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Class org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.FutureIO

Added Methods
List awaitAllFutures(Collection) Evaluates a collection of futures and returns their results as a list.
List awaitAllFutures(Collection, Duration) Evaluates a collection of futures and returns their results as a list but only waits up to the specified timeout for each future to complete.
List cancelAllFuturesAndAwaitCompletion(Collection, boolean, Duration) Cancels a collection of futures and awaits the specified duration for their completion.

Changed Methods
T awaitFuture(Future) Change in exceptions: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException was added.
Given a future evaluate it.
T awaitFuture(Future, long, TimeUnit) Change in exceptions: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException was added.
Given a future evaluate it.