Interface Monitored

All Known Implementing Classes:
CPUParser, HadoopLogParser, LogParser, NICParser, SensorsParser, ShellParser, SMARTParser, SystemLogParser

public interface Monitored

Represents objects that monitor specific hardware resources and can query them to get EventRecords describing the state of these resources.

Method Summary
 String getInfo()
          Return a String with information about the implementing class
 EventRecord[] monitor()
          Get an array of all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component.
 void monitor(LocalStore ls)
          Inserts all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component into a LocalStore.

Method Detail


EventRecord[] monitor()
Get an array of all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component.

The array of EventRecords


void monitor(LocalStore ls)
Inserts all EventRecords that can be extracted for the represented hardware component into a LocalStore.

ls - the LocalStore into which the EventRecords are to be stored.


String getInfo()
Return a String with information about the implementing class

A String describing the implementing class

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