Hadoop YARN Change Log Release 0.23.11 - 2014-06-26 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-1053. Diagnostic message from ContainerExitEvent is ignored in ContainerImpl (Omkar Vinit Joshi via jlowe) YARN-1145. Fixed a potential file-handle leak in the web interface for displaying aggregated logs. (Rohith Sharma via jlowe) YARN-1180. Update capacity scheduler docs to include types on the configs (Chen He via jeagles) YARN-1592. CapacityScheduler tries to reserve more than a node's total memory on branch-0.23 (Omkar Vinit Joshi and Thomas Graves via jlowe) YARN-1575. Public localizer crashes with "Localized unkown resource" (jlowe) YARN-500. Fixed YARN webapps to not roll-over ports when explicitly asked to use non-ephemeral ports. (Kenji Kikushima via vinodkv) YARN-1670. aggregated log writer can write more log data then it says is the log length (Mit Desai via jeagles) YARN-1932. Javascript injection on the job status page (Mit Desai via jlowe) YARN-853. maximum-am-resource-percent doesn't work after refreshQueues command (Devaraj K via jlowe) Release 0.23.10 - 2013-12-09 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-985. Nodemanager should log where a resource was localized (Ravi Prakash via jeagles) YARN-707. Add user info in the YARN ClientToken (jlowe) YARN-1119. Add ClusterMetrics checks to tho TestRMNodeTransitions tests (Mit Desai via jeagles) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-949. Failed log aggregation can leave a file open. (Kihwal Lee via jlowe) YARN-1036. Distributed Cache gives inconsistent result if cache files get deleted from task tracker (Mayank Bansal and Ravi Prakash via jlowe) YARN-543. Shared data structures in Public Localizer and Private Localizer are not Thread safe. (Omkar Vinit Joshi and Mit Desai via jlowe) YARN-337. RM handles killed application tracking URL poorly (jlowe) YARN-1101. Active nodes can be decremented below 0 (Robert Parker via tgraves) YARN-1176. RM web services ClusterMetricsInfo total nodes doesn't include unhealthy nodes (Jonathan Eagles via tgraves) YARN-1243. ResourceManager: Error in handling event type NODE_UPDATE to the scheduler - NPE at SchedulerApp.java:411 (Jason Lowe via jeagles) YARN-155. TestAppManager intermittently fails with jdk7 (Thomas Graves via jlowe) YARN-1031. JQuery UI components reference external css in branch-23 (Jonathan Eagles and Jason Lowe via jlowe) YARN-1386. NodeManager mistakenly loses resources and relocalizes them (Jason Lowe via jeagles) YARN-1419. TestFifoScheduler.testAppAttemptMetrics fails intermittently under jdk7 (Jonathan Eagles via jlowe) Release 0.23.9 - 2013-07-08 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-427. Coverage fix for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.api.* (Aleksey Gorshkov via jeagles) YARN-478. fix coverage org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.log (Aleksey Gorshkov via jeagles) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-742. Log aggregation causes a lot of redundant setPermission calls. (jlowe via kihwal) Release 0.23.8 - 2013-06-05 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-548. Add tests for YarnUncaughtExceptionHandler (Vadim Bondarev via jeagles) YARN-169. Update log4j.appender.EventCounter to use org.apache.hadoop.log.metrics.EventCounter (Anthony Rojas via jeagles) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-476. ProcfsBasedProcessTree info message confuses users. (sandyr via tucu) YARN-71. Fix the NodeManager to clean up local-dirs on restart. (Xuan Gong via sseth) YARN-363. Add webapps/proxy directory without which YARN proxy-server fails when started in stand-alone mode. (Kenji Kikushima via vinodkv) YARN-690. RM exits on token cancel/renew problems (daryn via bobby) Release 0.23.7 - 2013-04-18 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-133 Update web services docs for RM clusterMetrics (Ravi Prakash via kihwal) YARN-286. Add a YARN ApplicationClassLoader. (tomwhite) YARN-249. Capacity Scheduler web page should show list of active users per queue like it used to (in 1.x) (Ravi Prakash via tgraves) YARN-236. RM should point tracking URL to RM web page when app fails to start (Jason Lowe via jeagles) YARN-269. Resource Manager not logging the health_check_script result when taking it out (Jason Lowe via kihwal) YARN-227. Application expiration difficult to debug for end-users (Jason Lowe via jeagles) YARN-410. Fixed RM UI so that the new lines diagnostics for a failed app on the per-application page are translated to html line breaks. (Omkar Vinit Joshi via vinodkv) YARN-443. allow OS scheduling priority of NM to be different than the containers it launches (tgraves) YARN-468. coverage fix for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.webproxy.amfilter (Aleksey Gorshkov via bobby) YARN-200. yarn log does not output all needed information, and is in a binary format (Ravi Prakash via jlowe) YARN-525. make CS node-locality-delay refreshable (Thomas Graves via jlowe) OPTIMIZATIONS YARN-357. App submission should not be synchronized (daryn) BUG FIXES YARN-343. Capacity Scheduler maximum-capacity value -1 is invalid (Xuan Gong via tgraves) YARN-364. AggregatedLogDeletionService can take too long to delete logs (jlowe) YARN-29. Add a yarn-client module (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via tgraves) YARN-83. Change package of YarnClient to include apache (Bikas Saha via tgraves) YARN-40. Provide support for missing yarn commands (Devaraj K via tgraves) YARN-355. Fixes a bug where RM app submission could jam under load. (Daryn Sharp via sseth) YARN-150. AppRejectedTransition does not unregister app from master service and scheduler (Bikas Shah via tgraves) YARN-362. Unexpected extra results when using webUI table search (Ravi Prakash via jlowe) YARN-400. RM can return null application resource usage report leading to NPE in client (Jason Lowe via tgraves) YARN-426. Failure to download a public resource prevents further downloads (Jason Lowe via bobby) YARN-376. Fixes a bug which would prevent the NM knowing about completed containers and applications. (Jason Lowe via sseth) YARN-448. Remove unnecessary hflush from log aggregation (Kihwal Lee via bobby) YARN-345. Many InvalidStateTransitonException errors for ApplicationImpl in Node Manager (Robert Parker via jlowe) YARN-109. .tmp file is not deleted for localized archives (Mayank Bansal via bobby) YARN-460. CS user left in list of active users for the queue even when application finished (tgraves) Release 0.23.6 - 2013-02-06 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-285. Added a temporary plugin interface for RM to be able to redirect to JobHistory server for apps that it no longer tracks. Contributed by Derek Dagit. OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-204. test coverage for org.apache.hadoop.tools (Aleksey Gorshkov via bobby) YARN-251. Proxy URI generation fails for blank tracking URIs (Tom White via jlowe) YARN-72. NM should handle cleaning up containers when it shuts down. (Sandy Ryza via tomwhite) YARN-258. RM web page UI shows Invalid Date for start and finish times (Ravi Prakash via jlowe) YARN-266. RM and JHS Web UIs are blank because AppsBlock is not escaping string properly (Ravi Prakash via jlowe) YARN-223. Change processTree interface to work better with native code (Radim Kolar via tgraves) YARN-280. RM does not reject app submission with invalid tokens (Daryn Sharp via tgraves) YARN-225. Proxy Link in RM UI thows NPE in Secure mode (Devaraj K via bobby) YARN-293. Node Manager leaks LocalizerRunner object for every Container (Robert Joseph Evans via jlowe) YARN-50. Implement renewal / cancellation of Delegation Tokens (Siddharth Seth via tgraves) YARN-320. RM should always be able to renew its own tokens. (Daryn Sharp via sseth) YARN-325. RM CapacityScheduler can deadlock when getQueueInfo() is called and a container is completing (Arun C Murthy via tgraves) YARN-334. Maven RAT plugin is not checking all source files (tgraves) YARN-170. NodeManager stop() gets called twice on shutdown (Sandy Ryza via tgraves) YARN-354. WebAppProxyServer exits immediately after startup (Liang Xie via jlowe) Release 0.23.5 - 2012-11-28 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS YARN-138. Ensure default values for minimum/maximum container sizes is sane. (harsh & sseth via acmurthy) YARN-137. Change the default YARN scheduler to be the CapacityScheduler. (sseth via acmurthy) YARN-116. Add the ability to change the RM include/exclude file without a restart. (xieguiming and Harsh J via sseth) YARN-28. Fixed TestCompositeService to not depend on test-order and thus made it pass on JDK7 (Thomas Graves via vinodkv). YARN-161. Fix multiple compiler warnings for unchecked operations in YARN common. (Chris Nauroth via vinodkv) YARN-43. Fix TestResourceTrackerService to not depend on test order and thus pass on JDK7. (Thomas Graves via vinodkv) YARN-32. Fix TestApplicationTokens to not depend on test order and thus pass on JDK7. (vinodkv) YARN-186. Coverage fixing LinuxContainerExecutor (Aleksey Gorshkov via bobby) YARN-216. Remove jquery theming support. (Robert Joseph Evans via jlowe) YARN-80. Add support for delaying rack-local containers in CapacityScheduler. (acmurthy) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-131. Fix incorrect ACL properties in capacity scheduler documentation. (Ahmed Radwan via sseth) YARN-163. Retrieving container log via NM webapp can hang with multibyte characters in log (jlowe via bobby) YARN-102. Move the apache header to the top of the file in MemStore.java. (Devaraj K via sseth) YARN-174. Modify NodeManager to pass the user's configuration even when rebooting. (vinodkv) YARN-177. CapacityScheduler - adding a queue while the RM is running has wacky results (acmurthy vai tgraves) YARN-178. Fix custom ProcessTree instance creation (Radim Kolar via bobby) YARN-180. Capacity scheduler - containers that get reserved create container token to early (acmurthy and bobby) YARN-139. Interrupted Exception within AsyncDispatcher leads to user confusion. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via jlowe) YARN-165. RM should point tracking URL to RM web page for app when AM fails (jlowe via bobby) YARN-159. RM web ui applications page should be sorted to display last app first (tgraves via bobby) YARN-166. capacity scheduler doesn't allow capacity < 1.0 (tgraves via bobby) YARN-189. Fixed a deadlock between RM's ApplicationMasterService and the dispatcher. (Thomas Graves via vinodkv) YARN-202. Log Aggregation generates a storm of fsync() for namenode (Kihwal Lee via bobby) YARN-201. Fix CapacityScheduler to be less conservative for starved off-switch requests. (jlowe via acmurthy) YARN-206. TestApplicationCleanup.testContainerCleanup occasionally fails (jlowe via bobby) YARN-212. NM state machine ignores an APPLICATION_CONTAINER_FINISHED event when it shouldn't (Nathan Roberts via jlowe) YARN-144. MiniMRYarnCluster launches RM and JHS on default ports (Robert Parker via jlowe) YARN-219. NM should aggregate logs when application finishes. (bobby) YARN-188. Coverage fixing for CapacityScheduler (Aleksey Gorshkov via bobby) YARN-214. RMContainerImpl does not handle event EXPIRE at state RUNNING (jeagles via bobby) YARN-151. Browser thinks RM main page JS is taking too long (Ravi Prakash via bobby) Release 0.23.4 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES YARN-108. FSDownload can create cache directories with the wrong permissions (Jason Lowe via bobby) YARN-88. DefaultContainerExecutor can fail to set proper permissions. (Jason Lowe via sseth) YARN-42. Modify NM's non-aggregating logs' handler to stop properly so that NMs don't get NPEs on startup errors. (Devaraj K via vinodkv) YARN-75. Modified ResourceManager's RMContainer to handle a valid RELEASE event at RUNNING state. (Siddharth Seth via vinodkv) YARN-57. Allow process-tree based resource calculation et al. to be pluggable to support it on multiple platforms. (Radim Kolar via acmurthy) YARN-93. Diagnostics missing from applications that have finished but failed (jlowe via bobby) YARN-106. Nodemanager needs to set permissions of local directories (jlowe via bobby) Release 0.23.3 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES NEW FEATURES YARN-1. Promote YARN to be a sub-project of Apache Hadoop. (acmurthy) IMPROVEMENTS BUG FIXES YARN-14. Symlinks to peer distributed cache files no longer work (Jason Lowe via bobby) YARN-25. remove old aggregated logs (Robert Evans via tgraves) YARN-27. Failed refreshQueues due to misconfiguration prevents further refreshing of queues (Arun Murthy via tgraves) MAPREDUCE-4323. NM leaks filesystems (Jason Lowe via jeagles) MAPREDUCE-2374. "Text File Busy" errors launching MR tasks. (Andy Isaacson via atm) YARN-39. RM-NM secret-keys should be randomly generated and rolled every so often. (vinodkv and sseth via sseth) YARN-31. Fix TestDelegationTokenRenewer to not depend on test order so as to pass tests on jdk7. (Thomas Graves via vinodkv) YARN-63. RMNodeImpl is missing valid transitions from the UNHEALTHY state (Jason Lowe via bobby) YARN-66. aggregated logs permissions not set properly (tgraves via bobby) YARN-60. Fixed a bug in ResourceManager which causes all NMs to get NPEs and thus causes all containers to be rejected. (vinodkv) YARN-68. NodeManager will refuse to shutdown indefinitely due to container log aggregation (daryn via bobby) YARN-87. NM ResourceLocalizationService does not set permissions of local cache directories (Jason Lowe via tgraves)