Uses of Class

Packages that use EventRecord

Uses of EventRecord in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.failmon

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.failmon that return EventRecord
 EventRecord LogParser.getNext()
          Continue parsing the log file until a valid log entry is identified.
 EventRecord[] NICParser.monitor()
          Invokes query() to do the parsing and handles parsing errors for each one of the NICs specified in the configuration.
 EventRecord[] LogParser.monitor()
          Get an array of all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component.
 EventRecord[] SMARTParser.monitor()
          Invokes query() to do the parsing and handles parsing errors for each one of the disks specified in the configuration.
 EventRecord[] CPUParser.monitor()
          Invokes query() to do the parsing and handles parsing errors.
 EventRecord[] Monitored.monitor()
          Get an array of all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component.
 EventRecord[] SensorsParser.monitor()
          Invokes query() to do the parsing and handles parsing errors.
abstract  EventRecord[] ShellParser.monitor()
abstract  EventRecord LogParser.parseLine(String line)
          Parses one line of the log.
 EventRecord HadoopLogParser.parseLine(String line)
          Parses one line of the log.
 EventRecord SystemLogParser.parseLine(String line)
          Parses one line of the log.
 EventRecord NICParser.query(String device)
          Reads and parses the output of ifconfig for a specified NIC and creates an appropriate EventRecord that holds the desirable information for it.
 EventRecord SMARTParser.query(String device)
          Reads and parses the output of smartctl for a specified disk and creates an appropriate EventRecord that holds the desirable information for it.
 EventRecord CPUParser.query(String s)
          Reads and parses /proc/cpuinfo and creates an appropriate EventRecord that holds the desirable information.
 EventRecord SensorsParser.query(String s)
          Reads and parses the output of the 'sensors' command and creates an appropriate EventRecord that holds the desirable information.
abstract  EventRecord ShellParser.query(String s)

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.failmon with parameters of type EventRecord
static SerializedRecord Anonymizer.anonymize(EventRecord er)
          Anonymize hostnames, ip addresses and file names/paths that appear in fields of an EventRecord, after it gets serialized into a SerializedRecord.
 void LocalStore.insert(EventRecord er)
          Insert an EventRecord to the local storage, after it gets serialized and anonymized.
 void LocalStore.insert(EventRecord[] ers)
          Insert an array of EventRecords to the local storage, after they get serialized and anonymized.

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.failmon with parameters of type EventRecord
SerializedRecord(EventRecord source)
          Create the SerializedRecord given an EventRecord.

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