001    /**
002    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004    * distributed with this work for additional information
005    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009    *
010    *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011    *
012    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016    * limitations under the License.
017    */
019    package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api;
021    import java.io.IOException;
022    import java.util.EnumSet;
023    import java.util.List;
024    import java.util.Set;
026    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
027    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
028    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
029    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
030    import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
031    import org.apache.hadoop.service.AbstractService;
032    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationClientProtocol;
033    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetApplicationReportRequest;
034    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.SubmitApplicationRequest;
035    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
036    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptReport;
037    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
038    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport;
039    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationSubmissionContext;
040    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
041    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerReport;
042    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport;
043    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeState;
044    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo;
045    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueUserACLInfo;
046    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token;
047    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState;
048    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnClusterMetrics;
049    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl;
050    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationIdNotProvidedException;
051    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException;
052    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
053    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.AMRMTokenIdentifier;
055    @InterfaceAudience.Public
056    @InterfaceStability.Stable
057    public abstract class YarnClient extends AbstractService {
059      /**
060       * Create a new instance of YarnClient.
061       */
062      @Public
063      public static YarnClient createYarnClient() {
064        YarnClient client = new YarnClientImpl();
065        return client;
066      }
068      @Private
069      protected YarnClient(String name) {
070        super(name);
071      }
073      /**
074       * <p>
075       * Obtain a {@link YarnClientApplication} for a new application,
076       * which in turn contains the {@link ApplicationSubmissionContext} and
077       * {@link org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetNewApplicationResponse}
078       * objects.
079       * </p>
080       *
081       * @return {@link YarnClientApplication} built for a new application
082       * @throws YarnException
083       * @throws IOException
084       */
085      public abstract YarnClientApplication createApplication()
086          throws YarnException, IOException;
088      /**
089       * <p>
090       * Submit a new application to <code>YARN.</code> It is a blocking call - it
091       * will not return {@link ApplicationId} until the submitted application is
092       * submitted successfully and accepted by the ResourceManager.
093       * </p>
094       * 
095       * <p>
096       * Users should provide an {@link ApplicationId} as part of the parameter
097       * {@link ApplicationSubmissionContext} when submitting a new application,
098       * otherwise it will throw the {@link ApplicationIdNotProvidedException}.
099       * </p>
100       *
101       * <p>This internally calls {@link ApplicationClientProtocol#submitApplication
102       * (SubmitApplicationRequest)}, and after that, it internally invokes
103       * {@link ApplicationClientProtocol#getApplicationReport
104       * (GetApplicationReportRequest)} and waits till it can make sure that the
105       * application gets properly submitted. If RM fails over or RM restart
106       * happens before ResourceManager saves the application's state,
107       * {@link ApplicationClientProtocol
108       * #getApplicationReport(GetApplicationReportRequest)} will throw
109       * the {@link ApplicationNotFoundException}. This API automatically resubmits
110       * the application with the same {@link ApplicationSubmissionContext} when it
111       * catches the {@link ApplicationNotFoundException}</p>
112       *
113       * @param appContext
114       *          {@link ApplicationSubmissionContext} containing all the details
115       *          needed to submit a new application
116       * @return {@link ApplicationId} of the accepted application
117       * @throws YarnException
118       * @throws IOException
119       * @see #createApplication()
120       */
121      public abstract ApplicationId submitApplication(
122          ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext) throws YarnException,
123          IOException;
125      /**
126       * <p>
127       * Kill an application identified by given ID.
128       * </p>
129       * 
130       * @param applicationId
131       *          {@link ApplicationId} of the application that needs to be killed
132       * @throws YarnException
133       *           in case of errors or if YARN rejects the request due to
134       *           access-control restrictions.
135       * @throws IOException
136       * @see #getQueueAclsInfo()
137       */
138      public abstract void killApplication(ApplicationId applicationId) throws YarnException,
139          IOException;
141      /**
142       * <p>
143       * Get a report of the given Application.
144       * </p>
145       * 
146       * <p>
147       * In secure mode, <code>YARN</code> verifies access to the application, queue
148       * etc. before accepting the request.
149       * </p>
150       * 
151       * <p>
152       * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access then the following
153       * fields in the report will be set to stubbed values:
154       * <ul>
155       * <li>host - set to "N/A"</li>
156       * <li>RPC port - set to -1</li>
157       * <li>client token - set to "N/A"</li>
158       * <li>diagnostics - set to "N/A"</li>
159       * <li>tracking URL - set to "N/A"</li>
160       * <li>original tracking URL - set to "N/A"</li>
161       * <li>resource usage report - all values are -1</li>
162       * </ul>
163       * </p>
164       * 
165       * @param appId
166       *          {@link ApplicationId} of the application that needs a report
167       * @return application report
168       * @throws YarnException
169       * @throws IOException
170       */
171      public abstract ApplicationReport getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId)
172          throws YarnException, IOException;
174      /**
175       * Get the AMRM token of the application.
176       * <p/>
177       * The AMRM token is required for AM to RM scheduling operations. For 
178       * managed Application Masters Yarn takes care of injecting it. For unmanaged
179       * Applications Masters, the token must be obtained via this method and set
180       * in the {@link org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation} of the
181       * current user.
182       * <p/>
183       * The AMRM token will be returned only if all the following conditions are
184       * met:
185       * <li>
186       *   <ul>the requester is the owner of the ApplicationMaster</ul>
187       *   <ul>the application master is an unmanaged ApplicationMaster</ul>
188       *   <ul>the application master is in ACCEPTED state</ul>
189       * </li>
190       * Else this method returns NULL.
191       *
192       * @param appId {@link ApplicationId} of the application to get the AMRM token
193       * @return the AMRM token if available
194       * @throws YarnException
195       * @throws IOException
196       */
197      public abstract org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>
198          getAMRMToken(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException;
200      /**
201       * <p>
202       * Get a report (ApplicationReport) of all Applications in the cluster.
203       * </p>
204       *
205       * <p>
206       * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application
207       * then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in
208       * {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}.
209       * </p>
210       *
211       * @return a list of reports of all running applications
212       * @throws YarnException
213       * @throws IOException
214       */
215      public abstract List<ApplicationReport> getApplications()
216          throws YarnException, IOException;
218      /**
219       * <p>
220       * Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications
221       * matching the given application types in the cluster.
222       * </p>
223       *
224       * <p>
225       * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application
226       * then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in
227       * {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}.
228       * </p>
229       *
230       * @param applicationTypes
231       * @return a list of reports of applications
232       * @throws YarnException
233       * @throws IOException
234       */
235      public abstract List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
236          Set<String> applicationTypes) throws YarnException, IOException;
238      /**
239       * <p>
240       * Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
241       * application states in the cluster.
242       * </p>
243       *
244       * <p>
245       * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application
246       * then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in
247       * {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}.
248       * </p>
249       *
250       * @param applicationStates
251       * @return a list of reports of applications
252       * @throws YarnException
253       * @throws IOException
254       */
255      public abstract List<ApplicationReport>
256          getApplications(EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates)
257              throws YarnException, IOException;
259      /**
260       * <p>
261       * Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
262       * application types and application states in the cluster.
263       * </p>
264       *
265       * <p>
266       * If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application
267       * then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in
268       * {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}.
269       * </p>
270       *
271       * @param applicationTypes
272       * @param applicationStates
273       * @return a list of reports of applications
274       * @throws YarnException
275       * @throws IOException
276       */
277      public abstract List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
278          Set<String> applicationTypes,
279          EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates) throws YarnException,
280          IOException;
282      /**
283       * <p>
284       * Get metrics ({@link YarnClusterMetrics}) about the cluster.
285       * </p>
286       * 
287       * @return cluster metrics
288       * @throws YarnException
289       * @throws IOException
290       */
291      public abstract YarnClusterMetrics getYarnClusterMetrics() throws YarnException,
292          IOException;
294      /**
295       * <p>
296       * Get a report of nodes ({@link NodeReport}) in the cluster.
297       * </p>
298       * 
299       * @param states The {@link NodeState}s to filter on. If no filter states are
300       *          given, nodes in all states will be returned.
301       * @return A list of node reports
302       * @throws YarnException
303       * @throws IOException
304       */
305      public abstract List<NodeReport> getNodeReports(NodeState... states)
306          throws YarnException, IOException;
308      /**
309       * <p>
310       * Get a delegation token so as to be able to talk to YARN using those tokens.
311       * 
312       * @param renewer
313       *          Address of the renewer who can renew these tokens when needed by
314       *          securely talking to YARN.
315       * @return a delegation token ({@link Token}) that can be used to
316       *         talk to YARN
317       * @throws YarnException
318       * @throws IOException
319       */
320      public abstract Token getRMDelegationToken(Text renewer)
321          throws YarnException, IOException;
323      /**
324       * <p>
325       * Get information ({@link QueueInfo}) about a given <em>queue</em>.
326       * </p>
327       * 
328       * @param queueName
329       *          Name of the queue whose information is needed
330       * @return queue information
331       * @throws YarnException
332       *           in case of errors or if YARN rejects the request due to
333       *           access-control restrictions.
334       * @throws IOException
335       */
336      public abstract QueueInfo getQueueInfo(String queueName) throws YarnException,
337          IOException;
339      /**
340       * <p>
341       * Get information ({@link QueueInfo}) about all queues, recursively if there
342       * is a hierarchy
343       * </p>
344       * 
345       * @return a list of queue-information for all queues
346       * @throws YarnException
347       * @throws IOException
348       */
349      public abstract List<QueueInfo> getAllQueues() throws YarnException, IOException;
351      /**
352       * <p>
353       * Get information ({@link QueueInfo}) about top level queues.
354       * </p>
355       * 
356       * @return a list of queue-information for all the top-level queues
357       * @throws YarnException
358       * @throws IOException
359       */
360      public abstract List<QueueInfo> getRootQueueInfos() throws YarnException, IOException;
362      /**
363       * <p>
364       * Get information ({@link QueueInfo}) about all the immediate children queues
365       * of the given queue
366       * </p>
367       * 
368       * @param parent
369       *          Name of the queue whose child-queues' information is needed
370       * @return a list of queue-information for all queues who are direct children
371       *         of the given parent queue.
372       * @throws YarnException
373       * @throws IOException
374       */
375      public abstract List<QueueInfo> getChildQueueInfos(String parent) throws YarnException,
376          IOException;
378      /**
379       * <p>
380       * Get information about <em>acls</em> for <em>current user</em> on all the
381       * existing queues.
382       * </p>
383       * 
384       * @return a list of queue acls ({@link QueueUserACLInfo}) for
385       *         <em>current user</em>
386       * @throws YarnException
387       * @throws IOException
388       */
389      public abstract List<QueueUserACLInfo> getQueueAclsInfo() throws YarnException,
390          IOException;
392      /**
393       * <p>
394       * Get a report of the given ApplicationAttempt.
395       * </p>
396       * 
397       * <p>
398       * In secure mode, <code>YARN</code> verifies access to the application, queue
399       * etc. before accepting the request.
400       * </p>
401       * 
402       * @param applicationAttemptId
403       *          {@link ApplicationAttemptId} of the application attempt that needs
404       *          a report
405       * @return application attempt report
406       * @throws YarnException
407       * @throws {@link ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException} if application attempt
408       *         not found
409       * @throws IOException
410       */
411      public abstract ApplicationAttemptReport getApplicationAttemptReport(
412          ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId) throws YarnException, IOException;
414      /**
415       * <p>
416       * Get a report of all (ApplicationAttempts) of Application in the cluster.
417       * </p>
418       * 
419       * @param applicationId
420       * @return a list of reports for all application attempts for specified
421       *         application.
422       * @throws YarnException
423       * @throws IOException
424       */
425      public abstract List<ApplicationAttemptReport> getApplicationAttempts(
426          ApplicationId applicationId) throws YarnException, IOException;
428      /**
429       * <p>
430       * Get a report of the given Container.
431       * </p>
432       * 
433       * <p>
434       * In secure mode, <code>YARN</code> verifies access to the application, queue
435       * etc. before accepting the request.
436       * </p>
437       * 
438       * @param containerId
439       *          {@link ContainerId} of the container that needs a report
440       * @return container report
441       * @throws YarnException
442       * @throws {@link ContainerNotFoundException} if container not found.
443       * @throws IOException
444       */
445      public abstract ContainerReport getContainerReport(ContainerId containerId)
446          throws YarnException, IOException;
448      /**
449       * <p>
450       * Get a report of all (Containers) of ApplicationAttempt in the cluster.
451       * </p>
452       * 
453       * @param applicationAttemptId
454       * @return a list of reports of all containers for specified application
455       *         attempts
456       * @throws YarnException
457       * @throws IOException
458       */
459      public abstract List<ContainerReport> getContainers(
460          ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId) throws YarnException,
461          IOException;
463      /**
464       * <p>
465       * Attempts to move the given application to the given queue.
466       * </p>
467       * 
468       * @param appId
469       *    Application to move.
470       * @param queue
471       *    Queue to place it in to.
472       * @throws YarnException
473       * @throws IOException
474       */
475      public abstract void moveApplicationAcrossQueues(ApplicationId appId,
476          String queue) throws YarnException, IOException;
477    }