
A mechanism for selectively retrying methods that throw exceptions under certain circumstances.


Interface Summary
RetryPolicy Specifies a policy for retrying method failures.

Class Summary
RetryPolicies A collection of useful implementations of RetryPolicy.
RetryPolicies.MultipleLinearRandomRetry Given pairs of number of retries and sleep time (n0, t0), (n1, t1), ..., the first n0 retries sleep t0 milliseconds on average, the following n1 retries sleep t1 milliseconds on average, and so on.
RetryPolicies.MultipleLinearRandomRetry.Pair Pairs of numRetries and sleepSeconds
RetryProxy A factory for creating retry proxies.

Package Description

A mechanism for selectively retrying methods that throw exceptions under certain circumstances.

Typical usage is

UnreliableImplementation unreliableImpl = new UnreliableImplementation();
UnreliableInterface unreliable = (UnreliableInterface)
  RetryProxy.create(UnreliableInterface.class, unreliableImpl,
    RetryPolicies.retryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(4, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));;

This will retry any method called on unreliable four times - in this case the call() method - sleeping 10 seconds between each retry. There are a number of retry policies available, or you can implement a custom one by implementing RetryPolicy. It is also possible to specify retry policies on a per-method basis.

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