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Class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse

Removed Methods
List getDecreasedContainers() Get the list of newly decreased containers by NodeManager
List getIncreasedContainers() Get the list of newly increased containers by ResourceManager

Added Methods
Priority getApplicationPriority() Priority of the application
CollectorInfo getCollectorInfo() The data associated with the collector that belongs to this app.
List getContainersFromPreviousAttempts() Get the list of running containers as viewed by ResourceManager from previous application attempts which have not been reported to the Application Master yet.
EnhancedHeadroom getEnhancedHeadroom()  
List getRejectedSchedulingRequests() Get a list of all SchedulingRequests that the RM has rejected between this allocate call and the previous one.
List getUpdateErrors() Get the list of container update errors to inform the Application Master about the container updates that could not be satisfied due to error.
List getUpdatedContainers() Get the list of newly updated containers by ResourceManager.
void setUpdateErrors(List) Set the list of container update errors to inform the Application Master about the container updates that could not be satisfied due to error.

Changed Methods
AllocateResponse newInstance(int, List, List, List, Resource, AMCommand, int, PreemptionMessage, List, Token, List, CollectorInfo) Change in signature from (int, List, List, List, Resource, AMCommand, int, PreemptionMessage, List, List, List) to (int, List, List, List, Resource, AMCommand, int, PreemptionMessage, List, Token, List, CollectorInfo).