Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 1.0.0 - 2011-12-27


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HDFS-617 Support for non-recursive create() in HDFS Major hdfs-client, namenode Kan Zhang Kan Zhang


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HDFS-2316 [umbrella] WebHDFS: a complete FileSystem implementation for accessing HDFS over HTTP Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2137 Datanode Disk Fail Inplace Major datanode Bharath Mundlapudi


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-7804 enable hadoop config generator to set dfs.block.local-path-access.user to enable short circuit read Major conf Arpit Gupta Arpit Gupta
HADOOP-7710 create a script to setup application in order to create root directories for application such hbase, hcat, hive etc Major . Arpit Gupta Arpit Gupta
HADOOP-7664 o.a.h.conf.Configuration complains of overriding final parameter even if the value with which its attempting to override is the same. Minor conf Ravi Prakash Ravi Prakash
HADOOP-6886 LocalFileSystem Needs createNonRecursive API Minor fs Nicolas Spiegelberg Nicolas Spiegelberg
HADOOP-6840 Support non-recursive create() in FileSystem & SequenceFile.Writer Minor fs, io Nicolas Spiegelberg Nicolas Spiegelberg
HADOOP-5124 A few optimizations to FsNamesystem#RecentInvalidateSets Major . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HDFS-2604 Add a log message to show if WebHDFS is enabled Minor webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2246 Shortcut a local client reads to a Datanodes files directly Major . Sanjay Radia Jitendra Nath Pandey
MAPREDUCE-3169 Create a new MiniMRCluster equivalent which only provides client APIs cross MR1 and MR2 Major mrv1, mrv2, test Todd Lipcon Ahmed Radwan


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-9128 MetricsDynamicMBeanBase can cause high cpu load Major metrics Nate Putnam
HADOOP-8389 MetricsDynamicMBeanBase throws IllegalArgumentException for empty attribute list Major metrics Elias Ross
HADOOP-8067 Errors building hadoop-gpl-compression with Hadoop 1.0.0 and HBase 0.92.0 Major build John Lewis
HADOOP-7903 hadoop artifacts do not contain 64 bit libhdfs native lib Major build Arpit Gupta Matt Foley
HADOOP-7869 HADOOP_HOME warning happens all of the time Critical scripts Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-7865 Test Failures in 1.0.0 hdfs/common Major . Jitendra Nath Pandey Jitendra Nath Pandey
HADOOP-7854 UGI getCurrentUser is not synchronized Critical security Daryn Sharp Daryn Sharp
HADOOP-7816 Allow HADOOP_HOME deprecated warning suppression based on config specified in hadoop-env.sh Major . Dave Thompson Dave Thompson
HADOOP-7815 Map memory mb is being incorrectly set by hadoop-setup-conf.sh Minor conf Ramya Sunil Ramya Sunil
HADOOP-7784 secure datanodes fail to come up stating jsvc not found Major . Arpit Gupta Eric Yang
HADOOP-7765 Debian package contain both system and tar ball layout Major build Eric Yang Eric Yang
HADOOP-7740 security audit logger is not on by default, fix the log4j properties to enable the logger Minor conf Arpit Gupta Arpit Gupta
HADOOP-7728 hadoop-setup-conf.sh should be modified to enable task memory manager Major conf Ramya Sunil Ramya Sunil
HADOOP-7461 Jackson Dependency Not Declared in Hadoop POM Major build Ron Bodkin Giridharan Kesavan
HADOOP-7116 raise contrib junit test jvm memory size to 512mb Major test Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HDFS-2673 While Namenode processing the blocksBeingWrittenReport, it will log incorrect number blocks count Trivial namenode Uma Maheswara Rao G Uma Maheswara Rao G
HDFS-2590 Some links in WebHDFS forrest doc do not work Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2589 unnecessary hftp token fetch and renewal thread Major security Daryn Sharp Daryn Sharp
HDFS-2450 Only complete hostname is supported to access data via hdfs:// Major . Rajit Saha Daryn Sharp
HDFS-2346 TestHost2NodesMap & TestReplicasMap will fail depending upon execution order of test methods Blocker test Uma Maheswara Rao G Laxman
HDFS-2065 Fix NPE in DFSClient.getFileChecksum Major . Bharath Mundlapudi Uma Maheswara Rao G
HDFS-1943 fail to start datanode while start-dfs.sh is executed by root user Blocker scripts Wei Yongjun Matt Foley
HDFS-1257 Race condition on FSNamesystem#recentInvalidateSets introduced by HADOOP-5124 Major namenode Ramkumar Vadali Eric Payne
HDFS-838 libhdfs causes a segfault due to race condition Major libhdfs Brian Bockelman
HDFS-611 Heartbeats times from Datanodes increase when there are plenty of blocks to delete Major datanode dhruba borthakur Zheng Shao
MAPREDUCE-4935 Support timeout limitation to MRv1 job end notifications Major jobtracker, mrv1 Olga Shen Brad Liu
MAPREDUCE-3480 TestJvmReuse fails in 1.0 Major . Jitendra Nath Pandey Jitendra Nath Pandey
MAPREDUCE-3475 JT can’t renew its own tokens Major jobtracker Daryn Sharp Daryn Sharp
MAPREDUCE-3374 src/c++/task-controller/configure is not set executable in the tarball and that prevents task-controller from rebuilding Major task-controller Roman Shaposhnik
MAPREDUCE-3319 multifilewc from hadoop examples seems to be broken in Blocker examples Roman Shaposhnik Subroto Sanyal
MAPREDUCE-1744 DistributedCache creates its own FileSytem instance when adding a file/archive to the path Major . Dick King Dick King


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HDFS-2540 Change WebHdfsFileSystem to two-step create/append Major . Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2539 Support doAs and GETHOMEDIRECTORY in webhdfs Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2528 webhdfs rest call to a secure dn fails when a token is sent Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2527 Remove the use of Range header from webhdfs Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2501 add version prefix and root methods to webhdfs Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2494 [webhdfs] When Getting the file using OP=OPEN with DN http address, ESTABLISHED sockets are growing. Major webhdfs Uma Maheswara Rao G Uma Maheswara Rao G
HDFS-2453 tail using a webhdfs uri throws an error Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2441 webhdfs returns two content-type headers Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2439 webhdfs open an invalid path leads to a 500 which states a npe, we should return a 404 with appropriate error message Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2432 webhdfs setreplication api should return a 403 when called on a directory Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2428 webhdfs api parameter validation should be better Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2427 webhdfs mkdirs api call creates path with 777 permission, we should default it to 755 Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2424 webhdfs liststatus json does not convert to a valid xml document Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2416 distcp with a webhdfs uri on a secure cluster fails Major webhdfs Arpit Gupta Jitendra Nath Pandey


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-7923 Automatically update doc versions Major build, documentation Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze
HDFS-2552 Add WebHdfs Forrest doc Major webhdfs Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze