Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 0.7.0 - 2006-10-06


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-542 on-the-fly merge sort, HADOOP-540, reformat Major . Michel Tourn
HADOOP-306 Safe mode and name node startup procedures Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko
HADOOP-559 Support file patterns in dfs commands Major . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-519 HDFS File API should be extended to include positional read Major . Milind Bhandarkar Milind Bhandarkar
HADOOP-522 MapFile should support block compression Major io Doug Cutting Doug Cutting
HADOOP-567 The build script should record the Hadoop version into the build Major util Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-527 Allow to specify the bind address for all hadoop servers Major . Philippe Gassmann
HADOOP-551 reduce the number of lines printed to the console during execution Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-431 default behaviour of dfsShell -rm should resemble ‘rm -i’, not ‘rm -rf’ Major . Yoram Arnon Sameer Paranjpye
HADOOP-263 task status should include timestamps for when a job transitions Major . Owen O’Malley Sanjay Dahiya
HADOOP-556 Streaming should send keep-alive signals to Reporter every 10 seconds, not every 100 records Major . Michel Tourn
HADOOP-487 misspelt DFS host name gives null pointer exception in getProtocolVersion Major . Dick King Sameer Paranjpye
HADOOP-560 tasks should have a “killed” state Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-243 WI shows progress as 100.00% before actual completion (rounding error) Trivial . Yoram Arnon Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-438 DFS pathname limitation. Major . Konstantin Shvachko Wendy Chien
HADOOP-530 Error message does not expose mismached key or value class name correctly in Sequence file Major . Hairong Kuang Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-288 RFC: Efficient file caching Major . Michel Tourn Mahadev konar
HADOOP-533 TestDFSShellGenericOptions creates a sub-directory in conf/ Minor . Doug Cutting Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-536 Broke ant test on windows Major . Mahadev konar
HADOOP-540 Streaming should send keep-alive signals to Reporter Major . Michel Tourn
HADOOP-545 Unused parameter in hadoop-default.xml Trivial conf Philippe Gassmann
HADOOP-261 when map outputs are lost, nothing is shown in the webapp about why the map task failed Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-293 map reduce job fail without reporting a reason Major . Yoram Arnon Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-444 In streaming with a NONE reducer, you get duplicate files if a mapper fails, is restarted, and succeeds next time. Major . Dick King Michel Tourn
HADOOP-547 ReduceTaskRunner can miss sending hearbeats if no map output copy finishes within “mapred.task.timeout” Major . Sanjay Dahiya Sanjay Dahiya
HADOOP-537 clean-libhdfs target of build.xml does not work on windows Major . Konstantin Shvachko Arun C Murthy
HADOOP-508 random seeks using FSDataInputStream can become invalid such that reads return invalid data Major . Christian Kunz Milind Bhandarkar
HADOOP-423 file paths are not normalized Major . Christian Kunz Wendy Chien
HADOOP-513 IllegalStateException is thrown by TaskTracker Major . Konstantin Shvachko Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-552 getMapOutput doesn’t reliably detect errors and throw to the caller Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-566 hadoop-daemons.sh fails with “no such file or directory” when used from a relative symlinked path Major scripts Lee Faris Doug Cutting
HADOOP-568 small jobs benchmark fails: task is UNASSIGNED Major . Yoram Arnon Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-343 In case of dead task tracker, the copy mapouts try copying all mapoutputs from this tasktracker Major . Mahadev konar Sameer Paranjpye
HADOOP-550 Text constructure can throw exception Major . Bryan Pendleton Hairong Kuang
HADOOP-239 job tracker WI drops jobs after 24 hours Minor . Yoram Arnon Sanjay Dahiya
HADOOP-255 Client Calls are not cancelled after a call timeout Major ipc Naveen Nalam Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-581 Datanode’s offerService does not handle rpc timeouts Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-506 job tracker hangs on to dead task trackers “forever” Minor . Yoram Arnon Sanjay Dahiya


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-548 add a switch to allow unit tests to show output Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley