Packages that use WritableComparable | |
org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred | |
org.apache.hadoop.examples | Hadoop example code. |
org.apache.hadoop.examples.dancing | This package is a distributed implementation of Knuth's dancing links algorithm that can run under Hadoop. |
org.apache.hadoop.io | Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapred | A software framework for easily writing applications which process vast amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets) parallelly on large clusters (thousands of nodes) built of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join | Given a set of sorted datasets keyed with the same class and yielding equal partitions, it is possible to effect a join of those datasets prior to the map. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib | Library of generally useful mappers, reducers, and partitioners. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.aggregate | Classes for performing various counting and aggregations. |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce | |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output | |
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition | |
org.apache.hadoop.record | Hadoop record I/O contains classes and a record description language translator for simplifying serialization and deserialization of records in a language-neutral manner. |
org.apache.hadoop.record.meta | |
org.apache.hadoop.typedbytes | Typed bytes are sequences of bytes in which the first byte is a type code. |
org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred with type parameters of type WritableComparable | |
interface |
ILocalAnalysis<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
Application specific local analysis. |
class |
IndexUpdateMapper<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
This class applies local analysis on a key-value pair and then convert the result docid-operation pair to a shard-and-intermediate form pair. |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
The class represents a document id, which is of type text. |
class |
This class represents the metadata of a shard. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred that return types with arguments of type WritableComparable | |
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
Get the map output key class. |
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
Get the reduce output key class. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.examples |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.examples that implement WritableComparable | |
static class |
This record keeps <filename,offset> pairs. |
static class |
Define a pair of integers that are writable. |
Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.examples with type arguments of type WritableComparable | |
void |
PiEstimator.PiReducer.reduce(BooleanWritable isInside,
Iterator<LongWritable> values,
OutputCollector<WritableComparable<?>,Writable> output,
Reporter reporter)
Accumulate number of points inside/outside results from the mappers. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.examples.dancing |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.examples.dancing with parameters of type WritableComparable | |
void |
DistributedPentomino.PentMap.map(WritableComparable key,
Text value,
OutputCollector<Text,Text> output,
Reporter reporter)
Break the prefix string into moves (a sequence of integer row ids that will be selected for each column in order). |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.io |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.io that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
A WritableComparable for booleans. |
class |
A byte sequence that is usable as a key or value. |
class |
A WritableComparable for a single byte. |
class |
Writable for Double values. |
class |
A WritableComparable for floats. |
class |
A WritableComparable for ints. |
class |
A WritableComparable for longs. |
class |
A Writable for MD5 hash values. |
class |
Singleton Writable with no data. |
class |
This class stores text using standard UTF8 encoding. |
class |
Deprecated. replaced by Text |
class |
A WritableComparable for integer values stored in variable-length format. |
class |
A WritableComparable for longs in a variable-length format. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.io that return WritableComparable | |
WritableComparable |
WritableComparable |
SetFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key)
Read the matching key from a set into key . |
WritableComparable |
MapFile.Reader.getClosest(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Finds the record that is the closest match to the specified key. |
WritableComparable |
MapFile.Reader.getClosest(WritableComparable key,
Writable val,
boolean before)
Finds the record that is the closest match to the specified key. |
WritableComparable |
WritableComparable |
Get the key at approximately the middle of the file. |
WritableComparable |
Construct a new WritableComparable instance. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.io that return types with arguments of type WritableComparable | |
Comparator<? super WritableComparable> |
Set<Map.Entry<WritableComparable,Writable>> |
Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
Returns the WritableComparable implementation class. |
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.headMap(WritableComparable toKey)
Set<WritableComparable> |
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.subMap(WritableComparable fromKey,
WritableComparable toKey)
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.tailMap(WritableComparable fromKey)
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.io with parameters of type WritableComparable | |
void |
SetFile.Writer.append(WritableComparable key)
Append a key to a set. |
void |
MapFile.Writer.append(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Append a key/value pair to the map. |
void |
BloomMapFile.Writer.append(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
int |
WritableComparator.compare(WritableComparable a,
WritableComparable b)
Compare two WritableComparables. |
int |
WritableComparator.compare(WritableComparable a,
WritableComparable b)
Compare two WritableComparables. |
int |
LongWritable.DecreasingComparator.compare(WritableComparable a,
WritableComparable b)
int |
LongWritable.DecreasingComparator.compare(WritableComparable a,
WritableComparable b)
void |
MapFile.Reader.finalKey(WritableComparable key)
Reads the final key from the file. |
WritableComparable |
SetFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key)
Read the matching key from a set into key . |
Writable |
MapFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Return the value for the named key, or null if none exists. |
Writable |
BloomMapFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Fast version of the MapFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable, Writable) method. |
WritableComparable |
MapFile.Reader.getClosest(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Finds the record that is the closest match to the specified key. |
WritableComparable |
MapFile.Reader.getClosest(WritableComparable key,
Writable val,
boolean before)
Finds the record that is the closest match to the specified key. |
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.headMap(WritableComparable toKey)
boolean |
SetFile.Reader.next(WritableComparable key)
Read the next key in a set into key . |
boolean |
MapFile.Reader.next(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
Read the next key/value pair in the map into key and
val . |
boolean |
BloomMapFile.Reader.probablyHasKey(WritableComparable key)
Checks if this MapFile has the indicated key. |
Writable |
SortedMapWritable.put(WritableComparable key,
Writable value)
boolean |
MapFile.Reader.seek(WritableComparable key)
Positions the reader at the named key, or if none such exists, at the first entry after the named key. |
boolean |
SetFile.Reader.seek(WritableComparable key)
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.subMap(WritableComparable fromKey,
WritableComparable toKey)
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.subMap(WritableComparable fromKey,
WritableComparable toKey)
SortedMap<WritableComparable,Writable> |
SortedMapWritable.tailMap(WritableComparable fromKey)
Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.io with type arguments of type WritableComparable | |
static WritableComparator |
WritableComparator.get(Class<? extends WritableComparable> c)
Get a comparator for a WritableComparable implementation. |
void |
SortedMapWritable.putAll(Map<? extends WritableComparable,? extends Writable> t)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.hadoop.io with type arguments of type WritableComparable | |
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class<? extends Writable> valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress,
CompressionCodec codec,
Progressable progress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress,
Progressable progress)
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass)
Create the named map for keys of the named class. |
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
Create the named map for keys of the named class. |
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress,
CompressionCodec codec,
Progressable progress)
Create the named map for keys of the named class. |
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress,
Progressable progress)
Create the named map for keys of the named class. |
SequenceFile.Sorter(FileSystem fs,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
Class valClass,
Configuration conf)
Sort and merge files containing the named classes. |
SetFile.Writer(Configuration conf,
FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
Create a set naming the element class and compression type. |
SetFile.Writer(FileSystem fs,
String dirName,
Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass)
Deprecated. pass a Configuration too |
WritableComparator(Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass)
Construct for a WritableComparable implementation. |
WritableComparator(Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass,
boolean createInstances)
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapred |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with type parameters of type WritableComparable | ||
MapFileOutputFormat.getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers,
Partitioner<K,V> partitioner,
K key,
V value)
Get an entry from output generated by this class. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred that return types with arguments of type WritableComparable | |
RecordWriter<WritableComparable,Writable> |
MapFileOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(FileSystem ignored,
JobConf job,
String name,
Progressable progress)
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.getSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf)
Get the key class for the SequenceFile |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join with type parameters of type WritableComparable | |
interface |
ComposableInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
Refinement of InputFormat requiring implementors to provide ComposableRecordReader instead of RecordReader. |
interface |
ComposableRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
Additional operations required of a RecordReader to participate in a join. |
class |
CompositeInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable>
An InputFormat capable of performing joins over a set of data sources sorted and partitioned the same way. |
class |
CompositeRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable,X extends Writable>
A RecordReader that can effect joins of RecordReaders sharing a common key type and partitioning. |
class |
InnerJoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable>
Full inner join. |
class |
JoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable>
Base class for Composite joins returning Tuples of arbitrary Writables. |
class |
MultiFilterRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
Base class for Composite join returning values derived from multiple sources, but generally not tuples. |
class |
OuterJoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable>
Full outer join. |
class |
OverrideRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
Prefer the "rightmost" data source for this key. |
class |
WrappedRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,U extends Writable>
Proxy class for a RecordReader participating in the join framework. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib with type parameters of type WritableComparable | |
class |
TotalOrderPartitioner<K extends WritableComparable,V>
Partitioner effecting a total order by reading split points from an externally generated source. |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib that return types with arguments of type WritableComparable | |
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf,
String namedOutput)
Returns the key class for a named output. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.aggregate |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.aggregate with type parameters of type WritableComparable | |
class |
ValueAggregatorCombiner<K1 extends WritableComparable,V1 extends Writable>
This class implements the generic combiner of Aggregate. |
class |
ValueAggregatorJobBase<K1 extends WritableComparable,V1 extends Writable>
This abstract class implements some common functionalities of the the generic mapper, reducer and combiner classes of Aggregate. |
class |
ValueAggregatorMapper<K1 extends WritableComparable,V1 extends Writable>
This class implements the generic mapper of Aggregate. |
class |
ValueAggregatorReducer<K1 extends WritableComparable,V1 extends Writable>
This class implements the generic reducer of Aggregate. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
A general identifier, which internally stores the id as an integer. |
class |
JobID represents the immutable and unique identifier for the job. |
class |
TaskAttemptID represents the immutable and unique identifier for a task attempt. |
class |
TaskID represents the immutable and unique identifier for a Map or Reduce Task. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output |
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output that return types with arguments of type WritableComparable | |
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> |
SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.getSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobContext job)
Get the key class for the SequenceFile |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition with type parameters of type WritableComparable | |
class |
TotalOrderPartitioner<K extends WritableComparable<?>,V>
Partitioner effecting a total order by reading split points from an externally generated source. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.record |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.record that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
Abstract class that is extended by generated classes. |
Constructor parameters in org.apache.hadoop.record with type arguments of type WritableComparable | |
RecordComparator(Class<? extends WritableComparable> recordClass)
Construct a raw Record comparison implementation. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.record.meta |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.record.meta that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
A record's Type Information object which can read/write itself. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.typedbytes |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.typedbytes that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
Writable for typed bytes. |
Uses of WritableComparable in org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom |
Classes in org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom that implement WritableComparable | |
class |
The general behavior of a key that must be stored in a filter. |