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Interface org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext

Changed Methods
Path[] getArchiveClassPaths() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the archive entries in classpath as an array of Path
String[] getArchiveTimestamps() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the timestamps of the archives.
URI[] getCacheArchives() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get cache archives set in the Configuration
URI[] getCacheFiles() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get cache files set in the Configuration
Class getCombinerClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the combiner class for the job.
RawComparator getCombinerKeyGroupingComparator() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the user defined RawComparator comparator for grouping keys of inputs to the combiner.
Configuration getConfiguration() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Return the configuration for the job.
Credentials getCredentials() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get credentials for the job.
Path[] getFileClassPaths() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the file entries in classpath as an array of Path
String[] getFileTimestamps() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the timestamps of the files.
RawComparator getGroupingComparator() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the user defined RawComparator comparator for grouping keys of inputs to the reduce.
Class getInputFormatClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the InputFormat class for the job.
String getJar() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the pathname of the job's jar.
JobID getJobID() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the unique ID for the job.
String getJobName() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the user-specified job name.
boolean getJobSetupCleanupNeeded() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get whether job-setup and job-cleanup is needed for the job
Path[] getLocalCacheArchives() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. the array returned only includes the items the were downloaded.
Path[] getLocalCacheFiles() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. the array returned only includes the items the were downloaded.
Class getMapOutputKeyClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the key class for the map output data.
Class getMapOutputValueClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the value class for the map output data.
Class getMapperClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the Mapper class for the job.
int getMaxMapAttempts() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task as specified by the property.
int getMaxReduceAttempts() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task as specified by the mapred.reduce.max.attempts property.
int getNumReduceTasks() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get configured the number of reduce tasks for this job.
Class getOutputFormatClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the OutputFormat class for the job.
Class getOutputKeyClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the key class for the job output data.
Class getOutputValueClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the value class for job outputs.
Class getPartitionerClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the Partitioner class for the job.
boolean getProfileEnabled() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get whether the task profiling is enabled.
String getProfileParams() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the profiler configuration arguments.
IntegerRanges getProfileTaskRange(boolean) Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the range of maps or reduces to profile.
Class getReducerClass() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the Reducer class for the job.
RawComparator getSortComparator() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the RawComparator comparator used to compare keys.
boolean getSymlink() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Originally intended to check if symlinks should be used but currently symlinks cannot be disabled.
boolean getTaskCleanupNeeded() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get whether task-cleanup is needed for the job
String getUser() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the reported username for this job.
Path getWorkingDirectory() Changed from abstract to non-abstract. Get the current working directory for the default file system.