001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
019    package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records;
021    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate;
022    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
023    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
024    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Stable;
025    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
026    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationClientProtocol;
027    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationMasterProtocol;
028    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
029    import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records;
031    import java.util.Set;
033    /**
034     * <p><code>ApplicationSubmissionContext</code> represents all of the
035     * information needed by the <code>ResourceManager</code> to launch 
036     * the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> for an application.</p>
037     * 
038     * <p>It includes details such as:
039     *   <ul>
040     *     <li>{@link ApplicationId} of the application.</li>
041     *     <li>Application user.</li>
042     *     <li>Application name.</li>
043     *     <li>{@link Priority} of the application.</li>
044     *     <li>
045     *       {@link ContainerLaunchContext} of the container in which the 
046     *       <code>ApplicationMaster</code> is executed.
047     *     </li>
048     *   </ul>
049     * </p>
050     * 
051     * @see ContainerLaunchContext
052     * @see ApplicationClientProtocol#submitApplication(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.SubmitApplicationRequest)
053     */
054    @Public
055    @Stable
056    public abstract class ApplicationSubmissionContext {
058      @Public
059      @Stable
060      public static ApplicationSubmissionContext newInstance(
061          ApplicationId applicationId, String applicationName, String queue,
062          Priority priority, ContainerLaunchContext amContainer,
063          boolean isUnmanagedAM, boolean cancelTokensWhenComplete,
064          int maxAppAttempts, Resource resource, String applicationType,
065          boolean keepContainers) {
066        ApplicationSubmissionContext context =
067            Records.newRecord(ApplicationSubmissionContext.class);
068        context.setApplicationId(applicationId);
069        context.setApplicationName(applicationName);
070        context.setQueue(queue);
071        context.setPriority(priority);
072        context.setAMContainerSpec(amContainer);
073        context.setUnmanagedAM(isUnmanagedAM);
074        context.setCancelTokensWhenComplete(cancelTokensWhenComplete);
075        context.setMaxAppAttempts(maxAppAttempts);
076        context.setResource(resource);
077        context.setApplicationType(applicationType);
078        context.setKeepContainersAcrossApplicationAttempts(keepContainers);
079        return context;
080      }
082      @Public
083      @Stable
084      public static ApplicationSubmissionContext newInstance(
085          ApplicationId applicationId, String applicationName, String queue,
086          Priority priority, ContainerLaunchContext amContainer,
087          boolean isUnmanagedAM, boolean cancelTokensWhenComplete,
088          int maxAppAttempts, Resource resource, String applicationType) {
089        return newInstance(applicationId, applicationName, queue, priority,
090          amContainer, isUnmanagedAM, cancelTokensWhenComplete, maxAppAttempts,
091          resource, null, false);
092      }
094      @Public
095      @Stable
096      public static ApplicationSubmissionContext newInstance(
097          ApplicationId applicationId, String applicationName, String queue,
098          Priority priority, ContainerLaunchContext amContainer,
099          boolean isUnmanagedAM, boolean cancelTokensWhenComplete,
100          int maxAppAttempts, Resource resource) {
101        return newInstance(applicationId, applicationName, queue, priority,
102          amContainer, isUnmanagedAM, cancelTokensWhenComplete, maxAppAttempts,
103          resource, null);
104      }
106      /**
107       * Get the <code>ApplicationId</code> of the submitted application.
108       * @return <code>ApplicationId</code> of the submitted application
109       */
110      @Public
111      @Stable
112      public abstract ApplicationId getApplicationId();
114      /**
115       * Set the <code>ApplicationId</code> of the submitted application.
116       * @param applicationId <code>ApplicationId</code> of the submitted
117       *                      application
118       */
119      @Public
120      @Stable
121      public abstract void setApplicationId(ApplicationId applicationId);
123      /**
124       * Get the application <em>name</em>.
125       * @return application name
126       */
127      @Public
128      @Stable
129      public abstract String getApplicationName();
131      /**
132       * Set the application <em>name</em>.
133       * @param applicationName application name
134       */
135      @Public
136      @Stable
137      public abstract void setApplicationName(String applicationName);
139      /**
140       * Get the <em>queue</em> to which the application is being submitted.
141       * @return <em>queue</em> to which the application is being submitted
142       */
143      @Public
144      @Stable
145      public abstract String getQueue();
147      /**
148       * Set the <em>queue</em> to which the application is being submitted
149       * @param queue <em>queue</em> to which the application is being submitted
150       */
151      @Public
152      @Stable
153      public abstract void setQueue(String queue);
155      /**
156       * Get the <code>Priority</code> of the application.
157       * @return <code>Priority</code> of the application
158       */
159      @Public
160      @Stable
161      public abstract Priority getPriority();
163      /**
164       * Set the <code>Priority</code> of the application.
165       * @param priority <code>Priority</code> of the application
166       */
167      @Private
168      @Unstable
169      public abstract void setPriority(Priority priority);
171      /**
172       * Get the <code>ContainerLaunchContext</code> to describe the 
173       * <code>Container</code> with which the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> is
174       * launched.
175       * @return <code>ContainerLaunchContext</code> for the 
176       *         <code>ApplicationMaster</code> container
177       */
178      @Public
179      @Stable
180      public abstract ContainerLaunchContext getAMContainerSpec();
182      /**
183       * Set the <code>ContainerLaunchContext</code> to describe the 
184       * <code>Container</code> with which the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> is
185       * launched.
186       * @param amContainer <code>ContainerLaunchContext</code> for the 
187       *                    <code>ApplicationMaster</code> container
188       */
189      @Public
190      @Stable
191      public abstract void setAMContainerSpec(ContainerLaunchContext amContainer);
193      /**
194       * Get if the RM should manage the execution of the AM. 
195       * If true, then the RM 
196       * will not allocate a container for the AM and start it. It will expect the 
197       * AM to be launched and connect to the RM within the AM liveliness period and 
198       * fail the app otherwise. The client should launch the AM only after the RM 
199       * has ACCEPTED the application and changed the <code>YarnApplicationState</code>.
200       * Such apps will not be retried by the RM on app attempt failure.
201       * The default value is false.
202       * @return true if the AM is not managed by the RM
203       */
204      @Public
205      @Stable
206      public abstract boolean getUnmanagedAM();
208      /**
209       * @param value true if RM should not manage the AM
210       */
211      @Public
212      @Stable
213      public abstract void setUnmanagedAM(boolean value);
215      /**
216       * @return true if tokens should be canceled when the app completes.
217       */
218      @LimitedPrivate("mapreduce")
219      @Unstable
220      public abstract boolean getCancelTokensWhenComplete();
222      /**
223       * Set to false if tokens should not be canceled when the app finished else
224       * false.  WARNING: this is not recommended unless you want your single job
225       * tokens to be reused by others jobs.
226       * @param cancel true if tokens should be canceled when the app finishes. 
227       */
228      @LimitedPrivate("mapreduce")
229      @Unstable
230      public abstract void setCancelTokensWhenComplete(boolean cancel);
232      /**
233       * @return the number of max attempts of the application to be submitted
234       */
235      @Public
236      @Stable
237      public abstract int getMaxAppAttempts();
239      /**
240       * Set the number of max attempts of the application to be submitted. WARNING:
241       * it should be no larger than the global number of max attempts in the Yarn
242       * configuration.
243       * @param maxAppAttempts the number of max attempts of the application
244       * to be submitted.
245       */
246      @Public
247      @Stable
248      public abstract void setMaxAppAttempts(int maxAppAttempts);
250      /**
251       * Get the resource required by the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> for this
252       * application.
253       * 
254       * @return the resource required by the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> for
255       *         this application.
256       */
257      @Public
258      @Stable
259      public abstract Resource getResource();
261      /**
262       * Set the resource required by the <code>ApplicationMaster</code> for this
263       * application.
264       *
265       * @param resource the resource required by the <code>ApplicationMaster</code>
266       * for this application.
267       */
268      @Public
269      @Stable
270      public abstract void setResource(Resource resource);
272      /**
273       * Get the application type
274       * 
275       * @return the application type
276       */
277      @Public
278      @Stable
279      public abstract String getApplicationType();
281      /**
282       * Set the application type
283       * 
284       * @param applicationType the application type
285       */
286      @Public
287      @Stable
288      public abstract void setApplicationType(String applicationType);
290      /**
291       * Get the flag which indicates whether to keep containers across application
292       * attempts or not.
293       * 
294       * @return the flag which indicates whether to keep containers across
295       *         application attempts or not.
296       */
297      @Public
298      @Stable
299      public abstract boolean getKeepContainersAcrossApplicationAttempts();
301      /**
302       * Set the flag which indicates whether to keep containers across application
303       * attempts.
304       * <p>
305       * If the flag is true, running containers will not be killed when application
306       * attempt fails and these containers will be retrieved by the new application
307       * attempt on registration via
308       * {@link ApplicationMasterProtocol#registerApplicationMaster(RegisterApplicationMasterRequest)}.
309       * </p>
310       * 
311       * @param keepContainers
312       *          the flag which indicates whether to keep containers across
313       *          application attempts.
314       */
315      @Public
316      @Stable
317      public abstract void setKeepContainersAcrossApplicationAttempts(
318          boolean keepContainers);
320      /**
321       * Get tags for the application
322       *
323       * @return the application tags
324       */
325      @Public
326      @Stable
327      public abstract Set<String> getApplicationTags();
329      /**
330       * Set tags for the application. A maximum of
331       * {@link YarnConfiguration#APPLICATION_MAX_TAGS} are allowed
332       * per application. Each tag can be at most
333       * {@link YarnConfiguration#APPLICATION_MAX_TAG_LENGTH}
334       * characters, and can contain only ASCII characters.
335       *
336       * @param tags tags to set
337       */
338      @Public
339      @Stable
340      public abstract void setApplicationTags(Set<String> tags);
341    }