Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 0.1.0 - 2006-04-02


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-37 A way to determine the size and overall activity of the cluster Major . Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-80 binary key Major io Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-44 RPC exceptions should include remote stack trace Major ipc Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-46 user-specified job names Major . Doug Cutting Owen O’Malley


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-25 a new map/reduce example and moving the examples from src/java to src/examples Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-20 Mapper, Reducer need an occasion to cleanup after the last record is processed. Major . Michel Tourn
HADOOP-30 DFS shell: support for ls -r and cat Major . Michel Tourn
HADOOP-38 default splitter should incorporate fs block size Major . Doug Cutting
HADOOP-36 Adding some uniformity/convenience to environment management Major conf Bryan Pendleton
HADOOP-49 JobClient cannot use a non-default server (unlike DFSShell) Major . Michel Tourn Michel Tourn
HADOOP-41 JAVA_OPTS for the TaskRunner Child Minor conf stack
HADOOP-60 Specification of alternate conf. directory Minor . stack
HADOOP-79 listFiles optimization Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-87 SequenceFile performance degrades substantially compression is on and large values are encountered Major io Sameer Paranjpye Doug Cutting
HADOOP-45 JobTracker should log task errors Major . Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-67 Added statistic/reporting info to DFS Trivial . Barry Kaplan Doug Cutting
HADOOP-33 DF enhancement: performance and win XP support Minor fs Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-103 introduce a common parent class for Mapper and Reducer Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-6 missing build directory in classpath Minor . Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-7 MapReduce has a series of problems concerning task-allocation to worker nodes Major . Mike Cafarella
HADOOP-10 ndfs.replication is not documented within the nutch-default.xml configuration file. Trivial . Rod Taylor
HADOOP-5 need commons-logging-api jar file Minor . Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-21 the webapps need to be updated for the move from nutch Minor . Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-22 remove unused imports Trivial . Sami Siren
HADOOP-28 webapps broken Major . Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-12 InputFormat used in job must be in JobTracker classpath (not loaded from job JAR) Minor . Bryan Pendleton
HADOOP-34 Build Paths Relative to PWD in build.xml Trivial . Jeremy Bensley
HADOOP-42 PositionCache decrements its position for reads at the end of file Major fs Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-40 bufferSize argument is ignored in FileSystem.create(File, boolean, int) Minor fs Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-16 RPC call times out while indexing map task is computing splits Major . Chris Schneider Mike Cafarella
HADOOP-57 hadoop dfs -ls / does not show root of file system Minor . Yoram Arnon
HADOOP-66 dfs client writes all data for a chunk to /tmp Major . Sameer Paranjpye Doug Cutting
HADOOP-70 the two file system tests TestDFS and TestFileSystem take too long Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-77 hang / crash when input folder does not exists. Critical . Stefan Groschupf
HADOOP-78 rpc commands not buffered Major ipc Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-81 speculative execution is only controllable from the default config Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-82 JobTracker loses it: NoSuchElementException Minor . stack
HADOOP-86 If corrupted map outputs, reducers get stuck fetching forever Major . stack Doug Cutting
HADOOP-93 allow minimum split size configurable Major . Hairong Kuang Doug Cutting
HADOOP-97 DFSShell.cat returns NullPointerException if file does not exist Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-3 Output directories are not cleaned up before the reduces run Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-83 infinite retries accessing a missing block Major . Yoram Arnon Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-52 mapred input and output dirs must be absolute Major . Doug Cutting Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-98 The JobTracker’s count of the number of running maps and reduces is wrong Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-19 Datanode corruption Critical . Rod Taylor Doug Cutting
HADOOP-84 client should report file name in which IO exception occurs Minor . Yoram Arnon Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-2 Reused Keys and Values fail with a Combiner Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-110 new key and value instances are allocated before each map Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-107 Namenode errors “Failed to complete filename.crc because dir.getFile()==null and null” Major . Igor Bolotin Doug Cutting
HADOOP-100 Inconsistent locking of the JobTracker.taskTrackers field Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-102 Two identical consecutive loops in FSNamesystem.chooseTarget() Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-112 copyFromLocal should exclude .crc files Minor . Monu Ogbe Doug Cutting


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-1 initial import of code from Nutch Major . Doug Cutting Doug Cutting