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Class org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job

Added interface java.lang.AutoCloseable.

Added Methods
void addArchiveToClassPath(Path, Configuration, FileSystem) Add an archive path to the current set of classpath entries.
boolean addArchiveToSharedCache(URI, Configuration) Add an archive to job config for shared cache processing.
void addCacheArchive(URI, Configuration) Add an archives to be localized to the conf.
void addCacheFile(URI, Configuration) Add a file to be localized to the conf.
void addFileToClassPath(Path, Configuration, FileSystem) Add a file path to the current set of classpath entries.
void addFileToClassPath(Path, Configuration, FileSystem, boolean) Add a file path to the current set of classpath entries.
boolean addFileToSharedCache(URI, Configuration) Add a file to job config for shared cache processing.
boolean addFileToSharedCacheAndClasspath(URI, Configuration) Add a file to job config for shared cache processing.
void close() Close the Job.
Map getArchiveSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration) This is to get the shared cache upload policies for archives.
Map getFileSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration) This is to get the shared cache upload policies for files.
void setArchiveSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration, Map) This is to set the shared cache upload policies for archives.
void setCacheArchives(URI[], Configuration) Set the configuration with the given set of archives.
void setCacheFiles(URI[], Configuration) Set the configuration with the given set of files.
void setFileSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration, Map) This is to set the shared cache upload policies for files.
void setPriorityAsInteger(int) Set the priority of a running job.

Added Fields