Hadoop HDFS over HTTP 0.23.11 - Server Setup

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This page explains how to quickly setup HttpFS with Pseudo authentication against a Hadoop cluster with Pseudo authentication.


  • Java 6+
  • Maven 3+

Install HttpFS

~ $ tar xzf  httpfs-0.23.11.tar.gz

Configure HttpFS

Edit the httpfs-0.23.11/conf/httpfs-site.xml file and set the httpfs.fsAccess.conf:fs.default.name property to the HDFS Namenode URI. For example:


Configure Hadoop

Edit Hadoop core-site.xml and defined the Unix user that will run the HttpFS server as a proxyuser. For example:


IMPORTANT: Replace #HTTPFSUSER# with the Unix user that will start the HttpFS server.

Restart Hadoop

You need to restart Hadoop for the proxyuser configuration ot become active.

Start/Stop HttpFS

To start/stop HttpFS use HttpFS's bin/httpfs.sh script. For example:

httpfs-0.23.11 $ bin/httpfs.sh start

NOTE: Invoking the script without any parameters list all possible parameters (start, stop, run, etc.). The httpfs.sh script is a wrapper for Tomcat's catalina.sh script that sets the environment variables and Java System properties required to run HttpFS server.

Test HttpFS is working

~ $ curl -i "http://<HTTPFSHOSTNAME>:14000?user.name=babu&op=homedir"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


Embedded Tomcat Configuration

To configure the embedded Tomcat go to the tomcat/conf.

HttpFS preconfigures the HTTP and Admin ports in Tomcat's server.xml to 14000 and 14001.

Tomcat logs are also preconfigured to go to HttpFS's logs/ directory.

The following environment variables (which can be set in HttpFS's conf/httpfs-env.sh script) can be used to alter those values:


HttpFS Configuration

HttpFS supports the following configuration properties in the HttpFS's conf/httpfs-site.xml configuration file.

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