Packages that use Counters | |
org.apache.hadoop.mapred | A software framework for easily writing applications which process vast amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets) parallelly on large clusters (thousands of nodes) built of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce |
Uses of Counters in org.apache.hadoop.mapred |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred that return Counters | |
static Counters |
Counters.fromEscapedCompactString(String compactString)
Convert a stringified counter representation into a counter object. |
Counters |
Get task's counters. |
Counters |
A table of counters. |
Counters |
Gets the counters for this job. |
Counters |
Returns the job-level counters. |
Counters |
JobTracker.getJobCounters(JobID jobid)
static Counters |
Counters.sum(Counters a,
Counters b)
Convenience method for computing the sum of two sets of counters. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with parameters of type Counters | |
boolean |
JobInProgress.getCounters(Counters result)
Returns the total job counters, by adding together the job, the map and the reduce counters. |
boolean |
JobInProgress.getMapCounters(Counters counters)
Returns map phase counters by summing over all map tasks in progress. |
boolean |
JobInProgress.getReduceCounters(Counters counters)
Returns map phase counters by summing over all map tasks in progress. |
void |
Counters.incrAllCounters(Counters other)
Increments multiple counters by their amounts in another Counters instance. |
static void |
JobHistory.JobInfo.logFinished(JobID jobId,
long finishTime,
int finishedMaps,
int finishedReduces,
int failedMaps,
int failedReduces,
Counters mapCounters,
Counters reduceCounters,
Counters counters)
Log job finished. |
static void |
JobHistory.ReduceAttempt.logFinished(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId,
long shuffleFinished,
long sortFinished,
long finishTime,
String hostName,
String taskType,
String stateString,
Counters counter)
Log finished event of this task. |
static void |
JobHistory.MapAttempt.logFinished(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId,
long finishTime,
String hostName,
String taskType,
String stateString,
Counters counter)
Log finish time of map task attempt. |
static void |
JobHistory.Task.logFinished(TaskID taskId,
String taskType,
long finishTime,
Counters counters)
Log finish time of task. |
void |
TaskStatus.setCounters(Counters counters)
Set the task's counters. |
static Counters |
Counters.sum(Counters a,
Counters b)
Convenience method for computing the sum of two sets of counters. |
Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with parameters of type Counters | |
TaskStatus(TaskAttemptID taskid,
float progress,
int numSlots,
TaskStatus.State runState,
String diagnosticInfo,
String stateString,
String taskTracker,
TaskStatus.Phase phase,
Counters counters)
Uses of Counters in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce |
Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce with parameters of type Counters | |
Counters(Counters counters)