files within a synchronized method Critical . Joydeep Sen Sarma Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3135 if the ‘mapred.system.dir’ in the client jobconf is different from the JobTracker’s value job submission fails Critical . Alejandro Abdelnur Subru Krishnan
HADOOP-3503 Race condition when client and namenode start block recovery simultaneously Major . dhruba borthakur dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3440 TaskRunner creates a symlink with name ‘null’ if a file is added to DistributedCache without fragment Minor . Abhijit Bagri Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3413 SequenceFile.Reader doesn’t use the Serialization framework Critical io Arun C Murthy Tom White
HADOOP-3463 hadoop scripts don’t change directory to hadoop_home Critical scripts Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3491 Name-node shutdown causes InterruptedException in ResolutionMonitor Major . Konstantin Shvachko Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3509 FSNamesystem.close() throws NullPointerException Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3489 NPE in SafeModeMonitor Major . Konstantin Shvachko Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3511 Namenode should not restore the root’s quota if the quota was not in the image Blocker . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3516 TestHarFileSystem.testArchives fails with NullPointerException Blocker test Nigel Daley Subru Krishnan
HADOOP-3513 Improve NNThroughputBenchmark log messages. Major test Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3519 NPE in DFS FileSystem rename Blocker . Tom White Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3528 Metrics FilesCreated and files_deleted metrics do not match. Blocker metrics Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3418 NameNode does not restart if parent directory of a “FileUnderConstruction” is deleted. Blocker . Raghu Angadi Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3542 Hadoop archives should not create _logs file in the final archive directory. Blocker . Mahadev konar Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3544 The command “archive” is missing in the example in docs/hadoop_archives.html (and pdf) Blocker documentation Jothi Padmanabhan Jothi Padmanabhan
HADOOP-3523 [HOD] If a job does not exist in Torque’s list of jobs, HOD allocate on previously allocated directory fails. Blocker contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Hemanth Yamijala
HADOOP-3517 The last InMemory merge may be missed Blocker . Devaraj Das Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3548 The tools.jar is not included in the distribution Blocker build Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3363 HDFS throws a InconsistentFSStateException when the name node starts up on a directory that isnt formatted Blocker . Steve Loughran Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3560 Archvies sometimes create empty part files. Blocker . Mahadev konar Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3545 archive is failing with “Illegal Capacity” error Blocker . Jothi Padmanabhan Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3561 With trash enabled, ‘hadoop fs -rmr .’ still fully deletes the working dir Blocker . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3531 Hod does not report job tracker failure on hod client side when job tracker fails to come up Blocker contrib/hod Karam Singh Hemanth Yamijala
HADOOP-3575 clover target broken after src restructuring Minor build Nigel Daley Nigel Daley
HADOOP-3539 Cygwin: cygpath displays an error message in running bin/hadoop script Blocker scripts Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3564 Sometime after successful hod allocation datanode fails to come up with java.net.BindException for dfs.datanode.ipc.address Blocker contrib/hod Karam Singh Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3520 Generation stamp upgrade fails TestDFSUpgradeFromImage Blocker . Konstantin Shvachko dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3586 keep combiner backward compatible with earlier versions of hadoop Blocker . Olga Natkovich Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3533 The api to JobTracker and TaskTracker have changed incompatibly Blocker . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-3593 Update MapRed tutorial Blocker documentation Devaraj Das Devaraj Das
HADOOP-3580 Using a har file as input for the Sort example fails Blocker . Jothi Padmanabhan Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3333 job failing because of reassigning same tasktracker to failing tasks Blocker . Christian Kunz Jothi Padmanabhan
HADOOP-3534 The namenode ignores ioexceptions in close Blocker . Owen O’Malley Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3546 TaskTracker re-initialization gets stuck in cleaning up Blocker . Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3320 NPE in NetworkTopology.getDistance() Blocker . Konstantin Shvachko Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3576 hadoop dfs -mv throws NullPointerException Blocker . Lohit Vijayarenu Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3076 [HOD] If a cluster directory is specified as a relative path, an existing script.exitcode file will not be deleted. Blocker contrib/hod Hemanth Yamijala Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3590 Null pointer exception in JobTracker when the task tracker is not yet resolved Blocker . Amar Kamat Amar Kamat
HADOOP-3606 Update streaming documentation Blocker documentation Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3505 omissions in HOD documentation Blocker contrib/hod, documentation Ari Rabkin Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3603 Setting spill threshold to 100% fails to detect spill for records Blocker . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3615 DatanodeProtocol.versionID should be 16L Blocker . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3537 Datanode not starting up with java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in NetworkTopology.remove Blocker . Koji Noguchi Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3487 Balancer should not allocate a thread per block move Blocker . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-3571 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BlocksMap$BlockInfo.setPrevious Blocker . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3559 test-libhdfs fails on linux Blocker . Mukund Madhugiri Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3480 Need to update Eclipse template to reflect current trunk Blocker build Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Brice Arnould
HADOOP-3645 MetricsTimeVaryingRate returns wrong value for metric_avg_time Blocker metrics Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3552 forrest doc for hadoop commands Blocker documentation Sharad Agarwal Sharad Agarwal
HADOOP-3588 Bug report for archives Blocker . Hairong Kuang Mahadev konar
HADOOP-3635 Uncaught exception in DataBlockScanner Blocker . Koji Noguchi Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3639 Exception when closing DFSClient while multiple files are open Blocker . Benjamin Gufler Benjamin Gufler
HADOOP-3649 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in FSNamesystem.getBlockLocationsInternal Blocker . Arun C Murthy Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3604 Reduce stuck at shuffling phase Blocker . Runping Qi Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3668 Clean up HOD documentation Blocker contrib/hod Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-3597 SortValidator always uses the default file system irrespective of the actual input Major test Jothi Padmanabhan Jothi Padmanabhan
HADOOP-3688 Fix up HDFS docs Blocker . Robert Chansler Robert Chansler
HADOOP-3693 Fix documentation for Archives, distcp and native libraries Blocker documentation Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3653 test-patch target not working on hudson.zones.apache.org due to HADOOP-3480 Blocker . Nigel Daley Brice Arnould
HADOOP-3692 Fix documentation for Cluster setup and Quick start guides Blocker documentation Amareshwari Sriramadasu Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3691 Fix mapred docs Blocker documentation Amareshwari Sriramadasu Jothi Padmanabhan
HADOOP-3673 Deadlock in Datanode RPC servers Blocker . dhruba borthakur Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3630 CompositeRecordReader: key and values can be in uninitialized state if files being joined have no records Major . Jingkei Ly Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3706 CompositeInputFormat: Unable to wrap custom InputFormats Major . Jingkei Ly Jingkei Ly
HADOOP-3718 KFS: write(int v) API writes out an integer rather than a byte Minor . Sriram Rao Sriram Rao
HADOOP-3647 Corner-case in IFile leads to failed tasks Blocker . Arun C Murthy Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3716 KFS listStatus() returns NULL on empty directories Minor . Sriram Rao Sriram Rao
HADOOP-3752 Audit logging fails to record rename Blocker . Chris Douglas Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3737 CompressedWritable throws OutOfMemoryError Major io Grant Glouser Grant Glouser
HADOOP-3670 JobTracker running out of heap space Blocker . Christian Kunz Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3755 the gridmix scripts do not work with hod 0.4 Major . Runping Qi Runping Qi
HADOOP-3677 Problems with generation stamp upgrade Blocker . Konstantin Shvachko Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3743 -libjars, -files and -archives options do not work with 0.18 Blocker . Mahadev konar Amareshwari Sriramadasu
HADOOP-3774 Typos in shell output Blocker fs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3798 compile-core-test fails to compile Blocker build Mukund Madhugiri Mukund Madhugiri
HADOOP-3762 Task tracker died due to OOM Blocker . Runping Qi Doug Cutting
HADOOP-3794 KFS implementation needs to return directory modification time Minor . Sriram Rao Sriram Rao
HADOOP-3806 Remove debug message from Quicksort Trivial . Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3776 NPE in NameNode with unknown blocks Blocker . Raghu Angadi Raghu Angadi
HADOOP-3521 Hadoop mapreduce task metrics, unable to send metrics data. Blocker . Eric Yang Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3724 Namenode does not start due to exception throw while saving Image Blocker . Lohit Vijayarenu dhruba borthakur
HADOOP-3827 Jobs with empty map-outputs and intermediate compression fail Blocker . Arun C Murthy Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3855 Fix import of MiniDFSCluster in TestCompressedEmptyMapOutputs.java Blocker test Arun C Murthy Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-3865 SecondaryNameNode runs out of memory Blocker . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3884 eclipse plugin build is broken with current eclipse versions Blocker contrib/eclipse-plugin Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-3897 SecondaryNameNode fails with NullPointerException Major . Lohit Vijayarenu Lohit Vijayarenu
HADOOP-3901 CLASSPATH in bin/hadoop script is set incorrectly for cygwin Blocker scripts Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HADOOP-3947 TaskTrackers fail to connect back upon a re-init action Blocker . Amar Kamat Amareshwari Sriramadasu


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-3100 Develop tests to test the DFS command line interface Major test Mukund Madhugiri Mukund Madhugiri


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-2984 Distcp should have forrest documentation Blocker util Owen O’Malley Chris Douglas
HADOOP-3541 Namespace recovery from the secondary image should be documented. Blocker documentation Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-2632 Discussion of fsck operation in the permissions regime Major . Robert Chansler Robert Chansler