Package org.apache.hadoop.streaming

Hadoop Streaming is a utility which allows users to create and run Map-Reduce jobs with any executables (e.g.


Class Summary
AutoInputFormat An InputFormat that tries to deduce the types of the input files automatically.
DumpTypedBytes Utility program that fetches all files that match a given pattern and dumps their content to stdout as typed bytes.
Environment This is a class used to get the current environment on the host machines running the map/reduce.
HadoopStreaming The main entrypoint.
JarBuilder This class is the main class for generating job.jar for Hadoop Streaming jobs.
LoadTypedBytes Utility program that reads typed bytes from standard input and stores them in a sequence file for which the path is given as an argument.
PathFinder Maps a relative pathname to an absolute pathname using the PATH enviroment.
PipeMapper A generic Mapper bridge.
PipeMapRed Shared functionality for PipeMapper, PipeReducer.
PipeReducer A generic Reducer bridge.
StreamBaseRecordReader Shared functionality for hadoopStreaming formats.
StreamInputFormat An input format that selects a RecordReader based on a JobConf property.
StreamJob All the client-side work happens here.
StreamUtil Utilities not available elsewhere in Hadoop.
StreamXmlRecordReader A way to interpret XML fragments as Mapper input records.
UTF8ByteArrayUtils Deprecated. use UTF8ByteArrayUtils and StreamKeyValUtil instead

Package org.apache.hadoop.streaming Description

Hadoop Streaming is a utility which allows users to create and run Map-Reduce jobs with any executables (e.g. Unix shell utilities) as the mapper and/or the reducer.

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