Added Methods |
FSDataOutputStream create(Path, FsPermission, EnumSet, int, short, long, Progressable, ChecksumOpt)
FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path, FsPermission, EnumSet, int, short, long, Progressable)
FutureDataInputStreamBuilder openFile(Path )
This is overridden to ensure that this class's metho is called and so ultimately its int) {@inheritDoc} |
CompletableFuture openFileWithOptions(Path, OpenFileParameters)
Open the file as a blocking call to int) {@inheritDoc} |
Changed Methods |
FSDataOutputStreamBuilder appendFile(Path )
Method was inherited from FilterFileSystem, but is now defined locally.
This is overridden to ensure that this class's create() method is ultimately called. |
void concat(Path, Path[])
Method was inherited from FilterFileSystem, but is now defined locally.
FSDataOutputStreamBuilder createFile(Path )
Method was inherited from FilterFileSystem, but is now defined locally.
This is overridden to ensure that this class's create() method is ultimately called. |