Apache Hadoop 2.8.4
Apache Hadoop 2.8.4 is a minor release in the 2.x.y release line, building upon the previous stable release 2.7.3.
Here is a short overview of the major features and improvements.
- Support async call retry and failover which can be used in async DFS implementation with retry effort.
- Cross Frame Scripting (XFS) prevention for UIs can be provided through a common servlet filter.
- S3A improvements: add ability to plug in any AWSCredentialsProvider, support read s3a credentials from hadoop credential provider API in addition to XML configuraiton files, support Amazon STS temporary credentials
- WASB improvements: adding append API support
- Build enhancements: replace dev-support with wrappers to Yetus, provide a docker based solution to setup a build environment, remove CHANGES.txt and rework the change log and release notes.
- Add posixGroups support for LDAP groups mapping service.
- WebHDFS enhancements: integrate CSRF prevention filter in WebHDFS, support OAuth2 in WebHDFS, disallow/allow snapshots via WebHDFS
- Allow long-running Balancer to login with keytab
- Add ReverseXML processor which reconstructs an fsimage from an XML file. This will make it easy to create fsimages for testing, and manually edit fsimages when there is corruption
- Support nested encryption zones
- DataNode Lifeline Protocol: an alternative protocol for reporting DataNode liveness. This can prevent the NameNode from incorrectly marking DataNodes as stale or dead in highly overloaded clusters where heartbeat processing is suffering delays.
- Logging HDFS operation’s caller context into audit logs
- A new Datanode command for evicting writers which is useful when data node decommissioning is blocked by slow writers.
- NodeManager CPU resource monitoring in Windows.
- NM shutdown more graceful: NM will unregister to RM immediately rather than waiting for timeout to be LOST (if NM work preserving is not enabled).
- Add ability to fail a specific AM attempt in scenario of AM attempt get stuck.
- CallerContext support in YARN audit log.
- ATS versioning support: a new configuration to indicate timeline service version.
- Allow node labels get specified in submitting MR jobs
- Add a new tool to combine aggregated logs into HAR files
Getting Started
The Hadoop documentation includes the information you need to get started using Hadoop. Begin with the Single Node Setup which shows you how to set up a single-node Hadoop installation. Then move on to the Cluster Setup to learn how to set up a multi-node Hadoop installation.