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Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util

Added Classes
BoundedAppender A CharSequence appender that considers its #limit as upper bound.
ConverterUtils This class contains a set of utilities which help converting data structures from/to 'serializableFormat' to/from hadoop/nativejava data structures.
MonotonicClock A monotonic clock from some arbitrary time base in the past counting in milliseconds and not affected by settimeofday or similar system clock changes.

Changed Classes
AbstractLivelinessMonitor A simple liveliness monitor with which clients can register trust the component to monitor liveliness get a call-back on expiry and then finally unregister.
ResourceCalculatorProcessTree Interface class to obtain process resource usage NOTE: This class should not be used by external users but only by external developers to extend and include their own process-tree implementation especially for platforms other than Linux and Windows.
SystemClock Implementation of Clock that gives the current time from the system clock in milliseconds.