001 /** 002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 003 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 004 * distributed with this work for additional information 005 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 008 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 009 * 010 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 011 * 012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 016 * limitations under the License. 017 */ 018 package org.apache.hadoop.fs; 019 020 import java.io.Closeable; 021 import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 022 import java.io.IOException; 023 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; 024 import java.net.URI; 025 import java.net.URISyntaxException; 026 import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; 027 import java.util.ArrayList; 028 import java.util.Arrays; 029 import java.util.EnumSet; 030 import java.util.HashMap; 031 import java.util.HashSet; 032 import java.util.IdentityHashMap; 033 import java.util.Iterator; 034 import java.util.LinkedList; 035 import java.util.List; 036 import java.util.Map; 037 import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 038 import java.util.ServiceLoader; 039 import java.util.Set; 040 import java.util.Stack; 041 import java.util.TreeSet; 042 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; 043 044 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; 045 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; 046 import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; 047 import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; 048 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; 049 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; 050 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.ChecksumOpt; 051 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.Rename; 052 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry; 053 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus; 054 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; 055 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; 056 import org.apache.hadoop.io.MultipleIOException; 057 import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; 058 import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; 059 import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; 060 import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials; 061 import org.apache.hadoop.security.SecurityUtil; 062 import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; 063 import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; 064 import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum; 065 import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; 066 import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; 067 import org.apache.hadoop.util.ShutdownHookManager; 068 069 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; 070 071 /**************************************************************** 072 * An abstract base class for a fairly generic filesystem. It 073 * may be implemented as a distributed filesystem, or as a "local" 074 * one that reflects the locally-connected disk. The local version 075 * exists for small Hadoop instances and for testing. 076 * 077 * <p> 078 * 079 * All user code that may potentially use the Hadoop Distributed 080 * File System should be written to use a FileSystem object. The 081 * Hadoop DFS is a multi-machine system that appears as a single 082 * disk. It's useful because of its fault tolerance and potentially 083 * very large capacity. 084 * 085 * <p> 086 * The local implementation is {@link LocalFileSystem} and distributed 087 * implementation is DistributedFileSystem. 088 *****************************************************************/ 089 @InterfaceAudience.Public 090 @InterfaceStability.Stable 091 public abstract class FileSystem extends Configured implements Closeable { 092 public static final String FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY = 093 CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY; 094 public static final String DEFAULT_FS = 095 CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_DEFAULT; 096 097 public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileSystem.class); 098 099 /** 100 * Priority of the FileSystem shutdown hook. 101 */ 102 public static final int SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PRIORITY = 10; 103 104 /** FileSystem cache */ 105 static final Cache CACHE = new Cache(); 106 107 /** The key this instance is stored under in the cache. */ 108 private Cache.Key key; 109 110 /** Recording statistics per a FileSystem class */ 111 private static final Map<Class<? extends FileSystem>, Statistics> 112 statisticsTable = 113 new IdentityHashMap<Class<? extends FileSystem>, Statistics>(); 114 115 /** 116 * The statistics for this file system. 117 */ 118 protected Statistics statistics; 119 120 /** 121 * A cache of files that should be deleted when filsystem is closed 122 * or the JVM is exited. 123 */ 124 private Set<Path> deleteOnExit = new TreeSet<Path>(); 125 126 boolean resolveSymlinks; 127 /** 128 * This method adds a file system for testing so that we can find it later. It 129 * is only for testing. 130 * @param uri the uri to store it under 131 * @param conf the configuration to store it under 132 * @param fs the file system to store 133 * @throws IOException 134 */ 135 static void addFileSystemForTesting(URI uri, Configuration conf, 136 FileSystem fs) throws IOException { 137 CACHE.map.put(new Cache.Key(uri, conf), fs); 138 } 139 140 /** 141 * Get a filesystem instance based on the uri, the passed 142 * configuration and the user 143 * @param uri of the filesystem 144 * @param conf the configuration to use 145 * @param user to perform the get as 146 * @return the filesystem instance 147 * @throws IOException 148 * @throws InterruptedException 149 */ 150 public static FileSystem get(final URI uri, final Configuration conf, 151 final String user) throws IOException, InterruptedException { 152 String ticketCachePath = 153 conf.get(CommonConfigurationKeys.KERBEROS_TICKET_CACHE_PATH); 154 UserGroupInformation ugi = 155 UserGroupInformation.getBestUGI(ticketCachePath, user); 156 return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileSystem>() { 157 @Override 158 public FileSystem run() throws IOException { 159 return get(uri, conf); 160 } 161 }); 162 } 163 164 /** 165 * Returns the configured filesystem implementation. 166 * @param conf the configuration to use 167 */ 168 public static FileSystem get(Configuration conf) throws IOException { 169 return get(getDefaultUri(conf), conf); 170 } 171 172 /** Get the default filesystem URI from a configuration. 173 * @param conf the configuration to use 174 * @return the uri of the default filesystem 175 */ 176 public static URI getDefaultUri(Configuration conf) { 177 return URI.create(fixName(conf.get(FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, DEFAULT_FS))); 178 } 179 180 /** Set the default filesystem URI in a configuration. 181 * @param conf the configuration to alter 182 * @param uri the new default filesystem uri 183 */ 184 public static void setDefaultUri(Configuration conf, URI uri) { 185 conf.set(FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, uri.toString()); 186 } 187 188 /** Set the default filesystem URI in a configuration. 189 * @param conf the configuration to alter 190 * @param uri the new default filesystem uri 191 */ 192 public static void setDefaultUri(Configuration conf, String uri) { 193 setDefaultUri(conf, URI.create(fixName(uri))); 194 } 195 196 /** Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed. 197 * @param name a uri whose authority section names the host, port, etc. 198 * for this FileSystem 199 * @param conf the configuration 200 */ 201 public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException { 202 statistics = getStatistics(name.getScheme(), getClass()); 203 resolveSymlinks = conf.getBoolean( 204 CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_CLIENT_RESOLVE_REMOTE_SYMLINKS_KEY, 205 CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_CLIENT_RESOLVE_REMOTE_SYMLINKS_DEFAULT); 206 } 207 208 /** 209 * Return the protocol scheme for the FileSystem. 210 * <p/> 211 * This implementation throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>. 212 * 213 * @return the protocol scheme for the FileSystem. 214 */ 215 public String getScheme() { 216 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented by the " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " FileSystem implementation"); 217 } 218 219 /** Returns a URI whose scheme and authority identify this FileSystem.*/ 220 public abstract URI getUri(); 221 222 /** 223 * Return a canonicalized form of this FileSystem's URI. 224 * 225 * The default implementation simply calls {@link #canonicalizeUri(URI)} 226 * on the filesystem's own URI, so subclasses typically only need to 227 * implement that method. 228 * 229 * @see #canonicalizeUri(URI) 230 */ 231 protected URI getCanonicalUri() { 232 return canonicalizeUri(getUri()); 233 } 234 235 /** 236 * Canonicalize the given URI. 237 * 238 * This is filesystem-dependent, but may for example consist of 239 * canonicalizing the hostname using DNS and adding the default 240 * port if not specified. 241 * 242 * The default implementation simply fills in the default port if 243 * not specified and if the filesystem has a default port. 244 * 245 * @return URI 246 * @see NetUtils#getCanonicalUri(URI, int) 247 */ 248 protected URI canonicalizeUri(URI uri) { 249 if (uri.getPort() == -1 && getDefaultPort() > 0) { 250 // reconstruct the uri with the default port set 251 try { 252 uri = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), 253 uri.getHost(), getDefaultPort(), 254 uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()); 255 } catch (URISyntaxException e) { 256 // Should never happen! 257 throw new AssertionError("Valid URI became unparseable: " + 258 uri); 259 } 260 } 261 262 return uri; 263 } 264 265 /** 266 * Get the default port for this file system. 267 * @return the default port or 0 if there isn't one 268 */ 269 protected int getDefaultPort() { 270 return 0; 271 } 272 273 protected static FileSystem getFSofPath(final Path absOrFqPath, 274 final Configuration conf) 275 throws UnsupportedFileSystemException, IOException { 276 absOrFqPath.checkNotSchemeWithRelative(); 277 absOrFqPath.checkNotRelative(); 278 279 // Uses the default file system if not fully qualified 280 return get(absOrFqPath.toUri(), conf); 281 } 282 283 /** 284 * Get a canonical service name for this file system. The token cache is 285 * the only user of the canonical service name, and uses it to lookup this 286 * filesystem's service tokens. 287 * If file system provides a token of its own then it must have a canonical 288 * name, otherwise canonical name can be null. 289 * 290 * Default Impl: If the file system has child file systems 291 * (such as an embedded file system) then it is assumed that the fs has no 292 * tokens of its own and hence returns a null name; otherwise a service 293 * name is built using Uri and port. 294 * 295 * @return a service string that uniquely identifies this file system, null 296 * if the filesystem does not implement tokens 297 * @see SecurityUtil#buildDTServiceName(URI, int) 298 */ 299 @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HDFS", "MapReduce" }) 300 public String getCanonicalServiceName() { 301 return (getChildFileSystems() == null) 302 ? SecurityUtil.buildDTServiceName(getUri(), getDefaultPort()) 303 : null; 304 } 305 306 /** @deprecated call #getUri() instead.*/ 307 @Deprecated 308 public String getName() { return getUri().toString(); } 309 310 /** @deprecated call #get(URI,Configuration) instead. */ 311 @Deprecated 312 public static FileSystem getNamed(String name, Configuration conf) 313 throws IOException { 314 return get(URI.create(fixName(name)), conf); 315 } 316 317 /** Update old-format filesystem names, for back-compatibility. This should 318 * eventually be replaced with a checkName() method that throws an exception 319 * for old-format names. */ 320 private static String fixName(String name) { 321 // convert old-format name to new-format name 322 if (name.equals("local")) { // "local" is now "file:///". 323 LOG.warn("\"local\" is a deprecated filesystem name." 324 +" Use \"file:///\" instead."); 325 name = "file:///"; 326 } else if (name.indexOf('/')==-1) { // unqualified is "hdfs://" 327 LOG.warn("\""+name+"\" is a deprecated filesystem name." 328 +" Use \"hdfs://"+name+"/\" instead."); 329 name = "hdfs://"+name; 330 } 331 return name; 332 } 333 334 /** 335 * Get the local file system. 336 * @param conf the configuration to configure the file system with 337 * @return a LocalFileSystem 338 */ 339 public static LocalFileSystem getLocal(Configuration conf) 340 throws IOException { 341 return (LocalFileSystem)get(LocalFileSystem.NAME, conf); 342 } 343 344 /** Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority. The scheme 345 * of the URI determines a configuration property name, 346 * <tt>fs.<i>scheme</i>.class</tt> whose value names the FileSystem class. 347 * The entire URI is passed to the FileSystem instance's initialize method. 348 */ 349 public static FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException { 350 String scheme = uri.getScheme(); 351 String authority = uri.getAuthority(); 352 353 if (scheme == null && authority == null) { // use default FS 354 return get(conf); 355 } 356 357 if (scheme != null && authority == null) { // no authority 358 URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(conf); 359 if (scheme.equals(defaultUri.getScheme()) // if scheme matches default 360 && defaultUri.getAuthority() != null) { // & default has authority 361 return get(defaultUri, conf); // return default 362 } 363 } 364 365 String disableCacheName = String.format("fs.%s.impl.disable.cache", scheme); 366 if (conf.getBoolean(disableCacheName, false)) { 367 return createFileSystem(uri, conf); 368 } 369 370 return CACHE.get(uri, conf); 371 } 372 373 /** 374 * Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority and the 375 * passed user. Internally invokes {@link #newInstance(URI, Configuration)} 376 * @param uri of the filesystem 377 * @param conf the configuration to use 378 * @param user to perform the get as 379 * @return filesystem instance 380 * @throws IOException 381 * @throws InterruptedException 382 */ 383 public static FileSystem newInstance(final URI uri, final Configuration conf, 384 final String user) throws IOException, InterruptedException { 385 String ticketCachePath = 386 conf.get(CommonConfigurationKeys.KERBEROS_TICKET_CACHE_PATH); 387 UserGroupInformation ugi = 388 UserGroupInformation.getBestUGI(ticketCachePath, user); 389 return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileSystem>() { 390 @Override 391 public FileSystem run() throws IOException { 392 return newInstance(uri,conf); 393 } 394 }); 395 } 396 /** Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority. The scheme 397 * of the URI determines a configuration property name, 398 * <tt>fs.<i>scheme</i>.class</tt> whose value names the FileSystem class. 399 * The entire URI is passed to the FileSystem instance's initialize method. 400 * This always returns a new FileSystem object. 401 */ 402 public static FileSystem newInstance(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException { 403 String scheme = uri.getScheme(); 404 String authority = uri.getAuthority(); 405 406 if (scheme == null) { // no scheme: use default FS 407 return newInstance(conf); 408 } 409 410 if (authority == null) { // no authority 411 URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(conf); 412 if (scheme.equals(defaultUri.getScheme()) // if scheme matches default 413 && defaultUri.getAuthority() != null) { // & default has authority 414 return newInstance(defaultUri, conf); // return default 415 } 416 } 417 return CACHE.getUnique(uri, conf); 418 } 419 420 /** Returns a unique configured filesystem implementation. 421 * This always returns a new FileSystem object. 422 * @param conf the configuration to use 423 */ 424 public static FileSystem newInstance(Configuration conf) throws IOException { 425 return newInstance(getDefaultUri(conf), conf); 426 } 427 428 /** 429 * Get a unique local file system object 430 * @param conf the configuration to configure the file system with 431 * @return a LocalFileSystem 432 * This always returns a new FileSystem object. 433 */ 434 public static LocalFileSystem newInstanceLocal(Configuration conf) 435 throws IOException { 436 return (LocalFileSystem)newInstance(LocalFileSystem.NAME, conf); 437 } 438 439 /** 440 * Close all cached filesystems. Be sure those filesystems are not 441 * used anymore. 442 * 443 * @throws IOException 444 */ 445 public static void closeAll() throws IOException { 446 CACHE.closeAll(); 447 } 448 449 /** 450 * Close all cached filesystems for a given UGI. Be sure those filesystems 451 * are not used anymore. 452 * @param ugi user group info to close 453 * @throws IOException 454 */ 455 public static void closeAllForUGI(UserGroupInformation ugi) 456 throws IOException { 457 CACHE.closeAll(ugi); 458 } 459 460 /** 461 * Make sure that a path specifies a FileSystem. 462 * @param path to use 463 */ 464 public Path makeQualified(Path path) { 465 checkPath(path); 466 return path.makeQualified(this.getUri(), this.getWorkingDirectory()); 467 } 468 469 /** 470 * Get a new delegation token for this file system. 471 * This is an internal method that should have been declared protected 472 * but wasn't historically. 473 * Callers should use {@link #addDelegationTokens(String, Credentials)} 474 * 475 * @param renewer the account name that is allowed to renew the token. 476 * @return a new delegation token 477 * @throws IOException 478 */ 479 @InterfaceAudience.Private() 480 public Token<?> getDelegationToken(String renewer) throws IOException { 481 return null; 482 } 483 484 /** 485 * Obtain all delegation tokens used by this FileSystem that are not 486 * already present in the given Credentials. Existing tokens will neither 487 * be verified as valid nor having the given renewer. Missing tokens will 488 * be acquired and added to the given Credentials. 489 * 490 * Default Impl: works for simple fs with its own token 491 * and also for an embedded fs whose tokens are those of its 492 * children file system (i.e. the embedded fs has not tokens of its 493 * own). 494 * 495 * @param renewer the user allowed to renew the delegation tokens 496 * @param credentials cache in which to add new delegation tokens 497 * @return list of new delegation tokens 498 * @throws IOException 499 */ 500 @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HDFS", "MapReduce" }) 501 public Token<?>[] addDelegationTokens( 502 final String renewer, Credentials credentials) throws IOException { 503 if (credentials == null) { 504 credentials = new Credentials(); 505 } 506 final List<Token<?>> tokens = new ArrayList<Token<?>>(); 507 collectDelegationTokens(renewer, credentials, tokens); 508 return tokens.toArray(new Token<?>[tokens.size()]); 509 } 510 511 /** 512 * Recursively obtain the tokens for this FileSystem and all descended 513 * FileSystems as determined by getChildFileSystems(). 514 * @param renewer the user allowed to renew the delegation tokens 515 * @param credentials cache in which to add the new delegation tokens 516 * @param tokens list in which to add acquired tokens 517 * @throws IOException 518 */ 519 private void collectDelegationTokens(final String renewer, 520 final Credentials credentials, 521 final List<Token<?>> tokens) 522 throws IOException { 523 final String serviceName = getCanonicalServiceName(); 524 // Collect token of the this filesystem and then of its embedded children 525 if (serviceName != null) { // fs has token, grab it 526 final Text service = new Text(serviceName); 527 Token<?> token = credentials.getToken(service); 528 if (token == null) { 529 token = getDelegationToken(renewer); 530 if (token != null) { 531 tokens.add(token); 532 credentials.addToken(service, token); 533 } 534 } 535 } 536 // Now collect the tokens from the children 537 final FileSystem[] children = getChildFileSystems(); 538 if (children != null) { 539 for (final FileSystem fs : children) { 540 fs.collectDelegationTokens(renewer, credentials, tokens); 541 } 542 } 543 } 544 545 /** 546 * Get all the immediate child FileSystems embedded in this FileSystem. 547 * It does not recurse and get grand children. If a FileSystem 548 * has multiple child FileSystems, then it should return a unique list 549 * of those FileSystems. Default is to return null to signify no children. 550 * 551 * @return FileSystems used by this FileSystem 552 */ 553 @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HDFS" }) 554 @VisibleForTesting 555 public FileSystem[] getChildFileSystems() { 556 return null; 557 } 558 559 /** create a file with the provided permission 560 * The permission of the file is set to be the provided permission as in 561 * setPermission, not permission&~umask 562 * 563 * It is implemented using two RPCs. It is understood that it is inefficient, 564 * but the implementation is thread-safe. The other option is to change the 565 * value of umask in configuration to be 0, but it is not thread-safe. 566 * 567 * @param fs file system handle 568 * @param file the name of the file to be created 569 * @param permission the permission of the file 570 * @return an output stream 571 * @throws IOException 572 */ 573 public static FSDataOutputStream create(FileSystem fs, 574 Path file, FsPermission permission) throws IOException { 575 // create the file with default permission 576 FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(file); 577 // set its permission to the supplied one 578 fs.setPermission(file, permission); 579 return out; 580 } 581 582 /** create a directory with the provided permission 583 * The permission of the directory is set to be the provided permission as in 584 * setPermission, not permission&~umask 585 * 586 * @see #create(FileSystem, Path, FsPermission) 587 * 588 * @param fs file system handle 589 * @param dir the name of the directory to be created 590 * @param permission the permission of the directory 591 * @return true if the directory creation succeeds; false otherwise 592 * @throws IOException 593 */ 594 public static boolean mkdirs(FileSystem fs, Path dir, FsPermission permission) 595 throws IOException { 596 // create the directory using the default permission 597 boolean result = fs.mkdirs(dir); 598 // set its permission to be the supplied one 599 fs.setPermission(dir, permission); 600 return result; 601 } 602 603 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 604 // FileSystem 605 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 606 607 protected FileSystem() { 608 super(null); 609 } 610 611 /** 612 * Check that a Path belongs to this FileSystem. 613 * @param path to check 614 */ 615 protected void checkPath(Path path) { 616 URI uri = path.toUri(); 617 String thatScheme = uri.getScheme(); 618 if (thatScheme == null) // fs is relative 619 return; 620 URI thisUri = getCanonicalUri(); 621 String thisScheme = thisUri.getScheme(); 622 //authority and scheme are not case sensitive 623 if (thisScheme.equalsIgnoreCase(thatScheme)) {// schemes match 624 String thisAuthority = thisUri.getAuthority(); 625 String thatAuthority = uri.getAuthority(); 626 if (thatAuthority == null && // path's authority is null 627 thisAuthority != null) { // fs has an authority 628 URI defaultUri = getDefaultUri(getConf()); 629 if (thisScheme.equalsIgnoreCase(defaultUri.getScheme())) { 630 uri = defaultUri; // schemes match, so use this uri instead 631 } else { 632 uri = null; // can't determine auth of the path 633 } 634 } 635 if (uri != null) { 636 // canonicalize uri before comparing with this fs 637 uri = canonicalizeUri(uri); 638 thatAuthority = uri.getAuthority(); 639 if (thisAuthority == thatAuthority || // authorities match 640 (thisAuthority != null && 641 thisAuthority.equalsIgnoreCase(thatAuthority))) 642 return; 643 } 644 } 645 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong FS: "+path+ 646 ", expected: "+this.getUri()); 647 } 648 649 /** 650 * Return an array containing hostnames, offset and size of 651 * portions of the given file. For a nonexistent 652 * file or regions, null will be returned. 653 * 654 * This call is most helpful with DFS, where it returns 655 * hostnames of machines that contain the given file. 656 * 657 * The FileSystem will simply return an elt containing 'localhost'. 658 * 659 * @param file FilesStatus to get data from 660 * @param start offset into the given file 661 * @param len length for which to get locations for 662 */ 663 public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(FileStatus file, 664 long start, long len) throws IOException { 665 if (file == null) { 666 return null; 667 } 668 669 if (start < 0 || len < 0) { 670 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start or len parameter"); 671 } 672 673 if (file.getLen() <= start) { 674 return new BlockLocation[0]; 675 676 } 677 String[] name = { "localhost:50010" }; 678 String[] host = { "localhost" }; 679 return new BlockLocation[] { 680 new BlockLocation(name, host, 0, file.getLen()) }; 681 } 682 683 684 /** 685 * Return an array containing hostnames, offset and size of 686 * portions of the given file. For a nonexistent 687 * file or regions, null will be returned. 688 * 689 * This call is most helpful with DFS, where it returns 690 * hostnames of machines that contain the given file. 691 * 692 * The FileSystem will simply return an elt containing 'localhost'. 693 * 694 * @param p path is used to identify an FS since an FS could have 695 * another FS that it could be delegating the call to 696 * @param start offset into the given file 697 * @param len length for which to get locations for 698 */ 699 public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(Path p, 700 long start, long len) throws IOException { 701 if (p == null) { 702 throw new NullPointerException(); 703 } 704 FileStatus file = getFileStatus(p); 705 return getFileBlockLocations(file, start, len); 706 } 707 708 /** 709 * Return a set of server default configuration values 710 * @return server default configuration values 711 * @throws IOException 712 * @deprecated use {@link #getServerDefaults(Path)} instead 713 */ 714 @Deprecated 715 public FsServerDefaults getServerDefaults() throws IOException { 716 Configuration conf = getConf(); 717 // CRC32 is chosen as default as it is available in all 718 // releases that support checksum. 719 // The client trash configuration is ignored. 720 return new FsServerDefaults(getDefaultBlockSize(), 721 conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512), 722 64 * 1024, 723 getDefaultReplication(), 724 conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), 725 false, 726 CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.FS_TRASH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT, 727 DataChecksum.Type.CRC32); 728 } 729 730 /** 731 * Return a set of server default configuration values 732 * @param p path is used to identify an FS since an FS could have 733 * another FS that it could be delegating the call to 734 * @return server default configuration values 735 * @throws IOException 736 */ 737 public FsServerDefaults getServerDefaults(Path p) throws IOException { 738 return getServerDefaults(); 739 } 740 741 /** 742 * Return the fully-qualified path of path f resolving the path 743 * through any symlinks or mount point 744 * @param p path to be resolved 745 * @return fully qualified path 746 * @throws FileNotFoundException 747 */ 748 public Path resolvePath(final Path p) throws IOException { 749 checkPath(p); 750 return getFileStatus(p).getPath(); 751 } 752 753 /** 754 * Opens an FSDataInputStream at the indicated Path. 755 * @param f the file name to open 756 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 757 */ 758 public abstract FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) 759 throws IOException; 760 761 /** 762 * Opens an FSDataInputStream at the indicated Path. 763 * @param f the file to open 764 */ 765 public FSDataInputStream open(Path f) throws IOException { 766 return open(f, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096)); 767 } 768 769 /** 770 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path. 771 * Files are overwritten by default. 772 * @param f the file to create 773 */ 774 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f) throws IOException { 775 return create(f, true); 776 } 777 778 /** 779 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path. 780 * @param f the file to create 781 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 782 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an exception will be thrown. 783 */ 784 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, boolean overwrite) 785 throws IOException { 786 return create(f, overwrite, 787 getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), 788 getDefaultReplication(f), 789 getDefaultBlockSize(f)); 790 } 791 792 /** 793 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 794 * reporting. 795 * Files are overwritten by default. 796 * @param f the file to create 797 * @param progress to report progress 798 */ 799 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, Progressable progress) 800 throws IOException { 801 return create(f, true, 802 getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), 803 getDefaultReplication(f), 804 getDefaultBlockSize(f), progress); 805 } 806 807 /** 808 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path. 809 * Files are overwritten by default. 810 * @param f the file to create 811 * @param replication the replication factor 812 */ 813 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, short replication) 814 throws IOException { 815 return create(f, true, 816 getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), 817 replication, 818 getDefaultBlockSize(f)); 819 } 820 821 /** 822 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 823 * reporting. 824 * Files are overwritten by default. 825 * @param f the file to create 826 * @param replication the replication factor 827 * @param progress to report progress 828 */ 829 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, short replication, 830 Progressable progress) throws IOException { 831 return create(f, true, 832 getConf().getInt( 833 CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 834 CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT), 835 replication, 836 getDefaultBlockSize(f), progress); 837 } 838 839 840 /** 841 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path. 842 * @param f the file name to create 843 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 844 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 845 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 846 */ 847 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 848 boolean overwrite, 849 int bufferSize 850 ) throws IOException { 851 return create(f, overwrite, bufferSize, 852 getDefaultReplication(f), 853 getDefaultBlockSize(f)); 854 } 855 856 /** 857 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 858 * reporting. 859 * @param f the path of the file to open 860 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 861 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 862 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 863 */ 864 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 865 boolean overwrite, 866 int bufferSize, 867 Progressable progress 868 ) throws IOException { 869 return create(f, overwrite, bufferSize, 870 getDefaultReplication(f), 871 getDefaultBlockSize(f), progress); 872 } 873 874 875 /** 876 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path. 877 * @param f the file name to open 878 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 879 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 880 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 881 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 882 */ 883 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 884 boolean overwrite, 885 int bufferSize, 886 short replication, 887 long blockSize 888 ) throws IOException { 889 return create(f, overwrite, bufferSize, replication, blockSize, null); 890 } 891 892 /** 893 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 894 * reporting. 895 * @param f the file name to open 896 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 897 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 898 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 899 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 900 */ 901 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 902 boolean overwrite, 903 int bufferSize, 904 short replication, 905 long blockSize, 906 Progressable progress 907 ) throws IOException { 908 return this.create(f, FsPermission.getFileDefault().applyUMask( 909 FsPermission.getUMask(getConf())), overwrite, bufferSize, 910 replication, blockSize, progress); 911 } 912 913 /** 914 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 915 * reporting. 916 * @param f the file name to open 917 * @param permission 918 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 919 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 920 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 921 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 922 * @param blockSize 923 * @param progress 924 * @throws IOException 925 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 926 */ 927 public abstract FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 928 FsPermission permission, 929 boolean overwrite, 930 int bufferSize, 931 short replication, 932 long blockSize, 933 Progressable progress) throws IOException; 934 935 /** 936 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 937 * reporting. 938 * @param f the file name to open 939 * @param permission 940 * @param flags {@link CreateFlag}s to use for this stream. 941 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 942 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 943 * @param blockSize 944 * @param progress 945 * @throws IOException 946 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 947 */ 948 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 949 FsPermission permission, 950 EnumSet<CreateFlag> flags, 951 int bufferSize, 952 short replication, 953 long blockSize, 954 Progressable progress) throws IOException { 955 return create(f, permission, flags, bufferSize, replication, 956 blockSize, progress, null); 957 } 958 959 /** 960 * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with a custom 961 * checksum option 962 * @param f the file name to open 963 * @param permission 964 * @param flags {@link CreateFlag}s to use for this stream. 965 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 966 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 967 * @param blockSize 968 * @param progress 969 * @param checksumOpt checksum parameter. If null, the values 970 * found in conf will be used. 971 * @throws IOException 972 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 973 */ 974 public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, 975 FsPermission permission, 976 EnumSet<CreateFlag> flags, 977 int bufferSize, 978 short replication, 979 long blockSize, 980 Progressable progress, 981 ChecksumOpt checksumOpt) throws IOException { 982 // Checksum options are ignored by default. The file systems that 983 // implement checksum need to override this method. The full 984 // support is currently only available in DFS. 985 return create(f, permission, flags.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), 986 bufferSize, replication, blockSize, progress); 987 } 988 989 /*. 990 * This create has been added to support the FileContext that processes 991 * the permission 992 * with umask before calling this method. 993 * This a temporary method added to support the transition from FileSystem 994 * to FileContext for user applications. 995 */ 996 @Deprecated 997 protected FSDataOutputStream primitiveCreate(Path f, 998 FsPermission absolutePermission, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, int bufferSize, 999 short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, 1000 ChecksumOpt checksumOpt) throws IOException { 1001 1002 boolean pathExists = exists(f); 1003 CreateFlag.validate(f, pathExists, flag); 1004 1005 // Default impl assumes that permissions do not matter and 1006 // nor does the bytesPerChecksum hence 1007 // calling the regular create is good enough. 1008 // FSs that implement permissions should override this. 1009 1010 if (pathExists && flag.contains(CreateFlag.APPEND)) { 1011 return append(f, bufferSize, progress); 1012 } 1013 1014 return this.create(f, absolutePermission, 1015 flag.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), bufferSize, replication, 1016 blockSize, progress); 1017 } 1018 1019 /** 1020 * This version of the mkdirs method assumes that the permission is absolute. 1021 * It has been added to support the FileContext that processes the permission 1022 * with umask before calling this method. 1023 * This a temporary method added to support the transition from FileSystem 1024 * to FileContext for user applications. 1025 */ 1026 @Deprecated 1027 protected boolean primitiveMkdir(Path f, FsPermission absolutePermission) 1028 throws IOException { 1029 // Default impl is to assume that permissions do not matter and hence 1030 // calling the regular mkdirs is good enough. 1031 // FSs that implement permissions should override this. 1032 return this.mkdirs(f, absolutePermission); 1033 } 1034 1035 1036 /** 1037 * This version of the mkdirs method assumes that the permission is absolute. 1038 * It has been added to support the FileContext that processes the permission 1039 * with umask before calling this method. 1040 * This a temporary method added to support the transition from FileSystem 1041 * to FileContext for user applications. 1042 */ 1043 @Deprecated 1044 protected void primitiveMkdir(Path f, FsPermission absolutePermission, 1045 boolean createParent) 1046 throws IOException { 1047 1048 if (!createParent) { // parent must exist. 1049 // since the this.mkdirs makes parent dirs automatically 1050 // we must throw exception if parent does not exist. 1051 final FileStatus stat = getFileStatus(f.getParent()); 1052 if (stat == null) { 1053 throw new FileNotFoundException("Missing parent:" + f); 1054 } 1055 if (!stat.isDirectory()) { 1056 throw new ParentNotDirectoryException("parent is not a dir"); 1057 } 1058 // parent does exist - go ahead with mkdir of leaf 1059 } 1060 // Default impl is to assume that permissions do not matter and hence 1061 // calling the regular mkdirs is good enough. 1062 // FSs that implement permissions should override this. 1063 if (!this.mkdirs(f, absolutePermission)) { 1064 throw new IOException("mkdir of "+ f + " failed"); 1065 } 1066 } 1067 1068 /** 1069 * Opens an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 1070 * reporting. Same as create(), except fails if parent directory doesn't 1071 * already exist. 1072 * @param f the file name to open 1073 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 1074 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 1075 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 1076 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 1077 * @param blockSize 1078 * @param progress 1079 * @throws IOException 1080 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 1081 * @deprecated API only for 0.20-append 1082 */ 1083 @Deprecated 1084 public FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path f, 1085 boolean overwrite, 1086 int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, 1087 Progressable progress) throws IOException { 1088 return this.createNonRecursive(f, FsPermission.getFileDefault(), 1089 overwrite, bufferSize, replication, blockSize, progress); 1090 } 1091 1092 /** 1093 * Opens an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 1094 * reporting. Same as create(), except fails if parent directory doesn't 1095 * already exist. 1096 * @param f the file name to open 1097 * @param permission 1098 * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, 1099 * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. 1100 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 1101 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 1102 * @param blockSize 1103 * @param progress 1104 * @throws IOException 1105 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 1106 * @deprecated API only for 0.20-append 1107 */ 1108 @Deprecated 1109 public FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path f, FsPermission permission, 1110 boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, 1111 Progressable progress) throws IOException { 1112 return createNonRecursive(f, permission, 1113 overwrite ? EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE) 1114 : EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE), bufferSize, 1115 replication, blockSize, progress); 1116 } 1117 1118 /** 1119 * Opens an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress 1120 * reporting. Same as create(), except fails if parent directory doesn't 1121 * already exist. 1122 * @param f the file name to open 1123 * @param permission 1124 * @param flags {@link CreateFlag}s to use for this stream. 1125 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 1126 * @param replication required block replication for the file. 1127 * @param blockSize 1128 * @param progress 1129 * @throws IOException 1130 * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) 1131 * @deprecated API only for 0.20-append 1132 */ 1133 @Deprecated 1134 public FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path f, FsPermission permission, 1135 EnumSet<CreateFlag> flags, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, 1136 Progressable progress) throws IOException { 1137 throw new IOException("createNonRecursive unsupported for this filesystem " 1138 + this.getClass()); 1139 } 1140 1141 /** 1142 * Creates the given Path as a brand-new zero-length file. If 1143 * create fails, or if it already existed, return false. 1144 * 1145 * @param f path to use for create 1146 */ 1147 public boolean createNewFile(Path f) throws IOException { 1148 if (exists(f)) { 1149 return false; 1150 } else { 1151 create(f, false, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096)).close(); 1152 return true; 1153 } 1154 } 1155 1156 /** 1157 * Append to an existing file (optional operation). 1158 * Same as append(f, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), null) 1159 * @param f the existing file to be appended. 1160 * @throws IOException 1161 */ 1162 public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f) throws IOException { 1163 return append(f, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), null); 1164 } 1165 /** 1166 * Append to an existing file (optional operation). 1167 * Same as append(f, bufferSize, null). 1168 * @param f the existing file to be appended. 1169 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 1170 * @throws IOException 1171 */ 1172 public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException { 1173 return append(f, bufferSize, null); 1174 } 1175 1176 /** 1177 * Append to an existing file (optional operation). 1178 * @param f the existing file to be appended. 1179 * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. 1180 * @param progress for reporting progress if it is not null. 1181 * @throws IOException 1182 */ 1183 public abstract FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize, 1184 Progressable progress) throws IOException; 1185 1186 /** 1187 * Concat existing files together. 1188 * @param trg the path to the target destination. 1189 * @param psrcs the paths to the sources to use for the concatenation. 1190 * @throws IOException 1191 */ 1192 public void concat(final Path trg, final Path [] psrcs) throws IOException { 1193 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented by the " + 1194 getClass().getSimpleName() + " FileSystem implementation"); 1195 } 1196 1197 /** 1198 * Get replication. 1199 * 1200 * @deprecated Use getFileStatus() instead 1201 * @param src file name 1202 * @return file replication 1203 * @throws IOException 1204 */ 1205 @Deprecated 1206 public short getReplication(Path src) throws IOException { 1207 return getFileStatus(src).getReplication(); 1208 } 1209 1210 /** 1211 * Set replication for an existing file. 1212 * 1213 * @param src file name 1214 * @param replication new replication 1215 * @throws IOException 1216 * @return true if successful; 1217 * false if file does not exist or is a directory 1218 */ 1219 public boolean setReplication(Path src, short replication) 1220 throws IOException { 1221 return true; 1222 } 1223 1224 /** 1225 * Renames Path src to Path dst. Can take place on local fs 1226 * or remote DFS. 1227 * @param src path to be renamed 1228 * @param dst new path after rename 1229 * @throws IOException on failure 1230 * @return true if rename is successful 1231 */ 1232 public abstract boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException; 1233 1234 /** 1235 * Renames Path src to Path dst 1236 * <ul> 1237 * <li 1238 * <li>Fails if src is a file and dst is a directory. 1239 * <li>Fails if src is a directory and dst is a file. 1240 * <li>Fails if the parent of dst does not exist or is a file. 1241 * </ul> 1242 * <p> 1243 * If OVERWRITE option is not passed as an argument, rename fails 1244 * if the dst already exists. 1245 * <p> 1246 * If OVERWRITE option is passed as an argument, rename overwrites 1247 * the dst if it is a file or an empty directory. Rename fails if dst is 1248 * a non-empty directory. 1249 * <p> 1250 * Note that atomicity of rename is dependent on the file system 1251 * implementation. Please refer to the file system documentation for 1252 * details. This default implementation is non atomic. 1253 * <p> 1254 * This method is deprecated since it is a temporary method added to 1255 * support the transition from FileSystem to FileContext for user 1256 * applications. 1257 * 1258 * @param src path to be renamed 1259 * @param dst new path after rename 1260 * @throws IOException on failure 1261 */ 1262 @Deprecated 1263 protected void rename(final Path src, final Path dst, 1264 final Rename... options) throws IOException { 1265 // Default implementation 1266 final FileStatus srcStatus = getFileLinkStatus(src); 1267 if (srcStatus == null) { 1268 throw new FileNotFoundException("rename source " + src + " not found."); 1269 } 1270 1271 boolean overwrite = false; 1272 if (null != options) { 1273 for (Rename option : options) { 1274 if (option == Rename.OVERWRITE) { 1275 overwrite = true; 1276 } 1277 } 1278 } 1279 1280 FileStatus dstStatus; 1281 try { 1282 dstStatus = getFileLinkStatus(dst); 1283 } catch (IOException e) { 1284 dstStatus = null; 1285 } 1286 if (dstStatus != null) { 1287 if (srcStatus.isDirectory() != dstStatus.isDirectory()) { 1288 throw new IOException("Source " + src + " Destination " + dst 1289 + " both should be either file or directory"); 1290 } 1291 if (!overwrite) { 1292 throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("rename destination " + dst 1293 + " already exists."); 1294 } 1295 // Delete the destination that is a file or an empty directory 1296 if (dstStatus.isDirectory()) { 1297 FileStatus[] list = listStatus(dst); 1298 if (list != null && list.length != 0) { 1299 throw new IOException( 1300 "rename cannot overwrite non empty destination directory " + dst); 1301 } 1302 } 1303 delete(dst, false); 1304 } else { 1305 final Path parent = dst.getParent(); 1306 final FileStatus parentStatus = getFileStatus(parent); 1307 if (parentStatus == null) { 1308 throw new FileNotFoundException("rename destination parent " + parent 1309 + " not found."); 1310 } 1311 if (!parentStatus.isDirectory()) { 1312 throw new ParentNotDirectoryException("rename destination parent " + parent 1313 + " is a file."); 1314 } 1315 } 1316 if (!rename(src, dst)) { 1317 throw new IOException("rename from " + src + " to " + dst + " failed."); 1318 } 1319 } 1320 1321 /** 1322 * Delete a file 1323 * @deprecated Use {@link #delete(Path, boolean)} instead. 1324 */ 1325 @Deprecated 1326 public boolean delete(Path f) throws IOException { 1327 return delete(f, true); 1328 } 1329 1330 /** Delete a file. 1331 * 1332 * @param f the path to delete. 1333 * @param recursive if path is a directory and set to 1334 * true, the directory is deleted else throws an exception. In 1335 * case of a file the recursive can be set to either true or false. 1336 * @return true if delete is successful else false. 1337 * @throws IOException 1338 */ 1339 public abstract boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException; 1340 1341 /** 1342 * Mark a path to be deleted when FileSystem is closed. 1343 * When the JVM shuts down, 1344 * all FileSystem objects will be closed automatically. 1345 * Then, 1346 * the marked path will be deleted as a result of closing the FileSystem. 1347 * 1348 * The path has to exist in the file system. 1349 * 1350 * @param f the path to delete. 1351 * @return true if deleteOnExit is successful, otherwise false. 1352 * @throws IOException 1353 */ 1354 public boolean deleteOnExit(Path f) throws IOException { 1355 if (!exists(f)) { 1356 return false; 1357 } 1358 synchronized (deleteOnExit) { 1359 deleteOnExit.add(f); 1360 } 1361 return true; 1362 } 1363 1364 /** 1365 * Cancel the deletion of the path when the FileSystem is closed 1366 * @param f the path to cancel deletion 1367 */ 1368 public boolean cancelDeleteOnExit(Path f) { 1369 synchronized (deleteOnExit) { 1370 return deleteOnExit.remove(f); 1371 } 1372 } 1373 1374 /** 1375 * Delete all files that were marked as delete-on-exit. This recursively 1376 * deletes all files in the specified paths. 1377 */ 1378 protected void processDeleteOnExit() { 1379 synchronized (deleteOnExit) { 1380 for (Iterator<Path> iter = deleteOnExit.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 1381 Path path = iter.next(); 1382 try { 1383 if (exists(path)) { 1384 delete(path, true); 1385 } 1386 } 1387 catch (IOException e) { 1388 LOG.info("Ignoring failure to deleteOnExit for path " + path); 1389 } 1390 iter.remove(); 1391 } 1392 } 1393 } 1394 1395 /** Check if exists. 1396 * @param f source file 1397 */ 1398 public boolean exists(Path f) throws IOException { 1399 try { 1400 return getFileStatus(f) != null; 1401 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 1402 return false; 1403 } 1404 } 1405 1406 /** True iff the named path is a directory. 1407 * Note: Avoid using this method. Instead reuse the FileStatus 1408 * returned by getFileStatus() or listStatus() methods. 1409 * @param f path to check 1410 */ 1411 public boolean isDirectory(Path f) throws IOException { 1412 try { 1413 return getFileStatus(f).isDirectory(); 1414 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 1415 return false; // f does not exist 1416 } 1417 } 1418 1419 /** True iff the named path is a regular file. 1420 * Note: Avoid using this method. Instead reuse the FileStatus 1421 * returned by getFileStatus() or listStatus() methods. 1422 * @param f path to check 1423 */ 1424 public boolean isFile(Path f) throws IOException { 1425 try { 1426 return getFileStatus(f).isFile(); 1427 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 1428 return false; // f does not exist 1429 } 1430 } 1431 1432 /** The number of bytes in a file. */ 1433 /** @deprecated Use getFileStatus() instead */ 1434 @Deprecated 1435 public long getLength(Path f) throws IOException { 1436 return getFileStatus(f).getLen(); 1437 } 1438 1439 /** Return the {@link ContentSummary} of a given {@link Path}. 1440 * @param f path to use 1441 */ 1442 public ContentSummary getContentSummary(Path f) throws IOException { 1443 FileStatus status = getFileStatus(f); 1444 if (status.isFile()) { 1445 // f is a file 1446 return new ContentSummary(status.getLen(), 1, 0); 1447 } 1448 // f is a directory 1449 long[] summary = {0, 0, 1}; 1450 for(FileStatus s : listStatus(f)) { 1451 ContentSummary c = s.isDirectory() ? getContentSummary(s.getPath()) : 1452 new ContentSummary(s.getLen(), 1, 0); 1453 summary[0] += c.getLength(); 1454 summary[1] += c.getFileCount(); 1455 summary[2] += c.getDirectoryCount(); 1456 } 1457 return new ContentSummary(summary[0], summary[1], summary[2]); 1458 } 1459 1460 final private static PathFilter DEFAULT_FILTER = new PathFilter() { 1461 @Override 1462 public boolean accept(Path file) { 1463 return true; 1464 } 1465 }; 1466 1467 /** 1468 * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is 1469 * a directory. 1470 * 1471 * @param f given path 1472 * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given patch 1473 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 1474 * IOException see specific implementation 1475 */ 1476 public abstract FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, 1477 IOException; 1478 1479 /* 1480 * Filter files/directories in the given path using the user-supplied path 1481 * filter. Results are added to the given array <code>results</code>. 1482 */ 1483 private void listStatus(ArrayList<FileStatus> results, Path f, 1484 PathFilter filter) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1485 FileStatus listing[] = listStatus(f); 1486 if (listing == null) { 1487 throw new IOException("Error accessing " + f); 1488 } 1489 1490 for (int i = 0; i < listing.length; i++) { 1491 if (filter.accept(listing[i].getPath())) { 1492 results.add(listing[i]); 1493 } 1494 } 1495 } 1496 1497 /** 1498 * @return an iterator over the corrupt files under the given path 1499 * (may contain duplicates if a file has more than one corrupt block) 1500 * @throws IOException 1501 */ 1502 public RemoteIterator<Path> listCorruptFileBlocks(Path path) 1503 throws IOException { 1504 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getCanonicalName() + 1505 " does not support" + 1506 " listCorruptFileBlocks"); 1507 } 1508 1509 /** 1510 * Filter files/directories in the given path using the user-supplied path 1511 * filter. 1512 * 1513 * @param f 1514 * a path name 1515 * @param filter 1516 * the user-supplied path filter 1517 * @return an array of FileStatus objects for the files under the given path 1518 * after applying the filter 1519 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 1520 * IOException see specific implementation 1521 */ 1522 public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f, PathFilter filter) 1523 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1524 ArrayList<FileStatus> results = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); 1525 listStatus(results, f, filter); 1526 return results.toArray(new FileStatus[results.size()]); 1527 } 1528 1529 /** 1530 * Filter files/directories in the given list of paths using default 1531 * path filter. 1532 * 1533 * @param files 1534 * a list of paths 1535 * @return a list of statuses for the files under the given paths after 1536 * applying the filter default Path filter 1537 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 1538 * IOException see specific implementation 1539 */ 1540 public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path[] files) 1541 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1542 return listStatus(files, DEFAULT_FILTER); 1543 } 1544 1545 /** 1546 * Filter files/directories in the given list of paths using user-supplied 1547 * path filter. 1548 * 1549 * @param files 1550 * a list of paths 1551 * @param filter 1552 * the user-supplied path filter 1553 * @return a list of statuses for the files under the given paths after 1554 * applying the filter 1555 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 1556 * IOException see specific implementation 1557 */ 1558 public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path[] files, PathFilter filter) 1559 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1560 ArrayList<FileStatus> results = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); 1561 for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { 1562 listStatus(results, files[i], filter); 1563 } 1564 return results.toArray(new FileStatus[results.size()]); 1565 } 1566 1567 /** 1568 * <p>Return all the files that match filePattern and are not checksum 1569 * files. Results are sorted by their names. 1570 * 1571 * <p> 1572 * A filename pattern is composed of <i>regular</i> characters and 1573 * <i>special pattern matching</i> characters, which are: 1574 * 1575 * <dl> 1576 * <dd> 1577 * <dl> 1578 * <p> 1579 * <dt> <tt> ? </tt> 1580 * <dd> Matches any single character. 1581 * 1582 * <p> 1583 * <dt> <tt> * </tt> 1584 * <dd> Matches zero or more characters. 1585 * 1586 * <p> 1587 * <dt> <tt> [<i>abc</i>] </tt> 1588 * <dd> Matches a single character from character set 1589 * <tt>{<i>a,b,c</i>}</tt>. 1590 * 1591 * <p> 1592 * <dt> <tt> [<i>a</i>-<i>b</i>] </tt> 1593 * <dd> Matches a single character from the character range 1594 * <tt>{<i>a...b</i>}</tt>. Note that character <tt><i>a</i></tt> must be 1595 * lexicographically less than or equal to character <tt><i>b</i></tt>. 1596 * 1597 * <p> 1598 * <dt> <tt> [^<i>a</i>] </tt> 1599 * <dd> Matches a single character that is not from character set or range 1600 * <tt>{<i>a</i>}</tt>. Note that the <tt>^</tt> character must occur 1601 * immediately to the right of the opening bracket. 1602 * 1603 * <p> 1604 * <dt> <tt> \<i>c</i> </tt> 1605 * <dd> Removes (escapes) any special meaning of character <i>c</i>. 1606 * 1607 * <p> 1608 * <dt> <tt> {ab,cd} </tt> 1609 * <dd> Matches a string from the string set <tt>{<i>ab, cd</i>} </tt> 1610 * 1611 * <p> 1612 * <dt> <tt> {ab,c{de,fh}} </tt> 1613 * <dd> Matches a string from the string set <tt>{<i>ab, cde, cfh</i>}</tt> 1614 * 1615 * </dl> 1616 * </dd> 1617 * </dl> 1618 * 1619 * @param pathPattern a regular expression specifying a pth pattern 1620 1621 * @return an array of paths that match the path pattern 1622 * @throws IOException 1623 */ 1624 public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern) throws IOException { 1625 return new Globber(this, pathPattern, DEFAULT_FILTER).glob(); 1626 } 1627 1628 /** 1629 * Return an array of FileStatus objects whose path names match pathPattern 1630 * and is accepted by the user-supplied path filter. Results are sorted by 1631 * their path names. 1632 * Return null if pathPattern has no glob and the path does not exist. 1633 * Return an empty array if pathPattern has a glob and no path matches it. 1634 * 1635 * @param pathPattern 1636 * a regular expression specifying the path pattern 1637 * @param filter 1638 * a user-supplied path filter 1639 * @return an array of FileStatus objects 1640 * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs when fetching file status 1641 */ 1642 public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter) 1643 throws IOException { 1644 return new Globber(this, pathPattern, filter).glob(); 1645 } 1646 1647 /** 1648 * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is 1649 * a directory. 1650 * Return the file's status and block locations If the path is a file. 1651 * 1652 * If a returned status is a file, it contains the file's block locations. 1653 * 1654 * @param f is the path 1655 * 1656 * @return an iterator that traverses statuses of the files/directories 1657 * in the given path 1658 * 1659 * @throws FileNotFoundException If <code>f</code> does not exist 1660 * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred 1661 */ 1662 public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(final Path f) 1663 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1664 return listLocatedStatus(f, DEFAULT_FILTER); 1665 } 1666 1667 /** 1668 * Listing a directory 1669 * The returned results include its block location if it is a file 1670 * The results are filtered by the given path filter 1671 * @param f a path 1672 * @param filter a path filter 1673 * @return an iterator that traverses statuses of the files/directories 1674 * in the given path 1675 * @throws FileNotFoundException if <code>f</code> does not exist 1676 * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurred 1677 */ 1678 protected RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(final Path f, 1679 final PathFilter filter) 1680 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1681 return new RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>() { 1682 private final FileStatus[] stats = listStatus(f, filter); 1683 private int i = 0; 1684 1685 @Override 1686 public boolean hasNext() { 1687 return i<stats.length; 1688 } 1689 1690 @Override 1691 public LocatedFileStatus next() throws IOException { 1692 if (!hasNext()) { 1693 throw new NoSuchElementException("No more entry in " + f); 1694 } 1695 FileStatus result = stats[i++]; 1696 BlockLocation[] locs = result.isFile() ? 1697 getFileBlockLocations(result.getPath(), 0, result.getLen()) : 1698 null; 1699 return new LocatedFileStatus(result, locs); 1700 } 1701 }; 1702 } 1703 1704 /** 1705 * List the statuses and block locations of the files in the given path. 1706 * 1707 * If the path is a directory, 1708 * if recursive is false, returns files in the directory; 1709 * if recursive is true, return files in the subtree rooted at the path. 1710 * If the path is a file, return the file's status and block locations. 1711 * 1712 * @param f is the path 1713 * @param recursive if the subdirectories need to be traversed recursively 1714 * 1715 * @return an iterator that traverses statuses of the files 1716 * 1717 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 1718 * IOException see specific implementation 1719 */ 1720 public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listFiles( 1721 final Path f, final boolean recursive) 1722 throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 1723 return new RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>() { 1724 private Stack<RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>> itors = 1725 new Stack<RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>>(); 1726 private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> curItor = 1727 listLocatedStatus(f); 1728 private LocatedFileStatus curFile; 1729 1730 @Override 1731 public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { 1732 while (curFile == null) { 1733 if (curItor.hasNext()) { 1734 handleFileStat(curItor.next()); 1735 } else if (!itors.empty()) { 1736 curItor = itors.pop(); 1737 } else { 1738 return false; 1739 } 1740 } 1741 return true; 1742 } 1743 1744 /** 1745 * Process the input stat. 1746 * If it is a file, return the file stat. 1747 * If it is a directory, traverse the directory if recursive is true; 1748 * ignore it if recursive is false. 1749 * @param stat input status 1750 * @throws IOException if any IO error occurs 1751 */ 1752 private void handleFileStat(LocatedFileStatus stat) throws IOException { 1753 if (stat.isFile()) { // file 1754 curFile = stat; 1755 } else if (recursive) { // directory 1756 itors.push(curItor); 1757 curItor = listLocatedStatus(stat.getPath()); 1758 } 1759 } 1760 1761 @Override 1762 public LocatedFileStatus next() throws IOException { 1763 if (hasNext()) { 1764 LocatedFileStatus result = curFile; 1765 curFile = null; 1766 return result; 1767 } 1768 throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("No more entry in " + f); 1769 } 1770 }; 1771 } 1772 1773 /** Return the current user's home directory in this filesystem. 1774 * The default implementation returns "/user/$USER/". 1775 */ 1776 public Path getHomeDirectory() { 1777 return this.makeQualified( 1778 new Path("/user/"+System.getProperty("user.name"))); 1779 } 1780 1781 1782 /** 1783 * Set the current working directory for the given file system. All relative 1784 * paths will be resolved relative to it. 1785 * 1786 * @param new_dir 1787 */ 1788 public abstract void setWorkingDirectory(Path new_dir); 1789 1790 /** 1791 * Get the current working directory for the given file system 1792 * @return the directory pathname 1793 */ 1794 public abstract Path getWorkingDirectory(); 1795 1796 1797 /** 1798 * Note: with the new FilesContext class, getWorkingDirectory() 1799 * will be removed. 1800 * The working directory is implemented in FilesContext. 1801 * 1802 * Some file systems like LocalFileSystem have an initial workingDir 1803 * that we use as the starting workingDir. For other file systems 1804 * like HDFS there is no built in notion of an initial workingDir. 1805 * 1806 * @return if there is built in notion of workingDir then it 1807 * is returned; else a null is returned. 1808 */ 1809 protected Path getInitialWorkingDirectory() { 1810 return null; 1811 } 1812 1813 /** 1814 * Call {@link #mkdirs(Path, FsPermission)} with default permission. 1815 */ 1816 public boolean mkdirs(Path f) throws IOException { 1817 return mkdirs(f, FsPermission.getDirDefault()); 1818 } 1819 1820 /** 1821 * Make the given file and all non-existent parents into 1822 * directories. Has the semantics of Unix 'mkdir -p'. 1823 * Existence of the directory hierarchy is not an error. 1824 * @param f path to create 1825 * @param permission to apply to f 1826 */ 1827 public abstract boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission 1828 ) throws IOException; 1829 1830 /** 1831 * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1832 * the given dst name and the source is kept intact afterwards 1833 * @param src path 1834 * @param dst path 1835 */ 1836 public void copyFromLocalFile(Path src, Path dst) 1837 throws IOException { 1838 copyFromLocalFile(false, src, dst); 1839 } 1840 1841 /** 1842 * The src files is on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1843 * the given dst name, removing the source afterwards. 1844 * @param srcs path 1845 * @param dst path 1846 */ 1847 public void moveFromLocalFile(Path[] srcs, Path dst) 1848 throws IOException { 1849 copyFromLocalFile(true, true, srcs, dst); 1850 } 1851 1852 /** 1853 * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1854 * the given dst name, removing the source afterwards. 1855 * @param src path 1856 * @param dst path 1857 */ 1858 public void moveFromLocalFile(Path src, Path dst) 1859 throws IOException { 1860 copyFromLocalFile(true, src, dst); 1861 } 1862 1863 /** 1864 * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1865 * the given dst name. 1866 * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed 1867 * @param delSrc whether to delete the src 1868 * @param src path 1869 * @param dst path 1870 */ 1871 public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst) 1872 throws IOException { 1873 copyFromLocalFile(delSrc, true, src, dst); 1874 } 1875 1876 /** 1877 * The src files are on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1878 * the given dst name. 1879 * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed 1880 * @param delSrc whether to delete the src 1881 * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file 1882 * @param srcs array of paths which are source 1883 * @param dst path 1884 */ 1885 public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, 1886 Path[] srcs, Path dst) 1887 throws IOException { 1888 Configuration conf = getConf(); 1889 FileUtil.copy(getLocal(conf), srcs, this, dst, delSrc, overwrite, conf); 1890 } 1891 1892 /** 1893 * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at 1894 * the given dst name. 1895 * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed 1896 * @param delSrc whether to delete the src 1897 * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file 1898 * @param src path 1899 * @param dst path 1900 */ 1901 public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, 1902 Path src, Path dst) 1903 throws IOException { 1904 Configuration conf = getConf(); 1905 FileUtil.copy(getLocal(conf), src, this, dst, delSrc, overwrite, conf); 1906 } 1907 1908 /** 1909 * The src file is under FS, and the dst is on the local disk. 1910 * Copy it from FS control to the local dst name. 1911 * @param src path 1912 * @param dst path 1913 */ 1914 public void copyToLocalFile(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { 1915 copyToLocalFile(false, src, dst); 1916 } 1917 1918 /** 1919 * The src file is under FS, and the dst is on the local disk. 1920 * Copy it from FS control to the local dst name. 1921 * Remove the source afterwards 1922 * @param src path 1923 * @param dst path 1924 */ 1925 public void moveToLocalFile(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { 1926 copyToLocalFile(true, src, dst); 1927 } 1928 1929 /** 1930 * The src file is under FS, and the dst is on the local disk. 1931 * Copy it from FS control to the local dst name. 1932 * delSrc indicates if the src will be removed or not. 1933 * @param delSrc whether to delete the src 1934 * @param src path 1935 * @param dst path 1936 */ 1937 public void copyToLocalFile(boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst) 1938 throws IOException { 1939 copyToLocalFile(delSrc, src, dst, false); 1940 } 1941 1942 /** 1943 * The src file is under FS, and the dst is on the local disk. Copy it from FS 1944 * control to the local dst name. delSrc indicates if the src will be removed 1945 * or not. useRawLocalFileSystem indicates whether to use RawLocalFileSystem 1946 * as local file system or not. RawLocalFileSystem is non crc file system.So, 1947 * It will not create any crc files at local. 1948 * 1949 * @param delSrc 1950 * whether to delete the src 1951 * @param src 1952 * path 1953 * @param dst 1954 * path 1955 * @param useRawLocalFileSystem 1956 * whether to use RawLocalFileSystem as local file system or not. 1957 * 1958 * @throws IOException 1959 * - if any IO error 1960 */ 1961 public void copyToLocalFile(boolean delSrc, Path src, Path dst, 1962 boolean useRawLocalFileSystem) throws IOException { 1963 Configuration conf = getConf(); 1964 FileSystem local = null; 1965 if (useRawLocalFileSystem) { 1966 local = getLocal(conf).getRawFileSystem(); 1967 } else { 1968 local = getLocal(conf); 1969 } 1970 FileUtil.copy(this, src, local, dst, delSrc, conf); 1971 } 1972 1973 /** 1974 * Returns a local File that the user can write output to. The caller 1975 * provides both the eventual FS target name and the local working 1976 * file. If the FS is local, we write directly into the target. If 1977 * the FS is remote, we write into the tmp local area. 1978 * @param fsOutputFile path of output file 1979 * @param tmpLocalFile path of local tmp file 1980 */ 1981 public Path startLocalOutput(Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile) 1982 throws IOException { 1983 return tmpLocalFile; 1984 } 1985 1986 /** 1987 * Called when we're all done writing to the target. A local FS will 1988 * do nothing, because we've written to exactly the right place. A remote 1989 * FS will copy the contents of tmpLocalFile to the correct target at 1990 * fsOutputFile. 1991 * @param fsOutputFile path of output file 1992 * @param tmpLocalFile path to local tmp file 1993 */ 1994 public void completeLocalOutput(Path fsOutputFile, Path tmpLocalFile) 1995 throws IOException { 1996 moveFromLocalFile(tmpLocalFile, fsOutputFile); 1997 } 1998 1999 /** 2000 * No more filesystem operations are needed. Will 2001 * release any held locks. 2002 */ 2003 @Override 2004 public void close() throws IOException { 2005 // delete all files that were marked as delete-on-exit. 2006 processDeleteOnExit(); 2007 CACHE.remove(this.key, this); 2008 } 2009 2010 /** Return the total size of all files in the filesystem.*/ 2011 public long getUsed() throws IOException{ 2012 long used = 0; 2013 FileStatus[] files = listStatus(new Path("/")); 2014 for(FileStatus file:files){ 2015 used += file.getLen(); 2016 } 2017 return used; 2018 } 2019 2020 /** 2021 * Get the block size for a particular file. 2022 * @param f the filename 2023 * @return the number of bytes in a block 2024 */ 2025 /** @deprecated Use getFileStatus() instead */ 2026 @Deprecated 2027 public long getBlockSize(Path f) throws IOException { 2028 return getFileStatus(f).getBlockSize(); 2029 } 2030 2031 /** 2032 * Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally 2033 * be split into to minimize i/o time. 2034 * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultBlockSize(Path)} instead 2035 */ 2036 @Deprecated 2037 public long getDefaultBlockSize() { 2038 // default to 32MB: large enough to minimize the impact of seeks 2039 return getConf().getLong("fs.local.block.size", 32 * 1024 * 1024); 2040 } 2041 2042 /** Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally 2043 * be split into to minimize i/o time. The given path will be used to 2044 * locate the actual filesystem. The full path does not have to exist. 2045 * @param f path of file 2046 * @return the default block size for the path's filesystem 2047 */ 2048 public long getDefaultBlockSize(Path f) { 2049 return getDefaultBlockSize(); 2050 } 2051 2052 /** 2053 * Get the default replication. 2054 * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultReplication(Path)} instead 2055 */ 2056 @Deprecated 2057 public short getDefaultReplication() { return 1; } 2058 2059 /** 2060 * Get the default replication for a path. The given path will be used to 2061 * locate the actual filesystem. The full path does not have to exist. 2062 * @param path of the file 2063 * @return default replication for the path's filesystem 2064 */ 2065 public short getDefaultReplication(Path path) { 2066 return getDefaultReplication(); 2067 } 2068 2069 /** 2070 * Return a file status object that represents the path. 2071 * @param f The path we want information from 2072 * @return a FileStatus object 2073 * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; 2074 * IOException see specific implementation 2075 */ 2076 public abstract FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException; 2077 2078 /** 2079 * Checks if the user can access a path. The mode specifies which access 2080 * checks to perform. If the requested permissions are granted, then the 2081 * method returns normally. If access is denied, then the method throws an 2082 * {@link AccessControlException}. 2083 * <p/> 2084 * The default implementation of this method calls {@link #getFileStatus(Path)} 2085 * and checks the returned permissions against the requested permissions. 2086 * Note that the getFileStatus call will be subject to authorization checks. 2087 * Typically, this requires search (execute) permissions on each directory in 2088 * the path's prefix, but this is implementation-defined. Any file system 2089 * that provides a richer authorization model (such as ACLs) may override the 2090 * default implementation so that it checks against that model instead. 2091 * <p> 2092 * In general, applications should avoid using this method, due to the risk of 2093 * time-of-check/time-of-use race conditions. The permissions on a file may 2094 * change immediately after the access call returns. Most applications should 2095 * prefer running specific file system actions as the desired user represented 2096 * by a {@link UserGroupInformation}. 2097 * 2098 * @param path Path to check 2099 * @param mode type of access to check 2100 * @throws AccessControlException if access is denied 2101 * @throws FileNotFoundException if the path does not exist 2102 * @throws IOException see specific implementation 2103 */ 2104 @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"HDFS", "Hive"}) 2105 public void access(Path path, FsAction mode) throws AccessControlException, 2106 FileNotFoundException, IOException { 2107 checkAccessPermissions(this.getFileStatus(path), mode); 2108 } 2109 2110 /** 2111 * This method provides the default implementation of 2112 * {@link #access(Path, FsAction)}. 2113 * 2114 * @param stat FileStatus to check 2115 * @param mode type of access to check 2116 * @throws IOException for any error 2117 */ 2118 @InterfaceAudience.Private 2119 static void checkAccessPermissions(FileStatus stat, FsAction mode) 2120 throws IOException { 2121 FsPermission perm = stat.getPermission(); 2122 UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); 2123 String user = ugi.getShortUserName(); 2124 List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(ugi.getGroupNames()); 2125 if (user.equals(stat.getOwner())) { 2126 if (perm.getUserAction().implies(mode)) { 2127 return; 2128 } 2129 } else if (groups.contains(stat.getGroup())) { 2130 if (perm.getGroupAction().implies(mode)) { 2131 return; 2132 } 2133 } else { 2134 if (perm.getOtherAction().implies(mode)) { 2135 return; 2136 } 2137 } 2138 throw new AccessControlException(String.format( 2139 "Permission denied: user=%s, path=\"%s\":%s:%s:%s%s", user, stat.getPath(), 2140 stat.getOwner(), stat.getGroup(), stat.isDirectory() ? "d" : "-", perm)); 2141 } 2142 2143 /** 2144 * See {@link FileContext#fixRelativePart} 2145 */ 2146 protected Path fixRelativePart(Path p) { 2147 if (p.isUriPathAbsolute()) { 2148 return p; 2149 } else { 2150 return new Path(getWorkingDirectory(), p); 2151 } 2152 } 2153 2154 /** 2155 * See {@link FileContext#createSymlink(Path, Path, boolean)} 2156 */ 2157 public void createSymlink(final Path target, final Path link, 2158 final boolean createParent) throws AccessControlException, 2159 FileAlreadyExistsException, FileNotFoundException, 2160 ParentNotDirectoryException, UnsupportedFileSystemException, 2161 IOException { 2162 // Supporting filesystems should override this method 2163 throw new UnsupportedOperationException( 2164 "Filesystem does not support symlinks!"); 2165 } 2166 2167 /** 2168 * See {@link FileContext#getFileLinkStatus(Path)} 2169 */ 2170 public FileStatus getFileLinkStatus(final Path f) 2171 throws AccessControlException, FileNotFoundException, 2172 UnsupportedFileSystemException, IOException { 2173 // Supporting filesystems should override this method 2174 return getFileStatus(f); 2175 } 2176 2177 /** 2178 * See {@link AbstractFileSystem#supportsSymlinks()} 2179 */ 2180 public boolean supportsSymlinks() { 2181 return false; 2182 } 2183 2184 /** 2185 * See {@link FileContext#getLinkTarget(Path)} 2186 */ 2187 public Path getLinkTarget(Path f) throws IOException { 2188 // Supporting filesystems should override this method 2189 throw new UnsupportedOperationException( 2190 "Filesystem does not support symlinks!"); 2191 } 2192 2193 /** 2194 * See {@link AbstractFileSystem#getLinkTarget(Path)} 2195 */ 2196 protected Path resolveLink(Path f) throws IOException { 2197 // Supporting filesystems should override this method 2198 throw new UnsupportedOperationException( 2199 "Filesystem does not support symlinks!"); 2200 } 2201 2202 /** 2203 * Get the checksum of a file. 2204 * 2205 * @param f The file path 2206 * @return The file checksum. The default return value is null, 2207 * which indicates that no checksum algorithm is implemented 2208 * in the corresponding FileSystem. 2209 */ 2210 public FileChecksum getFileChecksum(Path f) throws IOException { 2211 return getFileChecksum(f, Long.MAX_VALUE); 2212 } 2213 2214 /** 2215 * Get the checksum of a file, from the beginning of the file till the 2216 * specific length. 2217 * @param f The file path 2218 * @param length The length of the file range for checksum calculation 2219 * @return The file checksum. 2220 */ 2221 public FileChecksum getFileChecksum(Path f, final long length) 2222 throws IOException { 2223 return null; 2224 } 2225 2226 /** 2227 * Set the verify checksum flag. This is only applicable if the 2228 * corresponding FileSystem supports checksum. By default doesn't do anything. 2229 * @param verifyChecksum 2230 */ 2231 public void setVerifyChecksum(boolean verifyChecksum) { 2232 //doesn't do anything 2233 } 2234 2235 /** 2236 * Set the write checksum flag. This is only applicable if the 2237 * corresponding FileSystem supports checksum. By default doesn't do anything. 2238 * @param writeChecksum 2239 */ 2240 public void setWriteChecksum(boolean writeChecksum) { 2241 //doesn't do anything 2242 } 2243 2244 /** 2245 * Returns a status object describing the use and capacity of the 2246 * file system. If the file system has multiple partitions, the 2247 * use and capacity of the root partition is reflected. 2248 * 2249 * @return a FsStatus object 2250 * @throws IOException 2251 * see specific implementation 2252 */ 2253 public FsStatus getStatus() throws IOException { 2254 return getStatus(null); 2255 } 2256 2257 /** 2258 * Returns a status object describing the use and capacity of the 2259 * file system. If the file system has multiple partitions, the 2260 * use and capacity of the partition pointed to by the specified 2261 * path is reflected. 2262 * @param p Path for which status should be obtained. null means 2263 * the default partition. 2264 * @return a FsStatus object 2265 * @throws IOException 2266 * see specific implementation 2267 */ 2268 public FsStatus getStatus(Path p) throws IOException { 2269 return new FsStatus(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); 2270 } 2271 2272 /** 2273 * Set permission of a path. 2274 * @param p 2275 * @param permission 2276 */ 2277 public void setPermission(Path p, FsPermission permission 2278 ) throws IOException { 2279 } 2280 2281 /** 2282 * Set owner of a path (i.e. a file or a directory). 2283 * The parameters username and groupname cannot both be null. 2284 * @param p The path 2285 * @param username If it is null, the original username remains unchanged. 2286 * @param groupname If it is null, the original groupname remains unchanged. 2287 */ 2288 public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname 2289 ) throws IOException { 2290 } 2291 2292 /** 2293 * Set access time of a file 2294 * @param p The path 2295 * @param mtime Set the modification time of this file. 2296 * The number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. 2297 * A value of -1 means that this call should not set modification time. 2298 * @param atime Set the access time of this file. 2299 * The number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. 2300 * A value of -1 means that this call should not set access time. 2301 */ 2302 public void setTimes(Path p, long mtime, long atime 2303 ) throws IOException { 2304 } 2305 2306 /** 2307 * Create a snapshot with a default name. 2308 * @param path The directory where snapshots will be taken. 2309 * @return the snapshot path. 2310 */ 2311 public final Path createSnapshot(Path path) throws IOException { 2312 return createSnapshot(path, null); 2313 } 2314 2315 /** 2316 * Create a snapshot 2317 * @param path The directory where snapshots will be taken. 2318 * @param snapshotName The name of the snapshot 2319 * @return the snapshot path. 2320 */ 2321 public Path createSnapshot(Path path, String snapshotName) 2322 throws IOException { 2323 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2324 + " doesn't support createSnapshot"); 2325 } 2326 2327 /** 2328 * Rename a snapshot 2329 * @param path The directory path where the snapshot was taken 2330 * @param snapshotOldName Old name of the snapshot 2331 * @param snapshotNewName New name of the snapshot 2332 * @throws IOException 2333 */ 2334 public void renameSnapshot(Path path, String snapshotOldName, 2335 String snapshotNewName) throws IOException { 2336 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2337 + " doesn't support renameSnapshot"); 2338 } 2339 2340 /** 2341 * Delete a snapshot of a directory 2342 * @param path The directory that the to-be-deleted snapshot belongs to 2343 * @param snapshotName The name of the snapshot 2344 */ 2345 public void deleteSnapshot(Path path, String snapshotName) 2346 throws IOException { 2347 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2348 + " doesn't support deleteSnapshot"); 2349 } 2350 2351 /** 2352 * Modifies ACL entries of files and directories. This method can add new ACL 2353 * entries or modify the permissions on existing ACL entries. All existing 2354 * ACL entries that are not specified in this call are retained without 2355 * changes. (Modifications are merged into the current ACL.) 2356 * 2357 * @param path Path to modify 2358 * @param aclSpec List<AclEntry> describing modifications 2359 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be modified 2360 */ 2361 public void modifyAclEntries(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) 2362 throws IOException { 2363 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2364 + " doesn't support modifyAclEntries"); 2365 } 2366 2367 /** 2368 * Removes ACL entries from files and directories. Other ACL entries are 2369 * retained. 2370 * 2371 * @param path Path to modify 2372 * @param aclSpec List<AclEntry> describing entries to remove 2373 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be modified 2374 */ 2375 public void removeAclEntries(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) 2376 throws IOException { 2377 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2378 + " doesn't support removeAclEntries"); 2379 } 2380 2381 /** 2382 * Removes all default ACL entries from files and directories. 2383 * 2384 * @param path Path to modify 2385 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be modified 2386 */ 2387 public void removeDefaultAcl(Path path) 2388 throws IOException { 2389 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2390 + " doesn't support removeDefaultAcl"); 2391 } 2392 2393 /** 2394 * Removes all but the base ACL entries of files and directories. The entries 2395 * for user, group, and others are retained for compatibility with permission 2396 * bits. 2397 * 2398 * @param path Path to modify 2399 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be removed 2400 */ 2401 public void removeAcl(Path path) 2402 throws IOException { 2403 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2404 + " doesn't support removeAcl"); 2405 } 2406 2407 /** 2408 * Fully replaces ACL of files and directories, discarding all existing 2409 * entries. 2410 * 2411 * @param path Path to modify 2412 * @param aclSpec List<AclEntry> describing modifications, must include entries 2413 * for user, group, and others for compatibility with permission bits. 2414 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be modified 2415 */ 2416 public void setAcl(Path path, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException { 2417 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2418 + " doesn't support setAcl"); 2419 } 2420 2421 /** 2422 * Gets the ACL of a file or directory. 2423 * 2424 * @param path Path to get 2425 * @return AclStatus describing the ACL of the file or directory 2426 * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be read 2427 */ 2428 public AclStatus getAclStatus(Path path) throws IOException { 2429 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2430 + " doesn't support getAclStatus"); 2431 } 2432 2433 /** 2434 * Set an xattr of a file or directory. 2435 * The name must be prefixed with the namespace followed by ".". For example, 2436 * "user.attr". 2437 * <p/> 2438 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2439 * 2440 * @param path Path to modify 2441 * @param name xattr name. 2442 * @param value xattr value. 2443 * @throws IOException 2444 */ 2445 public void setXAttr(Path path, String name, byte[] value) 2446 throws IOException { 2447 setXAttr(path, name, value, EnumSet.of(XAttrSetFlag.CREATE, 2448 XAttrSetFlag.REPLACE)); 2449 } 2450 2451 /** 2452 * Set an xattr of a file or directory. 2453 * The name must be prefixed with the namespace followed by ".". For example, 2454 * "user.attr". 2455 * <p/> 2456 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2457 * 2458 * @param path Path to modify 2459 * @param name xattr name. 2460 * @param value xattr value. 2461 * @param flag xattr set flag 2462 * @throws IOException 2463 */ 2464 public void setXAttr(Path path, String name, byte[] value, 2465 EnumSet<XAttrSetFlag> flag) throws IOException { 2466 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2467 + " doesn't support setXAttr"); 2468 } 2469 2470 /** 2471 * Get an xattr name and value for a file or directory. 2472 * The name must be prefixed with the namespace followed by ".". For example, 2473 * "user.attr". 2474 * <p/> 2475 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2476 * 2477 * @param path Path to get extended attribute 2478 * @param name xattr name. 2479 * @return byte[] xattr value. 2480 * @throws IOException 2481 */ 2482 public byte[] getXAttr(Path path, String name) throws IOException { 2483 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2484 + " doesn't support getXAttr"); 2485 } 2486 2487 /** 2488 * Get all of the xattr name/value pairs for a file or directory. 2489 * Only those xattrs which the logged-in user has permissions to view 2490 * are returned. 2491 * <p/> 2492 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2493 * 2494 * @param path Path to get extended attributes 2495 * @return Map<String, byte[]> describing the XAttrs of the file or directory 2496 * @throws IOException 2497 */ 2498 public Map<String, byte[]> getXAttrs(Path path) throws IOException { 2499 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2500 + " doesn't support getXAttrs"); 2501 } 2502 2503 /** 2504 * Get all of the xattrs name/value pairs for a file or directory. 2505 * Only those xattrs which the logged-in user has permissions to view 2506 * are returned. 2507 * <p/> 2508 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2509 * 2510 * @param path Path to get extended attributes 2511 * @param names XAttr names. 2512 * @return Map<String, byte[]> describing the XAttrs of the file or directory 2513 * @throws IOException 2514 */ 2515 public Map<String, byte[]> getXAttrs(Path path, List<String> names) 2516 throws IOException { 2517 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2518 + " doesn't support getXAttrs"); 2519 } 2520 2521 /** 2522 * Get all of the xattr names for a file or directory. 2523 * Only those xattr names which the logged-in user has permissions to view 2524 * are returned. 2525 * <p/> 2526 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2527 * 2528 * @param path Path to get extended attributes 2529 * @return List<String> of the XAttr names of the file or directory 2530 * @throws IOException 2531 */ 2532 public List<String> listXAttrs(Path path) throws IOException { 2533 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2534 + " doesn't support listXAttrs"); 2535 } 2536 2537 /** 2538 * Remove an xattr of a file or directory. 2539 * The name must be prefixed with the namespace followed by ".". For example, 2540 * "user.attr". 2541 * <p/> 2542 * Refer to the HDFS extended attributes user documentation for details. 2543 * 2544 * @param path Path to remove extended attribute 2545 * @param name xattr name 2546 * @throws IOException 2547 */ 2548 public void removeXAttr(Path path, String name) throws IOException { 2549 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getClass().getSimpleName() 2550 + " doesn't support removeXAttr"); 2551 } 2552 2553 // making it volatile to be able to do a double checked locking 2554 private volatile static boolean FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED = false; 2555 2556 private static final Map<String, Class<? extends FileSystem>> 2557 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends FileSystem>>(); 2558 2559 private static void loadFileSystems() { 2560 synchronized (FileSystem.class) { 2561 if (!FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED) { 2562 ServiceLoader<FileSystem> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(FileSystem.class); 2563 for (FileSystem fs : serviceLoader) { 2564 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS.put(fs.getScheme(), fs.getClass()); 2565 } 2566 FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED = true; 2567 } 2568 } 2569 } 2570 2571 public static Class<? extends FileSystem> getFileSystemClass(String scheme, 2572 Configuration conf) throws IOException { 2573 if (!FILE_SYSTEMS_LOADED) { 2574 loadFileSystems(); 2575 } 2576 Class<? extends FileSystem> clazz = null; 2577 if (conf != null) { 2578 clazz = (Class<? extends FileSystem>) conf.getClass("fs." + scheme + ".impl", null); 2579 } 2580 if (clazz == null) { 2581 clazz = SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEMS.get(scheme); 2582 } 2583 if (clazz == null) { 2584 throw new IOException("No FileSystem for scheme: " + scheme); 2585 } 2586 return clazz; 2587 } 2588 2589 private static FileSystem createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf 2590 ) throws IOException { 2591 Class<?> clazz = getFileSystemClass(uri.getScheme(), conf); 2592 if (clazz == null) { 2593 throw new IOException("No FileSystem for scheme: " + uri.getScheme()); 2594 } 2595 FileSystem fs = (FileSystem)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf); 2596 fs.initialize(uri, conf); 2597 return fs; 2598 } 2599 2600 /** Caching FileSystem objects */ 2601 static class Cache { 2602 private final ClientFinalizer clientFinalizer = new ClientFinalizer(); 2603 2604 private final Map<Key, FileSystem> map = new HashMap<Key, FileSystem>(); 2605 private final Set<Key> toAutoClose = new HashSet<Key>(); 2606 2607 /** A variable that makes all objects in the cache unique */ 2608 private static AtomicLong unique = new AtomicLong(1); 2609 2610 FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException{ 2611 Key key = new Key(uri, conf); 2612 return getInternal(uri, conf, key); 2613 } 2614 2615 /** The objects inserted into the cache using this method are all unique */ 2616 FileSystem getUnique(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException{ 2617 Key key = new Key(uri, conf, unique.getAndIncrement()); 2618 return getInternal(uri, conf, key); 2619 } 2620 2621 private FileSystem getInternal(URI uri, Configuration conf, Key key) throws IOException{ 2622 FileSystem fs; 2623 synchronized (this) { 2624 fs = map.get(key); 2625 } 2626 if (fs != null) { 2627 return fs; 2628 } 2629 2630 fs = createFileSystem(uri, conf); 2631 synchronized (this) { // refetch the lock again 2632 FileSystem oldfs = map.get(key); 2633 if (oldfs != null) { // a file system is created while lock is releasing 2634 fs.close(); // close the new file system 2635 return oldfs; // return the old file system 2636 } 2637 2638 // now insert the new file system into the map 2639 if (map.isEmpty() 2640 && !ShutdownHookManager.get().isShutdownInProgress()) { 2641 ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook(clientFinalizer, SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PRIORITY); 2642 } 2643 fs.key = key; 2644 map.put(key, fs); 2645 if (conf.getBoolean("fs.automatic.close", true)) { 2646 toAutoClose.add(key); 2647 } 2648 return fs; 2649 } 2650 } 2651 2652 synchronized void remove(Key key, FileSystem fs) { 2653 if (map.containsKey(key) && fs == map.get(key)) { 2654 map.remove(key); 2655 toAutoClose.remove(key); 2656 } 2657 } 2658 2659 synchronized void closeAll() throws IOException { 2660 closeAll(false); 2661 } 2662 2663 /** 2664 * Close all FileSystem instances in the Cache. 2665 * @param onlyAutomatic only close those that are marked for automatic closing 2666 */ 2667 synchronized void closeAll(boolean onlyAutomatic) throws IOException { 2668 List<IOException> exceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>(); 2669 2670 // Make a copy of the keys in the map since we'll be modifying 2671 // the map while iterating over it, which isn't safe. 2672 List<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>(); 2673 keys.addAll(map.keySet()); 2674 2675 for (Key key : keys) { 2676 final FileSystem fs = map.get(key); 2677 2678 if (onlyAutomatic && !toAutoClose.contains(key)) { 2679 continue; 2680 } 2681 2682 //remove from cache 2683 remove(key, fs); 2684 2685 if (fs != null) { 2686 try { 2687 fs.close(); 2688 } 2689 catch(IOException ioe) { 2690 exceptions.add(ioe); 2691 } 2692 } 2693 } 2694 2695 if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) { 2696 throw MultipleIOException.createIOException(exceptions); 2697 } 2698 } 2699 2700 private class ClientFinalizer implements Runnable { 2701 @Override 2702 public synchronized void run() { 2703 try { 2704 closeAll(true); 2705 } catch (IOException e) { 2706 LOG.info("FileSystem.Cache.closeAll() threw an exception:\n" + e); 2707 } 2708 } 2709 } 2710 2711 synchronized void closeAll(UserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException { 2712 List<FileSystem> targetFSList = new ArrayList<FileSystem>(); 2713 //Make a pass over the list and collect the filesystems to close 2714 //we cannot close inline since close() removes the entry from the Map 2715 for (Map.Entry<Key, FileSystem> entry : map.entrySet()) { 2716 final Key key = entry.getKey(); 2717 final FileSystem fs = entry.getValue(); 2718 if (ugi.equals(key.ugi) && fs != null) { 2719 targetFSList.add(fs); 2720 } 2721 } 2722 List<IOException> exceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>(); 2723 //now make a pass over the target list and close each 2724 for (FileSystem fs : targetFSList) { 2725 try { 2726 fs.close(); 2727 } 2728 catch(IOException ioe) { 2729 exceptions.add(ioe); 2730 } 2731 } 2732 if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) { 2733 throw MultipleIOException.createIOException(exceptions); 2734 } 2735 } 2736 2737 /** FileSystem.Cache.Key */ 2738 static class Key { 2739 final String scheme; 2740 final String authority; 2741 final UserGroupInformation ugi; 2742 final long unique; // an artificial way to make a key unique 2743 2744 Key(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException { 2745 this(uri, conf, 0); 2746 } 2747 2748 Key(URI uri, Configuration conf, long unique) throws IOException { 2749 scheme = uri.getScheme()==null?"":uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(); 2750 authority = uri.getAuthority()==null?"":uri.getAuthority().toLowerCase(); 2751 this.unique = unique; 2752 2753 this.ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); 2754 } 2755 2756 @Override 2757 public int hashCode() { 2758 return (scheme + authority).hashCode() + ugi.hashCode() + (int)unique; 2759 } 2760 2761 static boolean isEqual(Object a, Object b) { 2762 return a == b || (a != null && a.equals(b)); 2763 } 2764 2765 @Override 2766 public boolean equals(Object obj) { 2767 if (obj == this) { 2768 return true; 2769 } 2770 if (obj != null && obj instanceof Key) { 2771 Key that = (Key)obj; 2772 return isEqual(this.scheme, that.scheme) 2773 && isEqual(this.authority, that.authority) 2774 && isEqual(this.ugi, that.ugi) 2775 && (this.unique == that.unique); 2776 } 2777 return false; 2778 } 2779 2780 @Override 2781 public String toString() { 2782 return "("+ugi.toString() + ")@" + scheme + "://" + authority; 2783 } 2784 } 2785 } 2786 2787 /** 2788 * Tracks statistics about how many reads, writes, and so forth have been 2789 * done in a FileSystem. 2790 * 2791 * Since there is only one of these objects per FileSystem, there will 2792 * typically be many threads writing to this object. Almost every operation 2793 * on an open file will involve a write to this object. In contrast, reading 2794 * statistics is done infrequently by most programs, and not at all by others. 2795 * Hence, this is optimized for writes. 2796 * 2797 * Each thread writes to its own thread-local area of memory. This removes 2798 * contention and allows us to scale up to many, many threads. To read 2799 * statistics, the reader thread totals up the contents of all of the 2800 * thread-local data areas. 2801 */ 2802 public static final class Statistics { 2803 /** 2804 * Statistics data. 2805 * 2806 * There is only a single writer to thread-local StatisticsData objects. 2807 * Hence, volatile is adequate here-- we do not need AtomicLong or similar 2808 * to prevent lost updates. 2809 * The Java specification guarantees that updates to volatile longs will 2810 * be perceived as atomic with respect to other threads, which is all we 2811 * need. 2812 */ 2813 public static class StatisticsData { 2814 volatile long bytesRead; 2815 volatile long bytesWritten; 2816 volatile int readOps; 2817 volatile int largeReadOps; 2818 volatile int writeOps; 2819 /** 2820 * Stores a weak reference to the thread owning this StatisticsData. 2821 * This allows us to remove StatisticsData objects that pertain to 2822 * threads that no longer exist. 2823 */ 2824 final WeakReference<Thread> owner; 2825 2826 StatisticsData(WeakReference<Thread> owner) { 2827 this.owner = owner; 2828 } 2829 2830 /** 2831 * Add another StatisticsData object to this one. 2832 */ 2833 void add(StatisticsData other) { 2834 this.bytesRead += other.bytesRead; 2835 this.bytesWritten += other.bytesWritten; 2836 this.readOps += other.readOps; 2837 this.largeReadOps += other.largeReadOps; 2838 this.writeOps += other.writeOps; 2839 } 2840 2841 /** 2842 * Negate the values of all statistics. 2843 */ 2844 void negate() { 2845 this.bytesRead = -this.bytesRead; 2846 this.bytesWritten = -this.bytesWritten; 2847 this.readOps = -this.readOps; 2848 this.largeReadOps = -this.largeReadOps; 2849 this.writeOps = -this.writeOps; 2850 } 2851 2852 @Override 2853 public String toString() { 2854 return bytesRead + " bytes read, " + bytesWritten + " bytes written, " 2855 + readOps + " read ops, " + largeReadOps + " large read ops, " 2856 + writeOps + " write ops"; 2857 } 2858 2859 public long getBytesRead() { 2860 return bytesRead; 2861 } 2862 2863 public long getBytesWritten() { 2864 return bytesWritten; 2865 } 2866 2867 public int getReadOps() { 2868 return readOps; 2869 } 2870 2871 public int getLargeReadOps() { 2872 return largeReadOps; 2873 } 2874 2875 public int getWriteOps() { 2876 return writeOps; 2877 } 2878 } 2879 2880 private interface StatisticsAggregator<T> { 2881 void accept(StatisticsData data); 2882 T aggregate(); 2883 } 2884 2885 private final String scheme; 2886 2887 /** 2888 * rootData is data that doesn't belong to any thread, but will be added 2889 * to the totals. This is useful for making copies of Statistics objects, 2890 * and for storing data that pertains to threads that have been garbage 2891 * collected. Protected by the Statistics lock. 2892 */ 2893 private final StatisticsData rootData; 2894 2895 /** 2896 * Thread-local data. 2897 */ 2898 private final ThreadLocal<StatisticsData> threadData; 2899 2900 /** 2901 * List of all thread-local data areas. Protected by the Statistics lock. 2902 */ 2903 private LinkedList<StatisticsData> allData; 2904 2905 public Statistics(String scheme) { 2906 this.scheme = scheme; 2907 this.rootData = new StatisticsData(null); 2908 this.threadData = new ThreadLocal<StatisticsData>(); 2909 this.allData = null; 2910 } 2911 2912 /** 2913 * Copy constructor. 2914 * 2915 * @param other The input Statistics object which is cloned. 2916 */ 2917 public Statistics(Statistics other) { 2918 this.scheme = other.scheme; 2919 this.rootData = new StatisticsData(null); 2920 other.visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Void>() { 2921 @Override 2922 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 2923 rootData.add(data); 2924 } 2925 2926 public Void aggregate() { 2927 return null; 2928 } 2929 }); 2930 this.threadData = new ThreadLocal<StatisticsData>(); 2931 } 2932 2933 /** 2934 * Get or create the thread-local data associated with the current thread. 2935 */ 2936 public StatisticsData getThreadStatistics() { 2937 StatisticsData data = threadData.get(); 2938 if (data == null) { 2939 data = new StatisticsData( 2940 new WeakReference<Thread>(Thread.currentThread())); 2941 threadData.set(data); 2942 synchronized(this) { 2943 if (allData == null) { 2944 allData = new LinkedList<StatisticsData>(); 2945 } 2946 allData.add(data); 2947 } 2948 } 2949 return data; 2950 } 2951 2952 /** 2953 * Increment the bytes read in the statistics 2954 * @param newBytes the additional bytes read 2955 */ 2956 public void incrementBytesRead(long newBytes) { 2957 getThreadStatistics().bytesRead += newBytes; 2958 } 2959 2960 /** 2961 * Increment the bytes written in the statistics 2962 * @param newBytes the additional bytes written 2963 */ 2964 public void incrementBytesWritten(long newBytes) { 2965 getThreadStatistics().bytesWritten += newBytes; 2966 } 2967 2968 /** 2969 * Increment the number of read operations 2970 * @param count number of read operations 2971 */ 2972 public void incrementReadOps(int count) { 2973 getThreadStatistics().readOps += count; 2974 } 2975 2976 /** 2977 * Increment the number of large read operations 2978 * @param count number of large read operations 2979 */ 2980 public void incrementLargeReadOps(int count) { 2981 getThreadStatistics().largeReadOps += count; 2982 } 2983 2984 /** 2985 * Increment the number of write operations 2986 * @param count number of write operations 2987 */ 2988 public void incrementWriteOps(int count) { 2989 getThreadStatistics().writeOps += count; 2990 } 2991 2992 /** 2993 * Apply the given aggregator to all StatisticsData objects associated with 2994 * this Statistics object. 2995 * 2996 * For each StatisticsData object, we will call accept on the visitor. 2997 * Finally, at the end, we will call aggregate to get the final total. 2998 * 2999 * @param The visitor to use. 3000 * @return The total. 3001 */ 3002 private synchronized <T> T visitAll(StatisticsAggregator<T> visitor) { 3003 visitor.accept(rootData); 3004 if (allData != null) { 3005 for (Iterator<StatisticsData> iter = allData.iterator(); 3006 iter.hasNext(); ) { 3007 StatisticsData data = iter.next(); 3008 visitor.accept(data); 3009 if (data.owner.get() == null) { 3010 /* 3011 * If the thread that created this thread-local data no 3012 * longer exists, remove the StatisticsData from our list 3013 * and fold the values into rootData. 3014 */ 3015 rootData.add(data); 3016 iter.remove(); 3017 } 3018 } 3019 } 3020 return visitor.aggregate(); 3021 } 3022 3023 /** 3024 * Get the total number of bytes read 3025 * @return the number of bytes 3026 */ 3027 public long getBytesRead() { 3028 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Long>() { 3029 private long bytesRead = 0; 3030 3031 @Override 3032 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3033 bytesRead += data.bytesRead; 3034 } 3035 3036 public Long aggregate() { 3037 return bytesRead; 3038 } 3039 }); 3040 } 3041 3042 /** 3043 * Get the total number of bytes written 3044 * @return the number of bytes 3045 */ 3046 public long getBytesWritten() { 3047 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Long>() { 3048 private long bytesWritten = 0; 3049 3050 @Override 3051 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3052 bytesWritten += data.bytesWritten; 3053 } 3054 3055 public Long aggregate() { 3056 return bytesWritten; 3057 } 3058 }); 3059 } 3060 3061 /** 3062 * Get the number of file system read operations such as list files 3063 * @return number of read operations 3064 */ 3065 public int getReadOps() { 3066 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Integer>() { 3067 private int readOps = 0; 3068 3069 @Override 3070 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3071 readOps += data.readOps; 3072 readOps += data.largeReadOps; 3073 } 3074 3075 public Integer aggregate() { 3076 return readOps; 3077 } 3078 }); 3079 } 3080 3081 /** 3082 * Get the number of large file system read operations such as list files 3083 * under a large directory 3084 * @return number of large read operations 3085 */ 3086 public int getLargeReadOps() { 3087 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Integer>() { 3088 private int largeReadOps = 0; 3089 3090 @Override 3091 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3092 largeReadOps += data.largeReadOps; 3093 } 3094 3095 public Integer aggregate() { 3096 return largeReadOps; 3097 } 3098 }); 3099 } 3100 3101 /** 3102 * Get the number of file system write operations such as create, append 3103 * rename etc. 3104 * @return number of write operations 3105 */ 3106 public int getWriteOps() { 3107 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Integer>() { 3108 private int writeOps = 0; 3109 3110 @Override 3111 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3112 writeOps += data.writeOps; 3113 } 3114 3115 public Integer aggregate() { 3116 return writeOps; 3117 } 3118 }); 3119 } 3120 3121 3122 @Override 3123 public String toString() { 3124 return visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<String>() { 3125 private StatisticsData total = new StatisticsData(null); 3126 3127 @Override 3128 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3129 total.add(data); 3130 } 3131 3132 public String aggregate() { 3133 return total.toString(); 3134 } 3135 }); 3136 } 3137 3138 /** 3139 * Resets all statistics to 0. 3140 * 3141 * In order to reset, we add up all the thread-local statistics data, and 3142 * set rootData to the negative of that. 3143 * 3144 * This may seem like a counterintuitive way to reset the statsitics. Why 3145 * can't we just zero out all the thread-local data? Well, thread-local 3146 * data can only be modified by the thread that owns it. If we tried to 3147 * modify the thread-local data from this thread, our modification might get 3148 * interleaved with a read-modify-write operation done by the thread that 3149 * owns the data. That would result in our update getting lost. 3150 * 3151 * The approach used here avoids this problem because it only ever reads 3152 * (not writes) the thread-local data. Both reads and writes to rootData 3153 * are done under the lock, so we're free to modify rootData from any thread 3154 * that holds the lock. 3155 */ 3156 public void reset() { 3157 visitAll(new StatisticsAggregator<Void>() { 3158 private StatisticsData total = new StatisticsData(null); 3159 3160 @Override 3161 public void accept(StatisticsData data) { 3162 total.add(data); 3163 } 3164 3165 public Void aggregate() { 3166 total.negate(); 3167 rootData.add(total); 3168 return null; 3169 } 3170 }); 3171 } 3172 3173 /** 3174 * Get the uri scheme associated with this statistics object. 3175 * @return the schema associated with this set of statistics 3176 */ 3177 public String getScheme() { 3178 return scheme; 3179 } 3180 } 3181 3182 /** 3183 * Get the Map of Statistics object indexed by URI Scheme. 3184 * @return a Map having a key as URI scheme and value as Statistics object 3185 * @deprecated use {@link #getAllStatistics} instead 3186 */ 3187 @Deprecated 3188 public static synchronized Map<String, Statistics> getStatistics() { 3189 Map<String, Statistics> result = new HashMap<String, Statistics>(); 3190 for(Statistics stat: statisticsTable.values()) { 3191 result.put(stat.getScheme(), stat); 3192 } 3193 return result; 3194 } 3195 3196 /** 3197 * Return the FileSystem classes that have Statistics 3198 */ 3199 public static synchronized List<Statistics> getAllStatistics() { 3200 return new ArrayList<Statistics>(statisticsTable.values()); 3201 } 3202 3203 /** 3204 * Get the statistics for a particular file system 3205 * @param cls the class to lookup 3206 * @return a statistics object 3207 */ 3208 public static synchronized 3209 Statistics getStatistics(String scheme, Class<? extends FileSystem> cls) { 3210 Statistics result = statisticsTable.get(cls); 3211 if (result == null) { 3212 result = new Statistics(scheme); 3213 statisticsTable.put(cls, result); 3214 } 3215 return result; 3216 } 3217 3218 /** 3219 * Reset all statistics for all file systems 3220 */ 3221 public static synchronized void clearStatistics() { 3222 for(Statistics stat: statisticsTable.values()) { 3223 stat.reset(); 3224 } 3225 } 3226 3227 /** 3228 * Print all statistics for all file systems 3229 */ 3230 public static synchronized 3231 void printStatistics() throws IOException { 3232 for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends FileSystem>, Statistics> pair: 3233 statisticsTable.entrySet()) { 3234 System.out.println(" FileSystem " + pair.getKey().getName() + 3235 ": " + pair.getValue()); 3236 } 3237 } 3238 3239 // Symlinks are temporarily disabled - see HADOOP-10020 and HADOOP-10052 3240 private static boolean symlinksEnabled = false; 3241 3242 private static Configuration conf = null; 3243 3244 @VisibleForTesting 3245 public static boolean areSymlinksEnabled() { 3246 return symlinksEnabled; 3247 } 3248 3249 @VisibleForTesting 3250 public static void enableSymlinks() { 3251 symlinksEnabled = true; 3252 } 3253 }