JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
YARN-6709 | Root privilege escalation in experimental Docker support | Blocker | nodemanager, security | Allen Wittenauer | Varun Vasudev |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
YARN-5892 | Support user-specific minimum user limit percentage in Capacity Scheduler | Major | capacityscheduler | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
YARN-6278 | Enforce to use correct node and npm version in new YARN-UI build | Critical | . | Sunil Govindan | Sunil Govindan |
YARN-6336 | Jenkins report YARN new UI build failure | Blocker | . | Junping Du | Sunil Govindan |