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Added Constructors
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, int, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext, String, ContainerType, ExecutionType)  
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, int, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext, String, ContainerType, ExecutionType, long) Convenience Constructor for existing clients.
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, int, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext, String, ContainerType, ExecutionType, long, Set) Create a Container Token Identifier.
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext, String)  
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext, String, ContainerType)  

Changed Constructors
ContainerTokenIdentifier(ContainerId, String, String, Resource, long, int, long, Priority, long, LogAggregationContext) Now deprecated.
Use one of the other constructors instead.

Added Methods
Set getAllcationTags()  
long getAllocationRequestId()  
ContainerType getContainerType() Get the ContainerType of container to allocate.
ExecutionType getExecutionType() Get the ExecutionType of container to allocate
String getNodeLabelExpression() Get the node-label-expression in the original ResourceRequest.
int getVersion() Get the Container version