Generated by

Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords

Added Classes
AllocateRequest.AllocateRequestBuilder Class to construct instances of AllocateRequest with specific options.
CommitResponse Response to Commit Container Request.

The request sent by Application Master to the Node Manager to change the resource quota of a container.


The response sent by the NodeManager to the ApplicationMaster when asked to update container resource.


The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager to fail an application attempt.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client failing an application attempt.

GetAllResourceProfilesRequest Request class for getting all the resource profiles from the RM.
GetAllResourceProfilesResponse Response class for getting all the resource profiles from the RM.
GetAllResourceTypeInfoRequest Request class for getting all the resource profiles from the RM.
GetAllResourceTypeInfoResponse Response class for getting all the resource profiles from the RM.

The request from clients to get node to attribute value mapping for all or given set of Node AttributeKey's in the cluster from the ResourceManager.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting node to attribute value mapping for all or given set of Node AttributeKey's.


The request from clients to get node attributes in the cluster from the ResourceManager.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting a node attributes in cluster.

GetLocalizationStatusesRequest The request sent by an application master to the node manager to get o containers.
GetLocalizationStatusesResponse The response sent by the node manager to an application master when localization statuses are requested.

The request sent by clients to get a new {@code ReservationId} for submitting an reservation.

{@code ApplicationClientProtocol#getNewReservation(GetNewReservationRequest)}

The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client for a request to get a new ReservationId for submitting reservations.


The request from clients to get nodes to attributes mapping in the cluster from the ResourceManager.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting nodes to attributes mapping.

GetResourceProfileRequest Request class for getting the details for a particular resource profile.
GetResourceProfileResponse Response class for getting the details for a particular resource profile.

The request sent by Application Master to the Node Manager to change the resource quota of a container.


The response sent by the NodeManager to the ApplicationMaster when asked to increase container resource.

ReInitializeContainerRequest This encapsulates all the required fields needed for a Container ReInitialization.
ReInitializeContainerResponse The response to the ReInitializeContainerRequest
ReservationListRequest ReservationListRequest captures the set of requirements the user has to list reservations.
ReservationListResponse ReservationListResponse captures the list of reservations that the user has queried.
ResourceLocalizationRequest The request sent by the ApplicationMaster to ask for localizing resources.
ResourceLocalizationResponse The response to the ResourceLocalizationRequest
RestartContainerResponse The response to a restart Container request.
RollbackResponse Response to a Rollback request.

The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager or by the ApplicationMaster to the NodeManager to signal a container.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client signalling a container.


The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager to set or update the application priority.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client on update the application priority.


The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager to set or update the application timeout.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client on update application timeout.


Changed Classes

The core request sent by the ApplicationMaster to the ResourceManager to obtain resources in the cluster.

AllocateResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager the ApplicationMaster during resource negotiation.

The request from clients to get a report of Applications in the cluster from the ResourceManager.


The request sent by clients to get queue information from the ResourceManager.


The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager to abort a submitted application.


The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client moving a submitted application to a different queue.

RegisterApplicationMasterRequest The request sent by the {@code ApplicationMaster} to {@code ResourceManager} on registration.
RegisterApplicationMasterResponse The response sent by the {@code ResourceManager} to a new {@code ApplicationMaster} on registration.
ReservationSubmissionRequest ReservationSubmissionRequest captures the set of requirements the user has to create a reservation.

The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client on reservation submission.