Generated by

Class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateRequest

Removed Methods
List getIncreaseRequests() Get the ContainerResourceIncreaseRequest being sent by the ApplicationMaster
AllocateRequest newInstance(int, float, List, List, ResourceBlacklistRequest, List)  
void setIncreaseRequests(List) Set the ContainerResourceIncreaseRequest to inform the ResourceManager about some container's resources need to be increased

Added Methods
List getSchedulingRequests() Get the list of Scheduling requests being sent by the ApplicationMaster.
String getTrackingUrl() Get the tracking url update for this heartbeat.
List getUpdateRequests() Get the list of container update requests being sent by the ApplicationMaster.
AllocateRequestBuilder newBuilder()  
AllocateRequest newInstance(int, float, List, List, List, ResourceBlacklistRequest)  
AllocateRequest newInstance(int, float, List, List, ResourceBlacklistRequest, String)  
void setSchedulingRequests(List) Set the list of Scheduling requests to inform the ResourceManager about the application's resource requirements (potentially including allocation tags and placement constraints).
void setTrackingUrl(String) Set the new tracking url for this application.
void setUpdateRequests(List) Set the list of container update requests to inform the ResourceManager about the containers that need to be updated.