Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 0.7.1 - 2006-10-11


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-594 Safemode default threshold should be 0.999 Major . Konstantin Shvachko Konstantin Shvachko


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HADOOP-593 NullPointerException in JobTracker’s ExireTaskTracker thread Critical . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-592 NullPointerException in toString for RPC connection objects Minor . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-598 rpc timeout in Task.done kills task Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley
HADOOP-597 transmission errors to the reduce will cause map output to be considered lost Major . Owen O’Malley Owen O’Malley