Generated by

Class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.NMClient

Added Methods
void commitLastReInitialization(ContainerId)

Commit last reInitialization of the specified container.

List getLocalizationStatuses(ContainerId, NodeId) Get the localization statuses of a container.
NodeId getNodeIdOfStartedContainer(ContainerId) Get the NodeId of the node on which container is running.
void increaseContainerResource(Container)

Increase the resource of a container.

void localize(ContainerId, NodeId, Map) Localize resources for a container.
void reInitializeContainer(ContainerId, ContainerLaunchContext, boolean)

Re-Initialize the Container.

void restartContainer(ContainerId)

Restart the specified container.

void rollbackLastReInitialization(ContainerId)

Rollback last reInitialization of the specified container.

void updateContainerResource(Container)

Update the resources of a container.