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Interface org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSBuilder

Removed Methods
B must(String, boolean) Set mandatory boolean option.
B must(String, double) Set mandatory double option.
B must(String, int) Set mandatory int option.
B must(String, long) Set mandatory long option.
B opt(String, boolean) Set optional boolean parameter for the Builder.
B opt(String, int) Set optional int parameter for the Builder.

Added Methods
B must(String, boolean) Set mandatory boolean option.
B must(String, double) Set mandatory long option despite passing in a floating point value.
B must(String, int) Set mandatory int option.
B must(String, long) Set mandatory long option.
B mustDouble(String, double) Set mandatory double parameter for the Builder.
B mustLong(String, long) Set mandatory long parameter for the Builder.
B opt(String, boolean) Set optional boolean parameter for the Builder.
B opt(String, int) Set optional int parameter for the Builder.
B optDouble(String, double) Set optional double parameter for the Builder.
B optLong(String, long) Set optional long parameter for the Builder.

Changed Methods
B must(String, float) Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Now deprecated.
use {@link #mustDouble(String, double)} to set floating point.
B opt(String, double) Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Now deprecated.
use {@link #optDouble(String, double)}
B opt(String, float) Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Now deprecated.
use {@link #optDouble(String, double)}
B opt(String, long) Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Now deprecated.
use {@link #optLong(String, long)} where possible.